
2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

To share information about your own celebrations, please click on the ADD A NEW EVENT button below.


The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage - 27 October - is key initiative for both UNESCO and the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) to honour audiovisual preservation professionals and institutions that safeguard our heritage for future generations. Around the world audiovisual archives join together annually on this day to celebrate their work with events that not only highlight the vulnerability of these valuable materials, but also to celebrate the often, unheralded work of the institutions that provide protection and preservation, ensuring their availability in the future.

Audiovisual materials can tell your story, your truth, and your presence. They provide a window to the world, allowing us to observe events we cannot attend, hear voices from the past who can no longer speak, and craft stories that inform and entertain. By listening to recorded sounds and looking at images captured on film and video we can not only appreciate the richness of this culture but also learn from it. 

This year on the 27 October we celebrate both the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage and the 30th anniversary of the Memory of the World Programme establish by UNESCO in 1992, together it allows us to honour our history and safeguard our heritage.

Please join us by posting your events on this dedicated webpage to allow us to share in the wealth of stories and content from around the world. 

Mary Egan, Chair of the CCAAA

Download, use, and share this year's poster:

Should you require one of the 2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage posters in another file format, or in another language, please contact info@ccaaa.org and we will try to help you.

Download, use, and share the promotional video:

You can download and share the World Day video by going to this dedicated page on the CCAAA website. You can also access it on YouTube.


Share the news of your World Day celebrations:

The nine associations forming the CCAAA (AMIA, ARSC, FIAF, FIAT-IFTA, FOCAL International, IASA, ICA, SEAPAVAA, IFLA) strongly encourage all their members (and any other institutions) not only to join in the global celebrations of the 2022 World Day on and around 27 October, but also to share the information about their particular events, by clicking on "ADD AN EVENT" below and filling in the quick-and-easy form. Your descriptive text can be in the language of your choice (or even better... in several languages), but we ask you to limit it to 500 words max. You can also attach one image per event. Please fill in and submit one form per event. Your contributions will be automatically added to the list of Word day events at the bottom of this page (the latest added event will appear at the top of the list).

NEW: You can now visualize all events of this year's World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on a dedicated world map. You can also visualize all the notices ever posted about events celebrating the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on the CCAAA website since the 2016 edition, on this webpage.

Happy 2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage !

2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

To share information about your own celebrations, please click on the ADD A NEW EVENT button below.


The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage - 27 October - is key initiative for both UNESCO and the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) to honour audiovisual preservation professionals and institutions that safeguard our heritage for future generations. Around the world audiovisual archives join together annually on this day to celebrate their work with events that not only highlight the vulnerability of these valuable materials, but also to celebrate the often, unheralded work of the institutions that provide protection and preservation, ensuring their availability in the future.

Audiovisual materials can tell your story, your truth, and your presence. They provide a window to the world, allowing us to observe events we cannot attend, hear voices from the past who can no longer speak, and craft stories that inform and entertain. By listening to recorded sounds and looking at images captured on film and video we can not only appreciate the richness of this culture but also learn from it. 

This year on the 27 October we celebrate both the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage and the 30th anniversary of the Memory of the World Programme establish by UNESCO in 1992, together it allows us to honour our history and safeguard our heritage.

Please join us by posting your events on this dedicated webpage to allow us to share in the wealth of stories and content from around the world. 

Mary Egan, Chair of the CCAAA

Download, use, and share this year's poster:

Should you require one of the 2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage posters in another file format, or in another language, please contact info@ccaaa.org and we will try to help you.

Download, use, and share the promotional video:

You can download and share the World Day video by going to this dedicated page on the CCAAA website. You can also access it on YouTube.


Share the news of your World Day celebrations:

The nine associations forming the CCAAA (AMIA, ARSC, FIAF, FIAT-IFTA, FOCAL International, IASA, ICA, SEAPAVAA, IFLA) strongly encourage all their members (and any other institutions) not only to join in the global celebrations of the 2022 World Day on and around 27 October, but also to share the information about their particular events, by clicking on "ADD AN EVENT" below and filling in the quick-and-easy form. Your descriptive text can be in the language of your choice (or even better... in several languages), but we ask you to limit it to 500 words max. You can also attach one image per event. Please fill in and submit one form per event. Your contributions will be automatically added to the list of Word day events at the bottom of this page (the latest added event will appear at the top of the list).

NEW: You can now visualize all events of this year's World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on a dedicated world map. You can also visualize all the notices ever posted about events celebrating the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on the CCAAA website since the 2016 edition, on this webpage.

Happy 2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage !

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Cinemateca de Bogotá - Gerencia de Artes Audiovisuales del Idartes(affiliated to FIAF
Día mundial del patrimonio audiovisual y 30 años de Memoria del Mundo
05 November 2022
Carrera 3 No. 19 - 10
Bogotá D.C

La Cinemateca de Bogotá - Gerencia de Artes Audiovisuales del Idartes en conjunto con la Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano, la Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia y la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango del Banco de la República se unen a la celebración del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual 2022, año en el cual se celebra además el 30º aniversario del Programa Memoria del Mundo bajo el lema "Tu Ventana al Mundo: Inscribir el patrimonio documental para promover sociedades inclusivas, justas y pacíficas".

Hemos querido resaltar el trabajo que han venido realizando las instituciones de memoria en Colombia, en especial aquellas que han incorporado al Registro de “Memoria del Mundo” de la UNESCO en América Latina y El Caribe parte del patrimonio documental colombiano, así presentaremos el Fondo Gráfico de la Comisión Corográfica y el Fondo José Celestino Mutis (1732 a 1808), fondos disponibles en la Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia, la Colección documental de Radio Sutatenza y Acción Cultural Popular (ACPO) disponible en la Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, y el Archivo Histórico Cinematográfico de los Acevedo (1915-1955), preservado y restaurado por la Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano. En el contexto del Patrimonio Audiovisual Colombiano (PAC), la Cinemateca de Bogotá - Gerencia de Artes Audiovisuales del Idartes presentará la Colección Fílmica Nacional de la Cinemateca de Bogotá, dando a conocer el tipo de obras que la comprenden, así como los procesos de conservación, restauración, preservación y acceso realizados desde su línea Archivo Vivo y Memoria.

Cronograma actividades:

Colección documental Radio Sutatenza y Acción Cultural Popular (ACPO) / Archivo Histórico Cinematográfico de los Acevedo (1915-1955). Presentación a cargo de Zuly Adriana Zabala León, curadora de la colección de CyT, profesional en investigación y referencia CyT de la Red de Bibliotecas del Banco de la República y Rito Alberto Torres, subdirector técnico de la Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano.

Hora: 2:00pm
Lugar: Sala 3 - Cinemateca de Bogotá

Fondo Gráfico de la Comisión Corográfica y el Fondo José Celestino Mutis (1732 a 1808) / Colección Fílmica Nacional de la Cinemateca de Bogotá. Presentación a cargo de Nayibe Andrea Ruiz coordinadora grupo de colecciones y servicios de la Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia y Henry Caicedo Caicedo coordinador línea misional archivo vivo y memoria de la Cinemateca de Bogotá - Gerencia de Artes Audiovisuales del Idartes.

Hora: 5:00pm
Lugar: Sala 3 - Cinemateca de Bogotá

<English brief>

We want to highlight the work that memory institutions in Colombia have been doing, especially those that have incorporated part of the Colombian documentary heritage into UNESCO's Memory of the World Register in Latin America and the Caribbean. We will present the Graphic Fund of the Comisión Corográfica and the José Celestino Mutis Fund (1732 to 1808), available at the National Library of Colombia, the documentary collection of Radio Sutatenza and Acción Cultural Popular (ACPO) available at the Luis Ángel Arango Library, and the Acevedo Film Archive (1915-1955), preserved by the Colombian Film Heritage Foundation. In the context of the Colombian Audiovisual Heritage (PAC), the Cinemateca de Bogotá will present its National Film Collection.


Filmoteca PUCP(affiliated to FIAF
Restored Peruvian Heritage Cycle | Ciclo Patrimonio Peruano Restaurado
26-28 October 2022
Av. Camino Real 1075, San Isidro.

From October 26 to 28, Filmoteca PUCP and CCPUCP organize the cycle "Peruvian Heritage Restored" that brings together a selection of 7 restored Peruvian films, within the framework of the World Day of Audiovisual Heritage. The restored movies to be shown consist of:

1. "EL VIENTO DEL AYAHUASCA" | Directed by Nora de Izcue | Screening date: Wednesday, October 26 at 6 p.m.

2. "NI CON DIOS NI CON EL DIABLO" | Directed by Nilo Pereira del Mar | Screening date: Wednesday, October 26 at 8 p.m.

3. "MALABRIGO" | Directed by Alberto "Chicho" Durant | Screening date: Thursday, October 27 at 6 p.m.

4. "PROFESSION: DETECTIVE" | Directed by José Carlos Huayhuaca | Screening date: Thursday, October 27 at 8 p.m.

5. "MISS UNIVERSE IN PERU" | Directed by Grupo Chaski | Screening date: Friday, October 28 at 6 p.m.

6. "CAMINOS DE LIBERACIÓN" | Directed by Alejandro Legaspi and Susana Pastor | Screening date: Friday, October 28 at 6 p.m.

7. "SEPA: NUESTRO SEÑOR DE LOS MILAGROS" | Directed by Walter Saxer| Screening Date: Friday, October 28 at 8 p.m.

Tavolo permanente per le fonti orali
Un anno di Vademecum per il trattamento delle fonti orali Risultati, criticità, orizzonti di sviluppo
27 October 2022
Istituto centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione, Via di San Michele 18

One year after the public presentation of the "Vademecum per il trattamento delle fonti orali” (Vademecum for the management of oral resources), the Italian Permanent Working Group for Oral Resources (https://sites.google.com/view/tavolopermanenteperlefontioral/home?authuser=0) organizes a new interdisciplinary workshop gathering archivists, scholars and other professionals working with oral resources from different perspectives. The workshop provides the opportunity to present a selection of current projects and discuss future extensions of the Vademecum, fostering the interdisciplinary dialogue that has fed the activities of the Working Group until now.

Tavolo permanente per le fonti orali
Un anno di 'Vademecum per il trattamento delle fonti orali'. Risultati, criticità, orizzonti di sviluppo
27 October 2022
Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione, via di San Michele 18

One year after the public presentation of the "Vademecum per il trattamento delle fonti orali” (Vademecum for the management of oral resources), the Italian Permanent Working Group for Oral Resources (https://sites.google.com/view/tavolopermanenteperlefontioral/home?authuser=0) organizes a new interdisciplinary workshop gathering archivists, scholars and other professionals working with oral resources from different perspectives. The workshop provides the opportunity to present a selection of current projects and discuss future extensions of the Vademecum, fostering the interdisciplinary dialogue that has fed the activities of the Working Group until now.

Archives départementales et patrimoine de l'Hérault
Il était une fois le GAB (1977-2022)
27 October 2022 - 27 October 2023

Les Archives départementales de l'Hérault (Montpellier, France) vous présentent le fonds audiovisuel du GAB qui montre 30 ans de vie sociale, économique, culturelle et politique filmée autour de Béziers.  

Le Groupe Audiovisuel du Biterrois est une association fondée en 1977 à Béziers par des militants de l’éducation populaire utilisant la photographie comme vecteur de lien social. A partir de 1983, le GAB va se tourner vers l’outil vidéo mais toujours au profit de la communication sociale et de l’accès à l’information pour tous. Toutes les vidéos produites par le GAB entre 1977 et 2004 sont en ligne sur le site internet des Archives départementales.

Plus d’infos : https://pierresvives.herault.fr/actualite/126426/177-mise-en-ligne-des-fonds-du-gab.htm



Sociedad por el Patrimonio Audiovisual
Ventanas de Latinoamérica
27 October 2022

En conmemoración del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual exhibimos el trabajo que realizan estudiantes de la DiPRA (Diplomatura en Preservación y Restauración Audiovisual) bajo la consigna «Ventanas de Latinoamérica» siguiendo el lema de este año propuesto por UNESCO y el Consejo Coordinador de Asociaciones de Archivos Audiovisuales (CCAAA) para este día: «Su ventana al mundo».

Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute(affiliated to FIAF, SEAPAVAA
TFAI - 2022 World Day forAudiovisual Heritage Events
27-29 October 2022
No. 2, Wenyi Rd., Xinzhuang Dist.,
New Taipei City

Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute (TFAI) is dedicated to the preservation and restoration of Taiwan’s film heritage. During its 2022 WDAH event series, it will hold a variety of free film screenings and events that are open to the public.

On October 27, an opening ceremony and brief showcase of TFAI’s restoration achievements will kick off the event series. Theatrical screenings of three restored films, A Fei (1983), The Wandering of Three Siblings (1963), and Blade Runner (1982), as well as one open-air screening of classic Taiwanese-language film Tarzan and the Treasure (1965), will run on TFAI’s premises.

On October 28, another outdoor screening of the restored war film Eight Hundred Heroes (1976) will take place in Kaohsiung City of southern Taiwan in collaboration with Kaohsiung Film Archive. On October 29, an auction of rare vintage film posters donated by famed writer and television host, Mr. Kevin Tsai, will conclude this rich and meaningful event series that sheds spotlight on Taiwan’s film legacy and national memory.

Beykoz Kundura
30 October 2022

Beykoz Kundura, with a history that dates back to early 1800’s and has since become a notable industrial heritage of Turkey, continues its annual celebration of 27 October UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (WDAH) with a special screening. You can watch the silent film selection The First Nasty Women of Cinema, which remembers the amazing and ground-breaking performances by some of the early women comedians out of the history of film on 30 October Sunday at Kundura Cinema, free of charge.

Cinema’s Nasty Women

Kundura Cinema’s silent film program from last year, Cinema’s Nasty Women, which drew great attention continues with part two. The program, named after Donald Trump’s speech where he called his rival Hillary Clinton “a nasty woman” as an insult at the 2016 Presidential Debate and which suddenly became a global feminist movement’s slogan, gives a shout out to the women comedians who refused to be defined by the concept morality and gender roles, and who had no regard for the rules. The part two of the program, which is a homage to once famous women comedy actors whose names have since been forgotten, brings together a special collection of silent short films from USA, France and Italy made between the years 1899-1914. Curated by the Silent Cinema curator of the EYE Filmmuseum Elif Rongen-Kaynakcı; film scholar, writer, feminist and queer activist Laura Horak; and film and media writer Maggie Hennefeld, the program will screen 6 short films for the first time in Turkey and pianist, musician and producer Gonca Feride Varol will accompany the screenings with her live performance.

GONCA FERIDE VAROL Born in Istanbul in 1986, Gonca Varol started playing piano at the age of 7. During high school and university, she played keyboard in various rock, blues and pop bands and took Jazz Harmony and Jazz Piano lessons from Baki Duyarlar and Burak Bedikyan. She played at jazz clubs, bars, notable music festivals and on TV shows. She released her meditative album “Renew Your Mind” in 2020. She accompanied the films Shoes (Lois Weber, 1916) and Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (Walter Ruttmann, 1927) at Kundura Cinema’s silent film screenings; as well as “East is West” at A Summer Night’s festival with her piano. Varol still works as a music producer at Snapmuse Music Production company and is involved in music creation as an arranger, vocalist, songwriter, lyricist, pianist and keyboard player.


US, 1907, 6’40”

UK, 1903, 4’

France, 1911, 4’48”

France, 1911, 4,5’

US, 1914, 10’

Italy, 1913, 6’

Madame fait du sport (Madame is Athletic)
France, 1908, 10’

The Red Girl and the Child
US, 1910, 17’


Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Radio y Televisión UASLP.(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA
Programa Radiofónico "Tu ventana al mundo"
27 October 2022

Celebramos el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual con un programa especial donde reflexionaremos sobre el valor de los materiales audiovisuales y su relevancia histórica.

Tendremos como invitado especial a Pável Granados, Director General de la FONOTECA NACIONAL DE MÉXICO. Conduce: Ubaldo Candia Reyna, Responsable del Centro de Documentación Audiovisual de Radio y Televisión Universitaria.

Escúchalo este jueves 27 de octubre a las 13:00 horas, por el

Moving Image Research Collections MIRC @ The University of South Carolina(affiliated to AMIA, FIAF
Maybe Next Week Sometime we can save documentary films, a Southern music heritage film for YouTube
27 October 2022

To celebrate the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, Moving Image Research Collections (MIRC) at the University of South Carolina is publishing on its YouTube channel , Maybe Next Week Sometime by David Boatwright, a documentary film from 1975. This film traces the roots of music created among African American communities in South Carolina in the 1970s. It examines black roots music as it existed in the rural South of the United States, and includes music ranging from folk and rock to spirituals and the ceremonial music of the Yoruba people of South Carolina. Produced by the South Carolina Arts Commission, a public arts organisation that toured artist-made films in the Southeastern United States in order to make them more visible to the local population, this documentary has survived in what seems to be a unique copy, unfortunately displaying some color fading, conserved by MIRC. We are happy to present this film to the largest audience possible, and join UNESCO and the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) in celebrating documentary heritage as promoting just, inclusive, and peaceful societies.

National Archives of Singapore(affiliated to AMIA, FIAT-IFTA, IASA, ICA, IFLA, SEAPAVAA
Archives Unlocked: 那些年,我们一起追的节目2 Broadcasting in Singapore – Stories from the Television Archives Since the 1990s
31 October 2022

Archives Unlocked: 那些年,我们一起追的节目2

Broadcasting in Singapore – Stories from the Television Archives Since the 1990s



The Singapore media landscape has undergone various transformations since the mid-1990s.

Join Dr Phang Lai Tee for her second talk on Singapore’s broadcasting history, as told from the audiovisual archives in the National Archives. The talk in Mandarin will trace the transition of broadcasting in Singapore from a government function to a privatised service, and the impact of the media liberalisation in the early 2000s. Programme will be conducted in Mandarin.


Mon, 31 Oct 2022 

6 pm – 7 pm

Via Zoom

Register now via https://www.eventbrite.sg/e/archives-unlocked-broadcasting-in-sg-stories-from-tv-archives-since-1990s-tickets-407295029397


About the Speaker


 Dr Phang Lai Tee is the Senior Deputy Director of the National Archives of Singapore. She oversees the collection, preservation and provision of access to the audiovisual archives and oral history collection. An avid radio listener during her school years, she views her archival work as an ideal profession.

 About Archives Unlocked

Curious about what goes on in the National Archives of Singapore? Join us for this monthly series of talks, as we unlock stories of our nation through the archives’ collections.

Swiss audiovisual heritage | MEMORIAV (affiliated to FIAF, IASA
Audiovisual heritage events in Switzerland
24 October - 05 November 2022

In Switzerland, Memoriav federates cultural institutions by inviting them to participate in the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.
Placed under the label "Do you remember?", the events that highlight the audiovisual heritage in all its forms are announced on a unique website. Don't miss the opportunity to learn more about audiovisual documents and the challenges of preserving them in all regions of Switzerland!

Europeana and EUscreen
Preserve and reuse: training to celebrate the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
27 October 2022

To celebrate the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (WDAH), Europeana Subtitled partners Europeana and EUscreen are partnering with UNESCO Netherlands Commission to bring you a half day showcase of current developments in preserving and making available and accessible audiovisual heritage. This will be combined with hands-on training on machine translation and automatic speech recognition to help you put what you learn into practice. Suitable for people working in or with audiovisual heritage institutions and/or working with audiovisual heritage (for example researchers, creatives, wikimedians, volunteers at local archives) this three hour event is online, free and open to all.

See the draft programme below, and secure your place.

The online event programme is as follows:

10:00 Welcome word UNESCO: the importance of audiovisual heritage for inclusive, just and peaceful societies
10:10 Aggregation of Audiovisual Content in Europe by Berber Hagedoorn, EUscreen
10:30 Showcase of recent Audiovisual preservation projects: Europeana WEAVE, Europeana Crafted
11:00 AV training, a Dutch perspective by Nienke van Schaverbeeke, AVA_net
11:15 Short Break: video showcases of UNESCO Memory of the World projects
11:30 Workshop Increasing inclusiveness of AV content with Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Machine Translation (MT) by Europeana Subtitled11:30 - 11:50 The Black Box of ASR and MT unravelled
11:55 - 12:15 Determining the needed amount and eligibility of audiovisual content for ASR and MT
12:20 - 12:50 How to involve communities and experts in improving ASR and MT generated subtitles: hands-on workshop
12:50 Closing remarks
13:00 End

Posted by:
June Pok
National Archives of Singapore(affiliated to AMIA, FIAT-IFTA, IASA, ICA, IFLA, SEAPAVAA
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage Social Media Post
27 October 2022

Eighty years ago, Mr. R.A. Waddle, the maker of a home movie, hid his film in the organ pipes at St. Andrew’s Cathedral when the lives of his family were threatened by the then-impending war. This move ultimately saved the home movie, and allows us to see not only the dynamic, private lives of the Waddle family and their friends, but also local landmarks and festivities in a pre-WWII era (1931-1942).

Marking the importance of safeguarding and preserving moving images, 27 October has been designated as the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage since 2005. Ranging from television broadcasts to home movies, audiovisual materials allow us to peer into lived realities that are different from ours. Since the camera was introduced to Singapore in the early 20th century, our landscapes have shifted drastically. In a rapidly changing environment, audiovisual materials serve as a valuable resource that grounds us to a collective memory.

Posted by:
June Pok
National Archives of Singapore(affiliated to AMIA, FIAT-IFTA, IASA, ICA, IFLA, SEAPAVAA
Who Says Archives are Boring? The National Archives of Singapore Speaks the Language of Children
04-06 October 2022
Cape Town
Cape Town
South Africa

Assistant Audiovisual Archivist June Pok and Assistant Conservator Cassandra Tang co-presented at the FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2022 held from 4 to 6 October 2022. Titled "Who Says Archives are Boring? The National Archives of Singapore Speaks the Language of Children", the speakers described NAS outreach efforts and revealed how NAS strives to teach the public about Singapore's heritage and history through fun and interesting means. The speakers also discussed how the NAS overcame challenges related to COVID-19 restrictions to bring their signature children's programme into homes during the height of the pandemic, as well as how conservators quickly shfited back to in-person programmes once safe distancing measures were eased in 2021.

National Archives of Singapore(affiliated to AMIA, FIAT-IFTA, IASA, ICA, IFLA, SEAPAVAA
Stories of Yesteryear: Sands of Time
27 October - 17 November 2022

Explore Singapore’s history through paper documents, oral history interviews, and audiovisual recordings from the collections of the National Library and the National Archives of Singapore.

Posted by:
Mildred Achoch
ROFFEKE (Rock 'n' Roll Film Festival, Kenya)
ROFFEKE World Day for Audio Visual Heritage 2022
26 October - 30 November 2022

The theme of the ROFFEKE World Day for Audio Visual Heritage 2022 playlist is inspired by the title of one of the ROFFEKE Official Selection 2022 short films, "Crossing Borders". All the short films in the playlist cross borders in one way or another.

The short film "Crossing Borders" was directed by Chris Wilson and stars the talented Aphiwe Nqevu playing the role of Bhongo Mhlope. "Bhongo Mhlope, A South African immigration agent is on the hunt for a Zimbabwean foreign national who has been scheduled for deportation."

"Thou Shalt Dance" was directed by Abtin Yaghmaian, an animation director based in Tehran. The protagonist crosses the border between normal and abnormal: "In a normal day a normal man finds an abnormal solution for his problem."

Read "Crossing Borders: Finding Lulu and Cuando Haces Pop" and "Crossing Borders: Forgotten Song and Maldita: A Love Song to Sarajevo" on the ROFFEKE blog.

The mission of ROFFEKE is to promote rock music in Kenya via film by dispelling myths and misconceptions about rock music. The motto of ROFFEKE is "Friendship, Fun, Freedom". The purpose of ROFFEKE is to "Lighten the burden".

Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano(affiliated to FIAF
25-28 October 2022
Cinemateca de Bogotá Cra. 3 #19-10

La Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano conmemora cien años del estreno de la película ‘María’, dirigida por Máximo Calvo Olmedo y Alfredo del Diestro, basada en la novela del escritor caleño, Jorge Isaacs (1837-1895), es considerada la primera obra audiovisual de largometraje argumental del cine colombiano. Este homenaje se encuentra enmarcado en el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual, una iniciativa de la UNESCO y el CCAAA (Consejo Coordinador de Asociaciones de Archivos Audiovisuales).

Lichtspiel / Kinemathek Bern(affiliated to FIAF
Sous le signe du ciné-club 9.5mm de Berne
28 October 2022
Sandrainstrasse 3
3007 Berne

À partir de la riche production du ciné-club, nous présentons une sélection de nos films préférés qui ont récemment été restaurés. Celui-ci a existé de 1953 à 2009 et tenu sa plus grande projection au cinéma Elite de Köniz devant plus de 300 spectateur·rice·s. Pendant longtemps, il a été hébergé au quartier Matte à Berne, puis chez son membre Alex Weber à Bienne, d'où les films, appareils et documents papier ont ensuite trouvé le chemin du Lichtspiel en 2015.
L’activité principale du club consistait en des projections de films, où l’on pouvait admirer des productions propres aux côtés de films professionnels achetés à la Cinémathèque Pathé-Baby. Alex Weber a pris soin des films et appareils avec amour, ce qui nous permet aujourd'hui de projeter ces œuvres, dont certaines à partir de supports centenaires.


Posted by:
Cinema Union (by Arhiva Nationala de Filme)(affiliated to FIAF
Paradisul naivilor
27 October 2022
Campineanu 21 Street

An afternoon screening of THE PARADISE OF THE NAIVES, a film that attempts to reveal the mysterious ways in which art can lead to existential salvation. Incurable diseases, war, physical disabilities and lack of freedom can all be overcome by paying the necessary price. The characters find their own way of salvation through creation and giving the beauty of their art to an uncaring world with the intention of purifying it.


FIAT/IFTA(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA
Open Call for Researcher | Audiovisual Research Alliance & FIAT/IFTA Value, Use & Copyright Commission
27 October - 25 November 2022

On the occasion of World Day for AV Heritage 2022, the Audiovisual Research Alliance, in collaboration with the FIAT/IFTA Value, Use and Copyright Commission, is pleased to announce an open call for a new research commission. This temporary research position focuses on how cultural heritage institutions with audiovisual and audio collections move from common search interfaces to using and offering exploration as an expanded approach in their collection interfaces for surfacing content. This research also explores how these expanded approaches interact with storytelling and information visualisation.

The position commences on January 16, 2023, with a final text due May 22, 2023. As part of the research process, the selected researcher will develop and run a working session (online) with FIAT/IFTA’s VUC in early February 2023 to test initial thoughts and receive input/feedback from the FIAT/IFTA community. Additionally, the selected candidate will present the research (online or in person) at the FIAT/IFTA 2023 international conference in Locarno, Switzerland, in autumn 2023.

This research position includes a fee of 5.000 EUR (excl. VAT).

Researchers can be located anywhere, as the position is offered remotely, but will require flexibility in online meeting timing as the AVRA is located in the Netherlands and the peer support team will likely exist across different time zones.

To apply, please submit your CV, cover letter, and research writing samples to AVRA coordinator Rachel Somers Miles at: avresearchalliance@beeldengeluid.nl by November 25, 2022, @ 17.00 CET.

Historical Archives of the European Union
Launch of the Multimedia Platform
25 October 2022 - 30 November -0001

The Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU) holds tens of thousands of audio-visual items in its collections, comprising photographs, maps, posters, audio-recordings, videos, and more.  

On 26 October, anticipating the observance of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on 27 October, the HAEU launched the beta version of its multimedia portal, an optimised platform for the consultation and visualisation of audio-visual materials. The new platform allows users to search the audio-visual holdings, view the result in a user-friendly display, access the archival metadata of each item, and visit the associated archival record for complete information on context and provenance.

Dieter Schlenker, Director of the Historical Archives of the European Union, said “We are very happy to launch the new multimedia platform this week. Archivists and historians have long concentrated on written documents, using audio-visual elements more for illustration than as content to study critically on its own merits. But, as with popular culture in general, the research community is now more visual than ever. We are glad to offer our research community an effective tool that maximises their ability to consult and include our audio-visual holdings in their research on European integration.”

The project is the result of months of collaborative work between the audio-visual archivist and the HAEU’s ICT support team.

Juan Alonso, the HAEU’s audio-visual archivist, explained “The new multimedia portal is more intuitive for users, and provides an environment adapted to the particularities of audio and visual files. In addition, each item remains linked to its original archival file or dossier, thus respecting the principle of provenance. The portal permits a richer and more objective interpretation of the item.”  

At present, the multimedia portal makes available only part of the HAEU’s audio-visual collections. The number of items available on the platform will increase as additional items are digitised.

A future upgrade of the platform will also allow for the display of archival exhibits using multimedia materials.

Search the new multimedia portal here.

The Northeast India AV Archive, St. Anthony's College
Postcards From The past
27 October 2022
Bomfyle Road

The Northeast India Audiovisual Archive, presents 'Postcards from the Past', an exhibition of handpicked antique postcards of the Khasi and Jaintia Hills, printed during the twentieth century. The collection of postcards displayed reflect perfectly the theme of this year's World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, 'Your Window to the World'.

Postcards carry a narrative of a time and a world that we wish to understand more deeply: of the cultures that were practised then, the lives of people and communities, and the genius and potential that they possessed then. Like all preserved audiovisual material, they are a storehouse of inestimable amounts of information that prove to be most advantageous to the study of history and culture, literature, and to the entire order of learning and academics, now and in the future.

The postcards displayed today are copies of their original, for reasons of safeguarding and preservation.

Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
13 July 2022 - 07 July 2023

El Archivo General de la Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH) de Elche ha organizado y diseñado una exposición de documentos textuales y gráficos con motivo del 25 aniversario de la creación de la Universidad.

La muestra aborda 4 grandes áreas: Universidad, Estudios, Investigación y Sociedad. La selección de los documentos que la integran, unos 260 para la versión física y unos 880 para la versión virtual, se ha realizado con el objetivo de reflejar lo más fielmente posible los hitos, funciones y actividades principales que se han ido desarrollando durante este cuarto de siglo.

La acción está acompañada de un programa de difusión en redes sociales, entre los que destaca la campaña "Ración semanal de la http://expo25.umh.es" a través de la cuenta de twitter @ArchivoUmh, acompañando el hashtag #25AniversarioUMH.

Eye Filmmuseum(affiliated to FIAF
Unique films for free streaming on the Eye Film Player
27 October 2022 - 26 October 2023

In celebration of 2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, starting from Oct. 27th, four gems from the Eye archival collection will be released on the Eye Film Player: [https://player.eyefilm.nl/en/home]
- Fior di Male (IT, Carmine Gallone, 1915) starring Lyda Borelli, as part of a larger compilation program from the Desmet Collection called 'Cinema Fashionista'. Score composed by Cellophon.
- The Floor Below (US, Clarence G. Badger, 1918) starring Mabel Normand. With new score by Daan van den Hurk.
- Love and the Devil (US, Alexander Korda, 1929) starring Maria Corda and Milton Sills. With new score by Daan van den Hurk and Frank van der Star.
- The Forbidden Quest (NL, Peter Delpeut, 1993) a found-footage mockumentary by Eye Filmmuseum's former artistic director Peter Delpeut.
The films are subtitled in English and can be watched free of charge around the world for indefinite time, starting on Oct. 27th, 2022.

Eye Filmmuseum(affiliated to FIAF
Screening of JUST AROUND THE CORNER with live music
28 October 2022
Ijpromenade 1
The Netherlands

As an on-site event to celebrate the 2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, Eye Filmmuseum will screen the recently discovered and reconstructed version of Just Around the Corner (US, 1921) written and directed by Frances Marion on Oct. 28th. With live accompaniment by Martin de Ruiter, and introduction by Elif Rongen-Kaynakci. The only two incomplete prints of this film are found at Eye and at the Library of Congress. The reconstruction is the result of a collaboration between the two institutes.

ICA(affiliated to ICA
Webinar – Beyond Theory: Joan Boadas in conversation with David Iglésias
26 October 2022

ICA, in collaboration with its Photographic and Audiovisual Archives Working Group (PAAG), will take part in the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage celebrations with a webinar on Wednesday 26 October at 17.00 CET. This webinar is part of the Beyond Theory interview series presented by PAAG, the main goal of which is to interview highly experienced and recognised professionals dealing with different aspects in the audio-visual and photographic field.

The webinar will be a conversation between David Iglésias, PAAG’s Chair and ICA Representative in the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA), and Joan Boadas, recently awarded the distinction of ICA Fellow, about photographic archives and the role of the ICA community in advancing the debate around the safeguard of this priceless heritage.

Join us on this day to talk about the stories, truths, and windows that audiovisual archives allow us to explore!

Watch this webinar on our social media channels: ICA Facebook, ICA LinkedIn or the ICA YouTube channel.

This virtual session will be delivered in Spanish. Interpretation into other languages will not be provided. 

Fukuoka City Public Library Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF
Asian Film Screenings and Archive Tour
10-29 October 2022
3-7-1 Momochihama Sawara-ku

As part of our celebrations of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, we will organize a “backyard” tour of the Archive on October 29th to widely introduce our continued activities to archive and preserve films. Especially this month, we cooperate with the Asian Film Joint 2022 project, and in their program, “Archiving Time” (Dir. Yuan-Chi Lu, Taiwan, 2019), a documentary about the Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute, will be exhibited in our cinema hall. In addition, earlier this month we presented a screening program “Asian Cinema Anthology”. It featured the award-winning Asian films at the Focus on Asia Fukuoka International Film Festival which are in our archived collection. We also held a talk event by inviting Mr. Yasuhiro Hariki, a former director of the Festival.

FDCP-Philippine Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF, ICA, SEAPAVAA
Audiovisual Archiving, Pre-internet: The Adventures and Misadventures of a film Detective
27 October 2022
855 T. M. Kalaw Street, Ermita

Have a conversation with the country’s film industry leaders and archivists this World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (WDAH)!
The Film Development Council of the Philippines’ Philippine Film Archive (PFA) and the Society of Filipino Archivists for Film (SOFIA) present “From the Archive: SOFIA Talks” featuring special guests respected film historian and archivist Teddy Co, Ricky Orellana of MOWELFUND, Jeffrey Sonora of FPJ Archives, Julie Nealega of Probe Archives, and Don Arawan of the PFA, to be hosted by Minda Casagan and Ronald Rios and moderated by Rose Roque and Mon Garilao of SOFIA.
Join us this October 27 at Cinematheque Centre Manila for an insightful discussion on our film heritage. Admission is free. Register here to join us: https://bit.ly/PreRegistrationForUnesco
Initiated by the UNESCO, the WDAH is celebrated every October 27 worldwide to raise awareness of the significance and preservation risks of recorded sound and audiovisual documents.
Stay tuned at PFA’s Facebook for further updates on WDAH!
#PhilippineFilmArchive #MOWELFUND #FPJArchives #PROBEArchives #SOFIA #LongLivePHAVHeritage

FDCP-Philippine Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF, SEAPAVAA
27-29 October 2022
855 T.M. Kalaw Street, Ermita

The Film Development Council of the Philippines’ Philippine Film Archive (PFA) is showcasing six films from Asia for World Day for Audiovisual Heritage at Cinematheque Centre Manila from October 27 to 29!
Admission is free. Register here to join: https://bit.ly/PreRegistrationForUnesco
See you there!
#PhilippineFilmArchive #FDCPCinematheque

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Filmoteca PUCP(affiliated to FIAF
Presentation: Audiovisual preservation projects in Peru
26 October 2022
Av. Javier Prado Este 2465, San Borja | Sala Armando Robles Godoy (Ministerio de Cultura)

In the framework of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the Direction of Audiovisual, Phonography and New Media (DAFO), organizes the presentation: "Audiovisual Preservation Projects in Peru", where Carlos Chavez, general coordinator of the Film Library of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (Filmoteca PUCP), will share the progress of the project "200 Peruvian newscasts of the years 50 and 60 that were only exhibited at the cinema", which were broadcast as an anteroom of the cinematographic functions in cinemas throughout the country and contained information on diverse subjects such as political, social, cultural, economic, sports, among others, both local and international.

People will learn about the experience of the representative project that is carrying out actions for the recovery and preservation of material from the Peruvian audiovisual heritage.

At the picture you can see the members of Filmoteca PUCP (Guivicsa Baldeón, María Ruiz, Jasmin Huallpa and Fiorelly Sovero) in the process of reviewing the film material of the Peruvian Newscasts.

National Archives of Australia(affiliated to AMIA, FIAF, FIAT-IFTA, IASA, ICA, SEAPAVAA
Showcases from our Digitisation Program
27 October - 03 November 2022

The National Archives of Australia has been digitally preserving it's audiovisual collection for over 10 years, but with a large collection of over 700,000 analogue items, this work has recently scaled up in a race against time. The Defend the Past, Protect the Future program aims to digitise 270,000 selected at-risk formats over a four year period and includes all formats. To showcase the rich audiovisual collection recorded by Australian government agencies over the last 80 years we have created three short films, each from a different digitised format, ilustrating the fascinating stories that Archives hold. Film maker Johh Hughes, Early Works, takes us on a deep dive into Antarctic data films, inner city housing development and Australia's past weapons testing and it's effects on local Indigenous communities. These films will be shared via social media channels over the week and avialable in full on our youtube channel. 

Detroit Sound Conservancy(affiliated to ARSC
Detroit Sound Conservancy Honors LaVell Williams (1967-2018)
27 October 2022

Detroit Sound Conservancy Honors LaVell Williams (1967-2018)

In celebration of 2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, Detroit Sound Conservancy honors Co-Founder LaVell Williams (1967-2018). #AudiovisualHeritageDay #WDAVH2022

In celebration of 2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, Detroit Sound Conservancy honors Co-Founder LaVell Williams (1967-2018) who died four years ago this week. Williams mentored a generation of music lovers and Co-Founded the community-based audiovisual archive Detroit Sound Conservancy. detroitsound.org/lavell-williams-1967-2018/

The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage - 27 October - is a key initiative for both UNESCO and the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) to honor audiovisual preservation professionals and institutions that safeguard our heritage for future generations. Around the world audiovisual archives join together annually on this day to celebrate their work with events that not only highlight the vulnerability of these valuable materials, but also to celebrate the often unheralded work of the institutions that provide protection and preservation, ensuring their availability in the future.

Learn more: https://www.ccaaa.org/pages/events/world-day-for-audiovisual-heritage.html

Our celebration consists of a digital postcard featuring the artwork of Nathan Rapport. Nathan is a New York-based multimedia artist and gallery owner. Guided by formative years in Detroit and San Francisco, his art celebrates the connection between the queer present and ancestral history. Through his work as a painter, illustrator, muralist, designer, and art director, he manifests his visions of queer utopia. www.dreambrothergallery.com

The postcard was designed by Libby Cole, director of The Work Department, a people-centered design and strategy studio in Detroit. www.dept.work

Detroit Sound Conservancy (DSC) is the only archive devoted to the preservation and celebration of Detroit music. Through archival practices, education programs, performances and rehabilitation initiatives, DSC expands access to and evidence of the history that proves Detroit is the most influential musical city in the world. Detroiters innovated techno, funk, rock and jazz, and have shaped nearly every musical genre, from punk and rap to soul and blues. Across generations, deep commitment and fearlessness mark the essence of the Detroit sound. DSC spreads its resources to support archival practices that amplify this cultural spectrum and safeguard its history—of people, movements, legends and lore. Through this work, DSC preserves the vivid memory of musical movements, uplifts the agency of artistic legacies, counteracts reductive representation and puts listening at the center of community. http://detroitsound.org

AMIA(affiliated to AMIA
A Conversation with the Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Centre
27 October 2022

October 27 - 12:00pm (Singapore)
October 27 - 1:00pm (Pacific)
October 27 - 4:00pm (EEST)

There is much discussion in the archives field about disasters that affect our collections, our work, and the loss of our histories. Within our professional organizations we work to prepare for these disasters and plan accordingly. In the past eight months the Oleksandr Dovzhenko Center in Ukraine has been faced with two monumental disasters that no one could have foreseen and are difficult for many of us to imagine. Mr. Oleksandr Teliuk, Head of the Archive at the Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Centre and AMIA President Rachael Stoeltje discuss the situation at the Centre and what we all can do to help.


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Instituto Mexicano de Cinematografía (IMCINE)(affiliated to FIAF
CPC en Morelia
30 November -0001
Centro Cultural Universitario Av. Madero 350, Centro.
Morelia, Michoacán

Películas restauradas del Centro de Producción de Cortometraje (CPC) 1971 - 1988
En el marco del Día mundial del patrimonio audiovisual (27 de octubre), se exhibirán dos programas de cortometrajes del Centro de Producción de Cortometraje (CPC) que el Imcine restauró y digitalizó en los Estudios Churubusco.

Reconstruimos la historia y resguardamos nuestro patrimonio audiovisual a través de estas restauraciones en colaboración con Estudios Churubusco. Revivamos los paisajes, las comunidades, las tradiciones que retratan a México visto por la cámara de Nicolás Echeverría, Rubén Gámez, Paul Leduc y Arturo Ripstein.


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Cineteca Nacional de Chile(affiliated to FIAF
Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual
27 October 2022
Centro Cultural Palacio La Moneda

Cineteca Nacional de Chile and Istituto Italiano di Cultura presents a special screening of the masterpiece directed by Pier Paolo Pasolini, a version restored by the Cinenteca di Bologna.

Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema(affiliated to FIAF
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage/ A Season Of Classic Films
23 October 2022
Cine Teatro de Estarreja

On this occasion, Cinemateca Poruguesa organized a screening of MUDAR DE VIDA by Paulo Rocha, one of the most important titles in the history of Portuguese Cinema namely concerning the so-called Portuguese New Cinema, a movement that began in the 1960's, being Paulo Rocha one of its most relevant representatives.

The session took place on October 23rd, within the scope of ACE project A Season of Classic Films, in the region where this film was shot: a fishing area in centre/northern Portugal. We screened a digital copy, from a restoration held by Cinemateca, in a process that was initially supervised by the director itself and, following his death, carried on under the supervision of director Pedro Costa.


Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema(affiliated to FIAF
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
27 October 2022
Rua Barata Salgueiro 39

Cinemateca Portuguesa celebrates once again the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, always celebrated by members of FIAF on October 27th. In 2022, we commemorate this date remembering the centenary of the 9.5mm format through a film compilation with excerpts from hundreds of amateur films shot in this format over several decades (and for which the Cinemateca provided some material).

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Digital Archive Center for Music, NTNU
Digital Archive Center for Music, National Taiwan Normal University(affiliated to IASA
2022 Sinophone Musics Film Festival
27 October - 04 November 2022
2F, No. 31, Shida Rd., Da'an Dist.

In celebrate to the 2022 World Day of Audiovisual Heritage, the Digital Archive Center for Music, National Taiwan Normal University, and the He Luting Advanced Research Institute of Chinese Music and the Asia-Europe Music Research Centre of Shanghai Conservatory of Music jointly co-organized the 2022 Sinophone Musics Film Festival. Through film screening, dialogues with the directors and co-authors, and a series of discussions, we aim to invite music and film lovers and professionals to pay attention to the diverse sound cultures across Sinophone societies, the conditions in which they are situated, and the challenges they are facing. We hope you enjoy the events.

The 9-day event (10/27-11/4) will include the screening of 18 music documentaries, interactions between directors and audiences, an academic lecture, and facilitator workshops. We look forward to presenting the ethnographic records of music observed and reflected through the lens of ethnomusicologists from Sinophone through a variety of methods, and to contribute to the continuous expansion of this field.

Cinemateca do Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro(affiliated to FIAF
Dia Mundial do Patrimônio Audiovisual/ A importância dos museus de Cinema
27 October 2022
Avenida Infante Dom Henrique 85
Rio de Janeiro

Dia Mundial do Patrimônio Audiovisual. Palestra de Amanda Iorio sobre a importância e a história dos museus de cinema. Pré estreia do filme Roque Araújo: história viva do Cinema Novo de Elber Xavier. Brasil, 2022. Documentário. 15’.35’’. Sessão seguida de conversa com o realizador.

Cine amateur chileno en 8mm y 16mm
27-31 October 2022

El Centro Nacional del Patrimonio Fotográfico de la Universidad Diego Portales lleva 20 años dedicado a la investigación, digitalización, preservación y difusión de la fotografía en Chile. Nuestra institución posee fondos de renombrados autores, como Enrique Mora, Alfredo Molina LaHitte, Lola Falcon, Obder Heffer, Manuel Domínguez -pionero del cine también-; y, también de instituciones como el diario La Época, Holanda Comunicaciones, el diario La Nación -que tuvo un noticiario cinematográfico entre 1927 y 1932- y del Foto-Cine Club del Chile. Es decir, la relación entre fotografía e imagen en movimiento ha sido para nosotros recurrente y adquiere particular sentido en este nuevo día del patrimonio audiovisual.

En una reciente revisión de nuestro archivo histórico, hemos encontrado materiales audiovisuales vinculados a actividades realizadas por Cenfoto-UDP a lo largo del tiempo: seminarios, jornadas de capacitación, registros de eventos, charlas, documentales. Últimamente también hemos ido adquiriendo material fílmico en 8mm y 16mm. Este modesto acervo emergente nos permite reflexionar hoy con mayor fuerza sobre la importancia de este tipo de materiales, su intrínseca vinculación con la fotografía y el dialogo permanente que se puede establecer con los procesos sociales y tecnológicos.

Todos nuestros proyectos lo disponibilizamos desde la plataforma https://culturadigital.udp.cl

La conmemoración se llevará a cabo de forma virtual este 27 octubre desde las 12 horas. Subiremos a nuestro canal de Youtube una recopilación del material fílmico custodiado, que consta principalmente de obras huérfanas inéditas datadas entre 1935 y 1960 aprox., y que fueron realizadas presumiblemente por cineastas aficionados chilenos.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXDB2Aa7aAG-YMighCPBgkw


The National Center for Photographic Heritage of the Diego Portales University (Cenfoto-UDP) has been dedicated to research, digitization, preservation and diffusion of photography in Chile for 20 years. Our institution has funds from renowned authors, such as Enrique Mora, Alfredo Molina LaHitte, Lola Falcón, Obder Heffer, Manuel Domínguez -also a pioneer of cinema-; and, also from institutions such as the newspaper La Época, Holanda Comunicaciones, the newspaper La Nación -which had a cinematographic newsreel between 1927 and 1932- and the Foto-Cine Club de Chile. In other words, the relationship between photography and moving image has been recurrent for us and acquires particular meaning in this new day of audiovisual heritage.

In a recent review of our historical archive, we have found audiovisual materials linked to activities carried out by Cenfoto-UDP over time: seminars, training sessions, event records, talks, documentaries. Lately we have also been acquiring 8mm and 16mm film material. This modest emerging heritage allows us to reflect today with greater force on the importance of this type of material, its intrinsic link with photography and the permanent dialogue that can be established with social and technological processes.

We make all our projects available from the platform https://culturadigital.udp.cl

The commemoration will take place virtually this October 27 at 12 noon. Where we will upload to our YouTube channel a compilation of the film material in custody, which consists mainly of unpublished orphan works dated between 1935 and 1976 approx., and that they were presumably made by chilean amateur filmmakers.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXDB2Aa7aAG-YMighCPBgkw

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2022 in Filmoteca Valenciana
27 October 2022
Pza. Ayuntamiento, 17. Edificio Rialto
46002 Valencia

Filmoteca Valenciana celebra el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual con la proyección gratuita, el jueves 27 a las 20:00, de la restauración digital de "Cada ver es..." (Ángel García del Val, 1981). Obra insólita en la producción audiovisual española, "Cada ver es..." tuvo una producción accidentada y una distribución plagada de obstáculos. En clave cercana al documental de creación, sigue los pasos en su día a día a Juan Espada del Coso, ayudante en el Instituto Anatómico Forense de Valencia. Las imágenes de "Cada ver es...", en su crudeza, rezuman poesía y cariño del director hacia su protagonista, y es, en sus propias palabras "un discurso sobre "lo muerto" que lleva a cuestionarse ese único asunto serio que es la vida".

La restauración digital ha sido posible gracias al apoyo del Programa MEDIA- Europa Creativa y de la Asociación de Cinematecas Europeas a través del proyecto "A Season of Classic Films".

Filmoteca Valenciana celebrates World Day for Audiovisual Heritage with the free screening, on Thursday 27th at 20:00, of the digital restoration of "Cada ver es..." (Ángel García del Val, 1981). An unusual work in Spanish audiovisual production, "Cada ver es..." had an eventful production and a distribution plagued with obstacles. Close to a creative documentary, it follows the day-to-day life of Juan Espada del Coso, an assistant at the Forensic Anatomical Institute of Valencia. The images of "Cada ver es...", in their rawness, ooze poetry and affection of the director towards his protagonist, and is, in his own words "a discourse on "the dead" that questions the only serious matter that is life".
The digital restoration has been made possible thanks to the support of the MEDIA-Creative Europe Program and the Association of European Cinematheques through the project "A Season of Classic Films".


El mismo día, a las 18:00, celebramos el Home Movie Day con un programa de 50 minutos de duración compuesto por imágenes domésticas recuperadas y digitalizadas por la Filmoteca Valenciana. Como novedad, este año hemos encargado la creación de la pieza al colectivo de artistas jóvenes OKUPARTE (Luna Valle y Mireia Ribes), y el acompañamiento musical en directo vendrá a cargo de cinco jóvenes compositores e intérpretes: Ferran López-Carrasquer, Carola Hinojosa, José Ignacio Payá, Alejandro Nogales y Kike Fortea, Carola Hinojosa, Ferran López-Carrasquer, Alejandro Nogales y José Ignacio Payá.

On the same day, at 18:00, we celebrate Home Movie Day with a 50-minute program composed of domestic images recovered and digitized by the Filmoteca Valenciana. As a novelty, this year we have commissioned the creation of the piece to the collective of young artists OKUPARTE (Luna Valle and Mireia Ribes), and the live musical accompaniment will be provided by five young composers and performers: Ferran López-Carrasquer, Carola Hinojosa, José Ignacio Payá, Alejandro Nogales and Kike Fortea, Carola Hinojosa, Ferran López-Carrasquer, Alejandro Nogales and José Ignacio Payá.


Archivo General de Puerto Rico - Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña
Un misterioso personaje en la DIVEDCO [A mysterious character in the DIVEDCO films]
27 October 2022

Este año queremos compartir con el público cómo a través de un proyecto de digitalización de películas de la División de Educación de la Comunidad (DIVEDCO) como parte del proyecto «Everything Seemed Possible: Luis Muñoz Marín and the Transformation of Modern Puerto Rico» gestado por Oren Rudavsky and Ramón Rivera Moret se ha descubierto un nuevo personaje desconocido para todos los estudiosos y seguidores de la producciones realizadas por la DIVEDCO. Este hallazgo se da con la digitalización de un nuevo elemento de la película «Un pedacito de tierra», realizado por la archivera Marisel Flores.

Acompáñanos a conocer de qué (y quién) se trata este jueves, 27 de octubre de 2022 a las 10:30am. La actividad se realzará en vivo a través de la página de Facebook del ICP (https://www.facebook.com/icppr/) y Zoom.

Para registro: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_eiiUQwGUSD-NCZmyRi2Ynw

Jugoslovenska kinoteka(affiliated to FIAF
World Audiovisual Heritage Day
27 October 2022
Uzun Mirkova 1

Signature of a protocol of collaboration between all the audiovisual archives in Serbia, Jugoslovenska kinoteka, Filmske novosti, TV arhicve of the National television RTS and TV archive of the of RT Vojvodine.

We will screen the digitally restored verison of the first feature film in colour produced in Yugoslavia, Pop Ćira and Pop Spira, restored by Jugoslovenska kinoteka and the TV series based on the same novel restored by the National Television RTS.

Bangladesh Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF, IASA
Donate your one copy valuable Film to us (মূল্যবান ফিল্মের ০১ কপি আমাদের দান করুন)
24-27 October 2022
Bangladesh Film Archive

`2022 World Day for Audio Visual Heritage’ celebration at Bangladesh Film Archive, Dhaka

The Bangladesh Film Archive (BFA) has celebrated World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2022 on 24-27 October '22 in Dhaka with a number of activities including Seminar, film and poster screening. This year the main theme of the celebration entitled as `Donate your one copy valuable Film to us’ (মূল্যবান ফিল্মের ০১ কপি আমাদের দান করুন).
The programme has started with a seminar titled `Incremental change in technology: Challenges in Bangladesh Film Archive’ organized in seminar Hall on 24 October 2022.
On 27 October 2022 a film has screened in Projection Hall, the first Bengali feature film Mukh o Mukhosh (The Face and the Mask) which released in 1956 is based on the rural life style of this region . The film was directed by Abdul Jabbar Khan.
Later a poster screening also arranged in the BFA’s premises. The program inaugurated by Mr. Md. Nizamul Kabir, Director General, Bangladesh Film Archive. Prominent Film maker Ms. Nargis Akhtar and Ms. Shameem Akhtar was present that time.

Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development
AIBD Regional Webinar on World Audio Visual Heritage Day 2022
27 October 2022

Audio-visual archives bring us tales from all across the world about people's lives and cultures. They are a treasured asset that affirms our collective memory and serves as a vital source of information since they reflect the cultural, socioeconomic, and linguistic variety of our communities. They aid in our development and understanding of the world in which we all live. Conserving this history and making it available to the public and future generations is a critical aim for all memory institutions and the general public. 

World Audio-Visual Heritage Day provides an opportunity for media organisations to raise awareness of the need for immediate action and to recognise the importance of audiovisual documents.

This regional webinar will carry the theme "Enlisting documentary heritage to promote inclusive, just and peaceful societies’, to help facilitate content producers to not only utilise the archives to enhance their stories but also find ways to preserve their work for next generations.

This webinar will explore how broadcasters and independent content creators can utilise this year's theme, "Enlisting documentary heritage to promote inclusive, just and peaceful societies" in their work. Case studies of content creation from around the globe will be presented, and participants will discuss the challenges and opportunities content creators face in this fast-paced information-driven world.

Korean Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF, SEAPAVAA
Archiving 101
25-30 October 2022
400, Worldcupbuk-ro, Mapo-gu
Republic of Korea

In commemoration of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, Korean Film Archive unveils the convergence performance art of <The Pregnant Tree and the Goblin> (dirs. Kim Dong-ryeong, Park Gyeong-tae, 2019) for the first time. This independent film deals with the history of a U.S. camp town and the life of a comfort woman. As such, the film records the contemporary history of Korea and the personal history in it with an experimental structure and surreal cinematic aesthetic while employing features of documentary and fictional films. This performance, designed and produced by Korean Film Archive, provides a new cinematic experience for the audience by incorporating live musical performances and commentary narration along with the film screening.


The documentary <Film, the Living Record of Our Memory> (dir. Inés Toharia Terán, 2021) is also screened. It addresses the significance of film preservation and the importance of archiving. In relation to this film, young Korean film archivists are invited to share their experiences and opinions on film archiving.


In addition, the Korean films, <A Woman Judge> (dir. Hong Eun-won, 1962), discovered in 2015, and <Hommage> (dir. Sin Su-won, 2021), which depicts the story of the director who restores this film are screened. Through the screenings of these films, the dream and reality of female filmmakers living in the 1960s and 2020s, respectively, are connected. <Three Minutes - A Lengthening> (dir. Bianca Stigter, 2021) is a documentary and film essay that carefully analyzes the only home movie left by Jews living in the pre-Holocaust Polish town of Nasielsk, and discovers the amazingly precious time hidden therein.


Filmoteca PUCP(affiliated to FIAF
Exhibition of "Luis Pardo" (1927) | Oldest silent Peruvian feature film to be restored
27-28 October 2022
Av. Javier Prado Este 2465, San Borja

In the framework of the International Day of Audiovisual Heritage 2022, we present “Luis Pardo” (1927), directed by Enrique Cornejo Villanueva and considered the oldest Peruvian feature film to date, which has been restored by the Film Library of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, with the support of the Direction of Audiovisual, Phonography and New Media of the Ministry of Culture of Peru.

The silent film comprises an edition made from the only surviving material, equivalent to 33 minutes. The existence of a complete copy of the feature film is unknown, so the edition presents a narrative order that follows the guidelines of argumentative reviews published by the press of the time.

On the other hand, the work includes a specially composed soundtrack that emulates the live accompaniment that had in its premiere, in addition to a new version of the original lyrics of the waltz “La Antarita” that counts the corremeries of the bandit Luis Pardo. It also contains the restored short film “The famous bandit", directed by Alberto “Chicho” Durant, which is part of this restoration, as it includes an essential interview with mister Enrique Cornejo Villanueva, director, producer, screenwriter and actor, of this pioneering work of national cinema.

Cinemateca de Bogotá - Gerencia de Artes Audiovisuales del Idartes(affiliated to FIAF
María 100 años de amor: celebración del día mundial del patrimonio audiovisual
26-27 October 2022
Carrera 3 No. 19 - 10
Bogotá D.C


La Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano con el apoyo de la Cinemateca de Bogotá celebran el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual, con un homenaje a los 100 años del estreno de la película "María" dirigida por Máximo Calvo y Alfredo del Diestro (1922), obra cinematográfica basada en la novela de Jorge Isaacs considerada como el primer largometraje de ficción en Colombia. 

Con una serie de proyecciones y conservatorios, esta celebración presenta una muestra de diferentes versiones colombianas basadas en la obra "María" de Jorge Isaacs y estrena el documental "María 100 años de amor" de Alexandra Falla y Germán Pérez (2022), obra basada en material de archivo que realiza un recorrido por las diferentes películas realizadas entre Colombia y México en torno a la obra literaria "María", y conmemora los 100 años del estreno del largometraje realizado por Máximo Calvo y Alfredo del Diestro en 1922.

Programa de películas

• María (Dir. Máximo Calvo Olmedo, Alfredo del Diestro, 1922) Colombia. 22 Seg.  (Único fragmento existente)
• María (Dir. Enrique Grau, 1966) Colombia. 39 min.
• María (Dir. Alfonso Castro Martínez, 1970) Colombia. 15 min.
• En Busca de María (Dir. Luis Ospina, Jorge Nieto, 1985) Colombia. 16 min.
• María 100 años de amor (Dir. Alexandra Falla y Germán Pérez, 2022) Colombia. 60 min.



The Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano with the support of the Cinemateca de Bogotá celebrates World Day for Audiovisual Heritage with a tribute to the 100th anniversary of the release of the film "María" directed by Máximo Calvo and Alfredo del Diestro (1922), a film based on the novel by Jorge Isaacs considered the first fiction feature film in Colombia.

With a series of screenings and talks, this celebration showcases different Colombian versions based on the work of Jorge Isaacs "María" and premieres the documentary "María 100 años de amor" by Alexandra Falla and Germán Pérez (2022), an audiovisual work based on archival material that takes a look at the different films made between Colombia and Mexico about the literary work "María" and commemorates the 100th anniversary of the premiere of the feature film made by Máximo Calvo and Alfredo del Diestro in 1922.

Film programme

- María (Dir. Máximo Calvo Olmedo, Alfredo del Diestro, 1922) Colombia. 22 Sec. (Only existing fragment)
- María (Dir. Enrique Grau, 1966) Colombia. 39 min.
- María (Dir. Alfonso Castro Martínez, 1970) Colombia. 15 min.
- En Busca de María (Dir. Luis Ospina, Jorge Nieto, 1985) Colombia. 16 min.
- María 100 años de amor (Dir. Alexandra Falla and Germán Pérez, 2022) Colombia. 60 min.

Filmmuseum Potsdam / Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf
Life after fire - How to rescue (film) histories in Brazil?
27 October 2022
Breite Straße 1A, 14467 Potsdam

29th of July 2021, a fire breaks out at 6 p.m. local time in São Paulo. A warehouse of the Cinemateca Brasileira, the largest film collection in Latin America, is in flames - an "announced tragedy" (Laura Bezerra, Brazilian archival scholar).

The July 2021 fire was not the only one of its kind. Four major fires had already ravaged Brazil's most important film archive since its founding in 1940. But under Jair Bolsonaro's presidency, the Cinemateca goes through its biggest crisis. Shortly after coming to power, the president declared war on culture: left-wing, queers, indigenous people, women's rights, alternative lifestyles and minoritized groups do not fit into the conservative worldview. Because of the suspended funding, the archive had to close for almost two years in 2019, and necessary repairs to the building and its holdings could not be carried out. The fire unfortunately did not surprise numerous experts worldwide.    

On the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, having as background the upcoming presidential election in Brazil on October 30th, we pay tribute to Brazilian film heritage with a diverse program and question the current state of the struggle for its preservation.

Part 1, 6.30 p.m.
Film program & discussion about the film heritage in Brazil and its long-term preservation   
DIGITAL ASHES (Bruno Christofoletti Barrenha, D/BRA 2022, Dok., OmeU, 12')
/LOST FOUND - FERNANDA COELHO (Diogo Cavour, Thiago Ortman, BRA 2022, Dok., OmeU, 33‘)
Followed by a talk with Fabiana Ferreira (Moderation and Introduction: Rodrigo Campos, student M.A. Film Heritage)

Part 2, 8.30 p.m.
Short film program: Female filmmaking at the time of the military dictatorship
A ENTREVISTA (THE INTERVIEW, Helena Solberg, BRA 1966, OmeU, 19')
INDÚSTRIA (INDUSTRY, Ana Carolina, BRA 1969, OmeU, 12')
CRECHE-LAR (HOME-DAYCARE, Maria Luiza Aboim, BRA 1978, OmeU, 9')
RITOS DE PASSAGEM (RITES OF PASSAGE, Sandra Werneck, BRA 1979, OmeU, 12')

Introduction: Elena Barysheva & Freya Glomb (Students M.A. Film Heritage)

In collaboration with the Film Heritage M.A. program at Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF. With support from Centro Técnico Audiovisual (CTAv), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

For more information have a look on our website!

Celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Memory of the World Programme
27 October 2022
7 Pl. de Fontenoy
75007 Paris

UNESCO celebrates the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the MoW Programme from 27 October to 5 November 2022.

The 30th anniversary of the Memory of the World Programme, will be celebrated in tandem with the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. As such, UNESCO embraces the theme: "Your Window to the World: Enlisting documentary heritage to promote inclusive, just and peaceful societies".

It takes its cue from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly SDG 16. SDG 16 seeks to “promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.” Target 16.10 aims to “ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements.” 

In this respect, key issues that may define the celebration of the 30th anniversary would include:

* Identifying documentary heritage, including that inscribed on national, regional and international registers of the MoW Programme, which promotes greater understanding and dialogue across cultures.
* Celebrating documentary heritage of marginalized groups, such as indigenous people. Member States that are a home to such groups could consider highlighting this aspect of their societies in order to promote inclusivity, thereby enhancing the possibility of just and peaceful co-existence.
* Highlighting the gender inequalities in access to, and usage of, documentary heritage across archives, libraries, museums, etc.
* Celebrating national world-significant documents that have had a phenomenal impact on a community, a culture, a country or humanity generally. Many examples abound, but the determination of these is left to Member States.
* Exploiting the educational value of documentary heritage to enrich existing curricula with under-utilized primary sources.
* Exploring how media and journalists can exploit the historical value of documentary heritage for contemporary reporting on issues of sustainable development.
* Celebrating national, regional and international documents that may be deemed as having contributed the most towards bringing about inclusive, just and peaceful societies in a particular national, regional or international context.
* Highlighting best practices on safeguarding documentary heritage at risk. 

There are many more aspects of this theme that can be exploited for maximum effect.

For the global celebration, an online-onsite symposium will be held at the UNESCO Headquarters, 10:00-12:30 in Paris, France, on 27 October 2022.

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Society of Filipino Archivists for Film (SOFIA)
Society of Filipino Archivists for Film(affiliated to SEAPAVAA
From the Archive: SOFIA Talks
27 October 2022
Cinematheque Center Manila

Have a conversation with the country’s film industry leaders and archivists this World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (WDAH)!
The Film Development Council of the Philippines Philippine Film Archive (PFA) and the Society of Filipino Archivists for Film (SOFIA) present “From the Archive: SOFIA Talks” featuring special guests respected film historian and archivist Teddy Co, Ricky Orellana of Mowelfund, Jeffrey Sonora of FPJ Archives, Julie Nealega of Probe Archives, and Don Arawan of the PFA, to be hosted by Minda Casagan and Ronald Rios and moderated by Rose Roque and Mon Garilao of SOFIA.
Join us this October 27 at Cinematheque Centre Manila for an insightful discussion on our film heritage. Admission is free. Register here to join us: https://bit.ly/PreRegistrationForUnesco
Initiated by the UNESCO, the WDAH is celebrated every October 27 worldwide to raise awareness of the significance and preservation risks of recorded sound and audiovisual documents.

SOFIA and Probe Archives are associate institutional members of the South East Asia Pacific Audio Visual Archives Association (SEAPAVAA); while MOWELFUND, FPJ Archives, and PFA are SEAPAVAA full institutional members.

Thai Film Archive (Public Organization)(affiliated to FIAF, SEAPAVAA
Screening of Thai National Documentary Heritage
27 October 2022
94, Moo 3, Phuttamonthon Sai 5 Road, Salaya, Phuttamonthon

In order to celebrate the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage in 2022 and to align with UNESCO's theme "Enlisting documentary heritage to promote inclusive, just and peaceful societies", the Thai Film Archive (Public Organization) and its alliances organize a special screening of Thai documentaries, which have been registered as the national film heritage, and a talk with the selection committee. The event will be held on October 27, 2022, from 13.00 p.m. at Sala Cinema Theater, at the Thai Film Archive (Public Organization). Admission is free.  The program schedule is ;

13.00 p.m. The first screening program :
- [House and Area Arrangement Contest] (1954) The film recorded the first and only house and area arrangement contest in the era of Field Marshal Plaek Phibunsongkhram.

- [The Assumption of the Patriarch Michel Mongkol (On) Prakongchit] (1953) The records of the important ceremony of the coronation ceremony of the first Thai bishop who served as the governor of Missang Tha Rae-Nong Saeng area, where is the archbishop of the northeastern part of Roman Catholicism in Thailand

- Student Pattana (1962) The film recorded the first volunteer development camp for Thai students.

14.00 p.m. A talk with the representatives of selection committee; Phanu Burutratanaphan, Sarun Thongpan, Rasmee Phoalueangthong 

15.00 p.m. The screening of Sampeng (1982), the work of Surapong Pinitkha, who used a 16 mm film camera to record the situation in every corner of the Sampeng area, Yaowarat, the famous China Town in Bangkok

Reserve the seat at https://fapot.or.th/main/cinema/view/1653

The Two Magicians of Cinema: Georges Méliès and Segundo de Chomón’
27 October 2022

Sinematek/Sinema Evi celebrates the World Day for Audiovisual Culture, with the kick-off of Silent Thursday screenings; a new regular program dedicated to early cinema.


On the 27th of October to celebrate the World Day for Audiovisual Culture, Sinematek/Sinema Evi is announcing a series of Silent Thursday screenings; a section dedicated to early cinema that will be a regular part of the programming from this season on. The first program, prepared with the consultancy of Elif Rongen Kaynakçı, is called ‘The Two Magicians of Cinema: Georges Méliès and Segundo de Chomón’ and consists of two compilations by the two filmmakers. The Silent Thursday screenings will be accompanied live by musicians from the modern Turkish music scene.

On October 27th, the George Méliès compilation will be presented with live improvised music by Tophane Noise Band. For more information about this program, please visit our website:


Sinematek/Sinema Evi, based in Istanbul, is established in 2018 and works under the roof of Kadıköy Municipality. Since 2021, it presents film programs all along the year in its own building. The current season (October 18th-December 30th, 2022) features a main selection dedicated to Poetic Realistic Cinema, focusing on the films by Jean Vigo, Jean Renoir, Marcel Carné and Julien Duvivier, presented with the collaboration of Institut Français and La Cinémathèque française. In addition, six newly restorated classics will meet the audience within the ‘Il Cinema Ritrovato in Istanbul’ section, in cooperation with Il Cinema Ritrovato Film Festival and Cineteca di Bologna. The Independent Turkish Cinema subsection continues to display the latest and most compelling examples of the local arthouse film production.

For more information: http://en.sinematek.kadikoy.bel.tr/page/about-us

Cinémathèque suisse(affiliated to FIAF
Dans les coulisses de la Cinémathèque suisse
01 January 2021 - 30 November -0001

La série de courtes vidéos intitulée "Dans les coulisses de la Cinémathèque suisse" a pour but de mettre en lumière les activités régulières ou inédites ayant lieu dans l'enceinte de l'institution. De la numérisation d'une marionnette de Ma vie de Courgette, en passant par le processus de création d'une affiche iconique de l'institution, ces courtes vidéos passent en salles avant les films lors de nos projections quotidiennes et sont également publiées sur notre chaîne YouTube. Elles sont disponibles en français, sous-titrées en allemand.

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Cinémathèque suisse(affiliated to FIAF
01 January 2020 - 31 December 2023

Depuis 2020, la Cinémathèque suisse propose chaque mois de découvrir en ligne un court film restauré et numérisé par ses soins. Des courts métrages qui restent tous disponibles sur notre plateforme de films restaurés.


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China Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF
China Film Archive's Special Event Commemorating the 100th Birthday of Laborer's Love
27 October 2022
3 Wenhuiyuan Rd. Haidian Dist.

On October 27, 2022, the China Film Archive will hold a special event commemorating the 100th birthday of Laborer's Love - the earliest surviving feature film in Chinese film history. The event will include two parts: firstly, there will be the joint screenings of the newly restored 4K version of Laborer's Love and Fei Mu's posthumous Jianghu ernv, a rediscovered gem in our collection; secondly, a release conference will be held to announce the publication of a series of creative products of Laborer's Love, involving a centennial poster, blind boxes of movie characters, "fun sticker" hook& loop, and a mini collection of jacket and sport suit decorated with key elements from the film, etc..
About the Films
Laborer's Love (1922), aka Laogong zhi aiqing and Romance of a Fruit Peddler, is one of the early cooperative works of Zhang Shichuan and Zheng Zhengqiu, founders of Chinese cinema, after they started Mingxing Company. To celebrate the centenary of this rare film, the China Film Archive has completed a 4K restoration of the film this year which had the honor to give its debut to the world this summer in Il Cinema Ritrovato in Bologna, Italy.
Jianghu ernv (1952), an unfinished posthumous work of director Fei Mu, was afterward completed by Zhu Shilin and Qi Wenshao, written by Qi Wenshao, and starring Wei Wei who was known as the leading role of Fei Mu's representative work Spring in a Small Town. The film has rarely been shown in public before, and the special screening on World Audiovisual Heritage Day will also mark the 70th anniversary of the film's release.
The special event will be open to the public. The ticket now can be bought via China Film Archive official app.

Centenario del formato 9.5
27 October 2022
Av. México Coyoacán #389 Col. Xoco Alcaldía Benito Juárez

Ven a celebrar el centenario del formato 9.5 mm con esta maravillosa compilación de cortos de todo el mundo. El próximo 27 de octubre celebraremos en la Cineteca Nacional el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual con esta maravillosa película y otras sorpresas.
Los esperamos, jueves 27 a las 19 h.


Inedits Amateur Films / Memoria de Europa presenta:
9 1/2
Comisariada por Anna Briggs, Michele Manzolini y Mirco Santi
Investigación de archivo por Anna Briggs
Editado por Giulia Goy
Partitura compuesta por Biagio Cavallo, Lorenza Ceregini, Daniel Mussatto y Dries Versmissen bajo la supervisión musical de Simonluca Laitempergher, como parte de una alianza con el Programa de Maestría Internacional en Composición para Pantalla de la Escuela de Música Electrónica, Conservatorio G.B. Martini de Bolonia
Producida por Home Movies – Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia


Además materiales de Cineteca Nacional, Archivo Filmico Reyes y la pequeña Filmoteca de Naranjas de hiroshima

Filmoteca Española(affiliated to FIAF
Presentación de la restauración de "Nueve cartas a Berta" (Basilio Martín Patino, 1966)
27 October 2022
Cine Doré, Calle Santa Isabel, 3

Presentación de la restauración de Nueve cartas a Berta (1966), opera prima de Basilio Martín Patino con la que ganó en el Festival Internacional de Cine de San Sebastián la Concha de Plata a la mejor Opera Prima. Se trata de una de las obras fundacionales del llamado Nuevo Cine Español.

La sesión estará presentada por el protagonista de la película Emilio Gutiérrez Caba y contará con una breve explicación sobre los trabajos de restauración que se han realizado para restaurar la película. El acto comenzará a las 20:00 horas. 

Nueve cartas a Berta es una película fundamental del cine español y es una de las obras seminales del llamado Nuevo Cine Español.

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Film Archive of the National Archives of Estonia(affiliated to FIAF
Launch of Estonian film heritage streaming platform ARKAADER
27 October 2022

Film Archive of the National Archives of Estonia and Estonian Film Institute are launching Estonian film heritage streaming platform ARKAADER. 

Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA)(affiliated to AMIA
A Conversation with Oleksandr Teliuk from The Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Centre, Kyiv, Ukraine
27 October 2022


There is a lot of discussion in the archives field about disasters that affect our collections, our work, and the loss of our histories—and within our professional organizations we work to prepare for these disasters and plan accordingly. In the past eight months the Oleksandr Dovzhenko Center in Ukraine has been faced with two monumental disasters that no one could have foreseen and are difficult for many of us to imagine. Mr.  Oleksandr Teliuk, Head of the Archive at the Oleksandr Dovzhenko National Centre and AMIA President Rachael Stoeltje discuss the situation at the Centre and what we all can do to help.

Hong Kong Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF, SEAPAVAA
Celebrating UNESCO's 'World Day for Audiovisual Heritage' - Peony Pavilion (4K Restored Version)
05 November 2022
Hong Kong Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Since 2009, Hong Kong Film Archive has been in support of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. This year, the Hong Kong Film Archive will present two treasured films from our collection, Breaking the Willow (2003) and Peony Pavilion (2001).

Kunqu is an early form of Chinese opera, often regarded as the source of all operatic genres. In 2001, it was included in UNESCO's list of 'Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity'. Director Yonfan fell in love with kunqu after watching a performance of The Palace of Eternal Life by the Zhejiang Kunqu Opera Troupe. Without elaborate set decorations, kunqu artists staged a remarkable rendition of the classic ‘The Song of Everlasting Sorrow'. The audience was profoundly moved and Yonfan, carrying with him memories of that profound experience, made Peony Pavilion in 2001, following that two years later with Breaking the Willow.

Yonfan digitally restored these two films in 2022. He also authorised the Archive to present the premiere of the restored version of Breaking the Willow at the Archive on 27 October on the ‘World Day for Audiovisual Heritage' as well as premiering the 4K restored version of Peony Pavilion at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre on 5 November. Both films, marked by a notable integration of cinema and opera, are must-see items for devotees and fans of film and opera.

Hong Kong Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF, SEAPAVAA
Celebrating UNESCO's 'World Day for Audiovisual Heritage' - Breaking the Willow (Restored Version)
27 October 2022
Hong Kong Film Archive, 50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
Hong Kong
Hong Kong

Since 2009, Hong Kong Film Archive has been in support of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. This year, the Hong Kong Film Archive will present two treasured films from our collection, Breaking the Willow (2003) and Peony Pavilion (2001).

Kunqu is an early form of Chinese opera, often regarded as the source of all operatic genres. In 2001, it was included in UNESCO's list of 'Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity'. Director Yonfan fell in love with kunqu after watching a performance of The Palace of Eternal Life by the Zhejiang Kunqu Opera Troupe. Without elaborate set decorations, kunqu artists staged a remarkable rendition of the classic ‘The Song of Everlasting Sorrow'. The audience was profoundly moved and Yonfan, carrying with him memories of that profound experience, made Peony Pavilion in 2001, following that two years later with Breaking the Willow.

Yonfan digitally restored these two films in 2022. He also authorised the Archive to present the premiere of the restored version of Breaking the Willow at the Archive on 27 October on the ‘World Day for Audiovisual Heritage' as well as premiering the 4K restored version of Peony Pavilion at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre on 5 November. Both films, marked by a notable integration of cinema and opera, are must-see items for devotees and fans of film and opera.

Fondazione Cineteca Italiana(affiliated to FIAF
Cineteca Milano for the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
27 October 2022
viale Fulvio Testi 121

On the occasion of the World Audiovisual Heritage Day, Cineteca Milano proposes three films restored by its lab.
Free admission with Cinetessera 2023

3.30 pm
The TV themes of the Bozzetto Film created by Guido Manuli
Guido Manuli, Italy, 1970s, b / w and col., HD, 45 ', anim.
Anthology of some of the most famous animated TV themes of the seventies, on a journey back in time and memory.

5.00 pm
The Family Secret
William A. Seiter, USA, 1924, b / w, HD, 64 ', silent, soundtrack, Italian captions. Int .: Baby Peggy, the famous baby diva of the silent period Hollywood comedy.

6.30 pm
Across Europe by plane
Anonymous, France, 1926, b / w, HD, 65 ', silent, soundtrack, Italian captions.
An adventurous air travel from London to Constantinople, a kaleidoscopic succession of views from the turn of the century, between natural landscapes and works of art from great European capitals.

Filmoteca Canaria- Unidad de Patrimonio del Instituto Canario de Desarrollo Cultural
30 November -0001
Filmoteca Canaria. Espacio La Granja. Casa de la Cultura . Calle Comodoro Rolín, 1. 38007
Santa Cruz de Tenerife / Teatro Guiniguada. C/Mesa de León, 2, 35001 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.



Our heritage, our future


• La Fox en Canarias. 1925. Duración: 30 min.
• A pesar de todo. 1926. Duración: 12,38 min.

Acompañamiento al piano a cargo de Jonay Armas.


*Filmoteca Canaria tiene dos salas de proyección: Santa Cruz de Tenerife y otra en Gran Canaria. 

World day for audiovisual heritage

Our heritage, our future

Audition of Jonay Armas at the piano


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Film Museum Dusseldorf(affiliated to FIAF
Digitized: AV-Media Materials to Dusseldorf
27 October 2022
Schulstr. 4

In context of a state funding in 2022 the Film Museum Dusseldorf has the chance to invest in his infrastructure for digitization of audiovisual materials. On a special view on materials to Dusseldorf the Film Museum is digitizing over 200 films and intend to publish all of them online on dkult online, the DDB and Europeana.

On screen:

BRD 1976 · 27min · DF · digitalDCP · ab 18 • R/K: Gerhard Labudda

[Blick auf Düsseldorf vom Grafenberger Wildpark über Hamm bis zur Altstadt ]
BRD 1974 · 12min · stumm · digitalDCP · ab 18 • R: Josef Tiepel

BRD 1954 · 13min · DF · digitalDCP · ab 18 • R: Alfred Schrader

The Korean Association of Audiovisual Preservation
2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage in Korea : Special Talk on Film Archiving in Korea
27 October 2022
400, WorldCupbuk-ro, Mapo-gu

The Korean Association of Audiovisual Preservation(KAAP) and the Korean Film Archive(KOFA) are going to organize a screening of the documentary <Film, the Living Record of Our Memory>(2021) and a special talk session on film archiving in Korea.

In the documentary <Film, the Living Record of Our Memory> (2021), directed by Inés Toharia, film archivists, curators, technicians and producers from around the world gather to discuss the definition of film preservation and the need for archiving. For more information of the documentary, please refer to the film presentation: https://filmthelivingrecordofourmemory.com/index.php

After the screening, a special talk on film archiving in South Korea will be followed. This joint event is organized by the KAAP, the KOFA, the Institute of Information and Archival Science in Hankuk University of Foreign Languages, and the Korean Society of Archival Information and Cultural Studies. Two young Korean film archivists will be speaking about their own experiences, various main film scanning and restoration projects performed in South Korea, current issues on film archiving infrastructure in South Korea, as well as performing expert trainings and workshops. We expect main issues and its future directions on film archiving in South Korea to be debated, which were issues mentioned in other related sectors as well to this day.

  • Moderator: Ham Chung-boem (Professor, Korea University of Media Arts)
  • Panels: Yeon Tae Sung (Preservation Team/Film Archivist, Korea Film Archive); Ju-Won Park (General Manager of film digitization in the Film Restoration Digitization)
Posted by:
Matthew Wilcox
Michigan State University Libraries
Home Recordings: Window Into the Everyday
06 October - 31 December 2022
366 W Circle Dr
East Lansing, MI

The Media Preservation Unit of the Michigan State University Libraries (MSUL) has prepared a physical exhibit on independent and amateur media, "Home Recordings: Windows Into the Everyday" in the 2W display case at MSUL. The materials on display are related to home movie and amateur film production history, and include AV formats, legacy playback and recording equipment, books and more. Come see for yourself!

Národní filmový archiv, Prague(affiliated to FIAF
Expedition to Nubia
03 November 2022
Kino NFA Ponrepo, Bartolomějská 291/11, 110 00 Staré Město
Czech Republic

The central programme for The 2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage of Národní filmový archiv, Prague  will take place on Thursday 3 November at the Ponrepo cinema. In cooperation with the Czech Institute of Egyptology, it will show the film programme Expedition to Nubia, which will be free of charge. In the 1960s and 1970s, under the auspices of UNESCO, there was a large-scale international action to save the monuments of ancient Nubia, threatened by the construction of the High Dam at Aswan. In addition to scientific teams from all over the world, the then newly founded Czechoslovak Institute of Egyptology of Charles University in Prague joined the action, which sent a total of five scientific expeditions to the area of southern Egypt between 1961 and 1965 under the leadership of the director of the Institute, Zbyněk Žába. Perhaps it was with the awareness of the uniqueness of the whole situation and the possibilities it offered that Czechoslovak researchers set off for Nubia equipped with a film camera. In five years they made more than two dozen short films showing the working procedures and successes, as well as the life of the expedition in the sometimes inhospitable and gradually displacing Nubian landscape. The film depicts the five-man expedition, accompanied by an Egyptian inspector and experienced workers, at the beginning of the 1963 research season aimed at documenting the inscriptions and images left by local inhabitants and foreign conquerors over the millennia. It will be presented in the Ponrepo cinema as a digital transcription of an unedited 16mm print. The screening will be followed by a discussion with Egyptologist Miroslav Verner, a participant in the 1964 Nubian expedition, and Lenka Varadzinová, who has been processing and managing the so-called "Nubian archive" of the Czech Institute of Egyptology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University for a long time.



Národní filmový archiv, Prague(affiliated to FIAF
Michael Bielický and Bielický Studio works
27-29 October 2022
DIOD, Tyršova 1565
Czech Republic

On The 2022 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on 27 October The International Documentary Film Festival Ji.hlava is taking place in the Czech Republic. Therefore, Národní filmový archiv, Prague will celebrate this day partly within the framework of this festival. It will present several screenings of the Video Archive project. In the Fascination section, there will be two screenings - on 27 October at 10 p.m., the works of Michael Bielický, presented by Martin Blažíček, and on 29 October at 12 p.m., the Bielický Studio works, presented by Sylva Poláková. It will include a discussion with artists Petra Varga and Tamara Moyzes. 

The screening was created on the basis of the research project Audiovisual works outside the context of cinema: documentation, archiving and accessibility, led by the National Film Archive.

Also the Bielický Studio works screening was created on the basis of the research project Audiovisual work outside the context of cinema: documentation, archiving and accessibility, led by the National Film Archive. 

Today, the moving image permeates much of the work of students at art colleges. In the early 1990s, however, it took the establishment of separate degree programmes in video art and new media to even get established. One of the first was the New Media Studio at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in 1991, which was headed by Michael Bielický until 2011. The series, featuring contemporary works by his students, includes works by Radim Labuda, Tamara Moyzes, Eva Jiřička, Tomáš Mašín and others.


XII Jornada del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual: Tradiciones y cultura popular en los documentos sonoros y audiovisuales
27 October 2022

La Biblioteca Nacional de España es el principal centro informativo y documental sobre la cultura escrita, gráfica y audiovisual española. Sus colecciones incluyen todo tipo de materiales y ponen de manifiesto la diversidad y riqueza de este patrimonio cultural. Una diversidad y riqueza que abarca desde los primitivos cilindros de cera y discos de pizarra, hasta los nuevos soportes audiovisuales, multimedia y ahora también videojuegos desde la reciente publicación de la Ley de Depósito Legal en 2022.

Desde el año 2011 la Biblioteca Nacional de España y concretamente el Departamento de Música y Audiovisuales, organiza una jornada profesional para conmemorar el día declarado por la UNESCO como Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual. Cada año, las jornadas tratan de poner en valor el patrimonio sonoro y audiovisual, abarcando distintos temas. Este año se cumple su duodécima edición y pretende destacar la importancia de las Tradiciones y cultura popular registrada en los documentos sonoros y audiovisuales. El patrimonio sonoro y audiovisual que preserva en la Biblioteca Nacional alberga desde las memorias personales hasta las memorias colectivas de las culturas y los pueblos. Nos permite escuchar y ver las voces, bailes y tradiciones de nuestro pasado y conservarlas para el futuro.

Durante esta Jornada vamos a tratar de acercarnos a la cultura popular y a las tradiciones a través de la producción sonora y audiovisual que se conserva en los documentos sonoros y audiovisuales para ser preservada y difundida a las generaciones futuras.

Desde las bibliotecas debemos favorecer su conocimiento, conservación y difusión para responder a las necesidades de información de los investigadores, en un mundo que reclama profundos cambios que afectan a la preservación de unos documentos sonoros y audiovisuales, qué dada su naturaleza, corren el riesgo de desaparecer. Este patrimonio tiene un valor fundamental ya que conserva las grabaciones de nuestro entorno, donde la naturaleza, la cultura y las tradiciones adquieren un papel destacado y necesario para que las generaciones futuras conozcan la identidad y singularidad de su país.

La Jornada se llevará a cabo de forma virtual, dejando atrás muchos de los esquemas de realización de las jornadas en el pasado y permitiendo la consolidación y expansión de la nueva forma de relacionarnos sin la limitación del lugar físico en el que nos encontremos.

Arxiu del Port de Tarragona
1a Jornada Territori Arxiu
27 October 2022
Carrer Anselm Clavé, 2

A menudo los profesionales trabajamos en los mismos umbrales, sin dejar pasar la luz, no absolutamente en la oscuridad, pero sí a veces en la penumbra. Los territorios son entidades vivas, y como tales, se mueven y cambian su fisonomía constantemente. Este es el objetivo de la 1ª Jornada Territorio Archivo, invitaros a abrir la mirada a este universo en constante metamorfosis.

Queremos mostrar, justamente, cómo se mueven estos límites en los Archivos, cómo cambia todo a nuestro alrededor, la forma de percibir, las inquietudes y las miradas; nada es eterno ni para siempre, a veces es efímero, otras cambiantes, por eso hay que adaptarse al cambio, admitir lo diferente, las nuevas propuestas, aunque salgan de los patrones preestablecidos, aunque vayan más allá, ya que esto es el Territorio Archivo. ¿Y cuál es el territorio archivo? Es lo que queremos descubrir en esta primera jornada que reunirá ponencias y experiencias, sobre todo de nuevos colectivos; nuevas visiones para mostrar la diversidad natural y asombrosa de los Archivos.

Con la voluntad de repetir la experiencia cada dos años, la Jornada Territorio Archivo nace con el objetivo de convertirse en un referente en el territorio, y también en los archivos, como un lugar y un momento donde debatir y presentar las nuevas formas de ver los archivos.

Arxiu del So i de la Imatge de Mallorca
Projecció del film "El Jefe Político", André Hugon (1926)
27 October 2022
Teatre Principal. C. de la Riera, 2
Palma. Mallorca. Illes Balears

The projection of the film El jefe político (The political boss)(1926) will be accompanied by live music performed by the composer and musician Miquel Brunet in order to commemorate the 27th of October, World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.

The recovery of this film by André Hugon, one of the pioneers of French cinematography, has come as a result of the joined efforts of the Arxiu del So i de la Imatge de Mallorca (Mallorca’s Archive for Sound and Image) and the Filmoteca Española  (Spanish Film Library). The until-now-unreleased movie was acquired in 1999 by Mallorca’s Counsel, it has been carefully restored and, so far, is the only preserved copy of the film. The Political boss is an example of political cinema prior by many years to those directed by Francesco Rosi and Costa Gavras, who made this kind of films come into fashion back in the 50s and 60s.

Leopoldo Quintana is a really ambitious lawyer form Majorca. Sebastián Gocho, a powerful businessman, will help him with his political career so that both of them can establish a win-win relationship. Quintana wins his seat in Parliament through the manipulation of the elections and also through the use of criminal means. Once in Madrid, both men thrive by influence peddling and blackmail. Quintana claims that he is defending the working movement and he is able to take over the government, subsequently being appointed president, while Gocho becomes one of his ministers. In the meantime, Quintana has started a love affair with Gloria Montenegro, a model usually hanging about with the high-heeled in society. Meanwhile Juliana, Quintana’s wife, is very sick back in Majorca. Because of the government’s refusal to reduce the number of working hours and to put an end to Grocho’s monopoly on flour and electric energy in the island, riots begin to break out in Majorca. The rioters follow a mysterious leader, the Iron Man, who seems to know a lot of things about Quintana. The so-called Iron Man is Ernesto Avial, a young journalist who had gone to prison for defending Quintana.

The 35 mm cellulose nitrate, slightly faded at times, with toning cyanotype and intertitles in Spanish had to be thoroughly restored. The materials have been digitalized in 4k. Their origin was an incomplete copy with significant alterations in the editing.  Even though there are differences between the book and the film, the reconstruction of the latter has been done following the former due to the lack of any other references. In spite of the addition of these extra titles the film includes important gaps in its narrative continuity. Image has been stabilized; it has also been colour-corrected and speed-adjusted to 17 frames per second; apart from that, everything else having to do with the physical characteristics present in the photo-chemical materials has been kept untouched.

ICA/International Council on Archives(affiliated to ICA
Webinar - Más allá de la teoría: Joan Boadas en conversación con David Iglésias
26 October 2022

Webinar - Más allá de la teoría: Joan Boadas en conversación con David Iglésias   


El ICA, en colaboración con su Grupo de Trabajo de Archivos Fotográficos y Audiovisuales (PAAG), participará en las celebraciones del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual con un webinar el miércoles 26 de octubre a las 17.00 CET. Este webinar forma parte de la serie de entrevistas "Más allá de la teoría" presentada por PAAG, cuyo objetivo principal es entrevistar a profesionales de gran experiencia y reconocimiento que se ocupan de diferentes aspectos en el ámbito audiovisual y fotográfico.   

El webinar será una conversación entre David Iglésias, presidente de PAAG y representante del ICA en el Consejo de Coordinación de Asociaciones de Archivos Audiovisuales (CCAAA), y Joan Boadas, recientemente galardonado con la distinción de Amigos del ICA, sobre los archivos fotográficos y el papel de la comunidad del ICA en el avance del debate en torno a la salvaguarda de este patrimonio de valor incalculable.    

¡Acompáñanos este día para hablar de las historias, verdades y ventanas que los archivos audiovisuales nos permiten explorar! 

Pueden ver este seminario web en vivo nuestras cuentas de redes sociales: ICA Facebook, ICA LinkedIn o el canal ICA YouTube.    

Esta sesión virtual se impartirá en español. No se ofrecerá interpretación a otros idiomas.     

Bulgarian National Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF
35 Digitised Newsreels
27 October 2022

The Bulgarian National Film Archive will add 35 digitized newsreels from its collections to its official YouTube channel. The newsreels are selected by the film experts of BNFA and are shot in the period 1944 - 1976. They show different events from Bulgarian and world history. The newsreels can be accessed online free of charge.

Museo Nazionale del Cinema(affiliated to FIAF
Film Archive opens his doors
27 October 2022
MNC Film Archives - Via Sospello, 195/A

Giovedì 27 ottobre 2022, ore 11.00 e 15.00
In occasione della Giornata mondiale per il patrimonio audiovisivo UNESCO si aprono le porte della Cineteca del Museo del Cinema: studenti, appassionati di cinema e professionisti del settore sono invitati a partecipare alla visita e scoprire come funziona il nuovo laboratorio digitale di conservazione e restauro film, attraverso l’illustrazione delle diverse fasi che caratterizzano il lavoro in digitale.
La visita offrirà gli strumenti per capire la storia, i mutamenti e le conseguenze della trasformazione del cinema dall’analogico al digitale, illustrando come il supporto su cui un film nasce e viene distribuito influenzi le sue caratteristiche.

Una vida a través de l’objectiu. Francesc Mas i Ruhí, filmografia (1960 – 1970)”
30 November -0001
Pl. Germinal Ros

El Dia Mundial del Patrimoni Audiovisual, que se celebra el 27 d’octubre, el Servei d’Arxiu Municipal de Lloret de Mar presentarà l’audiovisual: Una vida a través de l'objectiu. Francesc Mas i Ruhí, Filmografia (1960 - 1970).

El SAMLM aprofita la commemoració del Dia Mundial del Patrimoni Audiovisual per a donar a conèixer i fer difusió de la documentació audiovisual que es conserva als nostres dipòsits. Els materials audiovisuals, com a objectes del patrimoni documental, son una eina valuosíssima que ens permet conèixer de primera mà el passat més recent.

L’any 2021, August Mas i Llibre va cedir en aquest SAMLM el fons 522 - MAS FOTÒGRAFS, i llavors es va dur a terme una primera fase de tractament i descripció del fons. Durant l'any 2022, el fons audiovisual, que conté pel·lícules de 16 mm realitzades per Francesc Mas i Ruhí (1911 - 1997), ha estat digitalitzat. A partir d’aquest treball s'han pogut recuperat unes imatges excel·lents de pel·lícules com: Platges, les de Lloret de 1964, Barcelona ama a sus piedras de 1968, El Romànic Català, Empúries, Lloret a l'hivern, Nieve y sol en España, El Museu Marítim de Barcelona de 1974 i diverses imatges retrospectives de Lloret de la dècada de 1960 i 1970.

La projecció Una vida a través de l'objectiu. Francesc Mas i Ruhí, Filmografia (1960 - 1970), que tindrà lloc el dijous, 27 d'octubre, a les 19h al Teatre de Lloret, ens mostrarà algunes de les imatges més destacades d’aquestes pel·lícules.

L’accés al Teatre de Lloret serà lliure i gratuït fins a completar l’aforament.

Girona City Council. Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI)(affiliated to ICA
Remembering the history of Albéniz cinema
27 October 2022
Cinema Museum

Journalist Pitu Anaya will present his documentary project about this legendary cinema and tell us a brief summary of its history. After that, the entire collection of Albéniz cinema preserved at the cinema Museum will be presented. Besides, a sample of the set of nine films from the late 1920s to the early 1930s will be shown. These films come from the extinct distributor company CINAES and the Albéniz cinema donated them to the Girona City Council in December 1996. Currently, they are kept in the deposits of the Filmoteca de Catalunya.

National Film Archive of Japan(affiliated to FIAF
Film Censorship in Pre-war Japan: A Perspective of the Film Scenes “Cut” by the Home Ministry
15 October 2022
3-7-6 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku

On the occasion of this year's World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the National Film Archive of Japan will screen a collection of fragments of film scenes cut by the Home Ministry in pre-war Japan for the first time. The Yukinobu Toba collection donated these films in 1988. The screenings and lectures expose the film censorship system of the time.

The films are available on NFAJ YouTube Channel.

1.The cut scenes from Japanese silent films


2.The cut scenes from Foreign silent films



Posted by:
Marcella Cassinelli
Fundación Cinemateca Argentina(affiliated to FIAF
Pantalla Tango: Tres largometrajes en copias restauradas en la Sala Leopoldo Lugones
23 October 2022
Teatro San Martín, Avda. Corrientes 1530
Buenos Aires

El Ministerio de Cultura, a través del Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires, y la Fundación Cinemateca Argentina albergarán el domingo 23 de octubre en la Sala Leopoldo Lugones del Teatro San Martín (Avda. Corrientes 1530) tres funciones especiales anticipando el Día del Patrimonio Audiovisual, el 27 de ese mismo mes, y, el 28 de octubre, el aniversario número 73 de la Fundación Cinemateca Argentina. El triple programa está especialmente enfocado en el tango, con copias restauradas recientemente con el apoyo del programa de Promoción Cultural Mecenazgo de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, entre ellos la única película que se conserva del director Julio Irigoyen, La novia del tango. Además, se exhibirán dos joyas de la Cinemateca Argentina pertenecientes a la legendaria Casa Lepage de Buenos Aires, films que los porteños pudieron ver a comienzos del siglo XX y que cimentaron la cinefilia argentina: El amante de la luna y Marido y mujer van en tándem.

La agenda completa del ciclo es la siguiente:

Domingo 23   

El tango en el cine

(Argentina, 1978)

Dirección: Guillermo Fernández Jurado y Rodolfo Corral.

Copia restaurada en 4k de un positivo 35mm.

A las 15 horas (80’; DCP).


El amante de la luna

(Rêve à la lune; Francia, 1905)

Dirección: Ferdinand Zecca y Gaston Velle.

(6’; DM)


Marido y mujer van en tándem

(Monsieur et Madame font du tándem; Francia, 1908)

Con André Deed.

(4’; DM).


Gardel, el alma que canta

(Argentina, 1985)

Dirección: Carlos Orgambide.

Guion: Guillermo Fernández Jurado.

Copia restaurada en 4K de un positivo 35 mm.

A las 18 horas (Duración total del programa: 70’).


La novia del tango

(Argentina, 1943)

Dirección: Julio Irigoyen.

Con Elena Montalvan, Axel Anderson.

Música: Eduardo Moreno.

Copia restaurada en 4K de un positivo nitrato 35 mm

A las 21 horas (64’; DCP).

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Asian Film Archive(affiliated to AMIA, FIAF, SEAPAVAA
Retrospective: Kinuyo Tanaka
07 October - 05 November 2022
1 Canning Rise, Singapore 179868

With a career spanning more than 50 years and over 250 films, Kinuyo Tanaka (1909–1973), is among Japan’s most eminent figures of cinema. Most known for her onscreen work with auteurs such as Yasujirō Ozu, Kenji Mizoguchi and Keisuke Kinoshita, her own dynamic directorial output has been unduly overlooked, until recently. 

Born and raised in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture, before moving to Osaka, where Tanaka began her artistic life as a child biwa player and later made her screen debut at 14, during the silent era of film. Rising through the ranks of the Shochiku studios, she earned consecutive top-billings and became one of the nation’s most popular lead actresses by the mid-1930s. Although disrupted by the war, her fame continued to rise in the 40s and 50s, winning plaudits at home and abroad with films such as Mizoguchi’s Life of Oharu (1952). 

In 1953, despite the prejudices and hurdles of a male-dominated industry, Tanaka ventured behind the camera with her directorial debut, Love Letter, which was a critical and commercial success. She directed six films over 9 years, making her the first—and for many years, the only woman filmmaker in post-war Japan. Each of her films, although unique in approach and style, is connected to one another by a singular determination to centre the experiences of women, across class and history. From sex workers to poets, lovers and mothers, Tanaka emphasised the dauntless spirit of the individual and the collective power of female kinship. 

Following successful runs at Cannes Film Festival 2021, Tokyo International Film Festival 2021, Film at Lincoln Center and the British Film Institute, the Asian Film Archive, presents—for the first time in Southeast Asia—the complete directorial works of Kinuyo Tanaka, all in new 4K digital restorations. Accompanying these films will be a curated selection that represents the diversity of her acting career. A highlight event will be a rare screening of Yasujirō Ozu’s silent film classic Dragnet Girl (1933), which will be screened with a specially-commissioned live score. 

Retrospective: Kinuyo Tanaka will run from 7 October to 5 November 2022 at Oldham Theatre. The programme is held in conjunction with Japanese Film Festival Singapore, and has been made possible with the generous support of the Japan Foundation. 

Toronto International Film Festival(affiliated to FIAF
Film, the Living Record of Memory
27 October 2022
TIFF Bell Lightbox, 350 King Street West

Why preserve film in a world where audiovisual materials seem so readily available online?

That is the key question posed in Film, the Living Record of Our Memory, directed by Inés Toharia Terán, and presented by TIFF in celebration of UNESCO World Audiovisual Heritage Day.

Interviews with film archivists, curators, technicians, and filmmakers explore what film preservation is and why it is still so important to preserve celluloid film, even in an increasingly digital world. Thanks to the tireless work of these film professionals, many of whom work unrecognized behind the scenes, we are still able to watch films that are more than 125 years old. This film pays tribute to their conviction that film holds our collective memory, and that access to film as it was meant to be seen may one day change a life.

Film, The Living Record of Our Memory highlights the unique challenges of maintaining film, the cultural and political barriers to preservation, and the surprising risks of digital preservation. This work is critical because, as the film explains, so much of this heritage has already been lost forever.

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Slovenska kinoteka / Slovenian Cinematheque(affiliated to FIAF
Kino klub Split retrospective
27 October 2022
Miklošičeva 28

Cine Club Split is a non-profit organization active since 1952, with the aim of developing audiovisual culture and arts and providing space, technical and production resources for educational purposes and production, screenings and presentation of cultural and artistic content.

Activities of the Cine Club cover three main areas: Education, Production and Archive.

Educational activities are conducted within the frame of the film school programme, film theory lectures, workshops, film screenings programme, seminars, masterclass and lab. Programming activities are designed to follow the current developments and interdisciplinary educational methods in the media, audiovisual and film arts, founded on professional experience and creativity of lecturers and programme coordinators.

Quality level of all activities is advanced by continuous monitoring of results, quality assessment of completed projects and applying best practice and methods, with constant introduction of new concepts. The Club represents an open and flexible system, able to quickly respond to the requirements and needs of the members and the community and to put into effect previously unforeseen or unplanned programmes and ideas, leading to advancements in overall work and development of knowledge, skills, critical thinking and creativity of all participants.

Free use of equipment and space is guaranteed, as well as autonomy and freedom of expression for all members. During the past six decades of active work, over 600 short films were produced by Cine Club Split, out of which 290 films were shot on film stock. Over one hundred of our authors made their own films, some successful and some less so. Numerous awards won at amateur and alternative film competitions and festivals, on national and international level, contribute to the position of Cine Club Split as one of the most productive and successful clubs in Croatia. Up until today, five generations of authors have emerged from the Club.

We are currently witnessing full transformation – from the system that existed in the past, with groups of authors with distinctive expression, we are now becoming a multifunctional system with a considerable number of members who do not necessarily work together or follow the same convictions, and may have very different aesthetics. The cohesive element is still a sense of solidarity and the shared perspective: cost-free equipment, access to education and artistic freedom. Cooperation, coproduction and partnership projects have grown in number and are now common practice between the members, who have the freedom to work in film as amateurs, professionals or hobbyists, and to design and propose their own programmes. Recent generations of auteurs continue to express themselves independently and clearly through the cinematic language, and their work is successfully presented at national and international festivals and selected film streaming platforms. In the future, the Club will strive to become a regional audiovisual centre.

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Cinemateket Oslo - Norwegian Film Institute(affiliated to FIAF
Silent film concert at the Technical Museum in Oslo
27 October 2022
Teknisk Museum, Kjelsåsveien 143

"The Sound of Méliès": A silent film concert at Oslo's Technical Museum where three films by pioneer Georges Méliès will be screened with live music by Kjetil Schjander Luhr, Kristin Bolstad and Anders Hofstad Sørås.

Filmoteca de Catalunya(affiliated to FIAF
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2022 in Filmoteca de Catalunya
27 October 2022
Plaça de Salvador Seguí, 1-8

Two free screenings to celebrate the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2022.


17.00h | LA MONTAGNE INFIDÈLE (Jean Epstein, 1923)

On June 1923, Jean Epstein and cameraman Paul Guichard went to Italy to film the violent volcanic eruption of Mount Etna.

La Montagne Infidèle was a missing film in Jean Epstein’s filmography.

In 2021, a complete copy of the film in domestic and educational market version in 28mm Pathé Kok was identified in 2CR (Centre de Conservació i Restauració de la Filmoteca de Catalunya). La Montagne infidèle was part of the collection of 40 films in Pathé Kok that had been deposited by the heirs of Pere Tresserras.

The digitization and restoration of this material allows La Montagne infidèle to be incorporated in Epstein's filmography.

Screening with musical accompaniment by Juan de Diego Grebalariak.


 20.00h | ÉRASE UNA VEZ... (Josep Escobar, Alexandre Cirici-Pellicer, 1950)

Version of Cinderella, the popular tale by Charles Perrault.

All original materials in 35 mm and color of Érase una vez... were lost; only 16mm black-and-white copies of low photographic quality and scratched by multiple screenings survived.

In 2014, Filmoteca de Catalunya started the reconstruction project of color, music and voices, in collaboration with Enric Giné, Luciano Berriatua, Isabel Benavides and Estela Films.

Screening introduced by Luciano Berriatua, researcher and restorer, Enric Giné, sound engineer, Clara Martín, restorer, and Rosa Cardona, curator.

FOCAL International(affiliated to FIAF, FOCAL International
Jane Mercer Lecture...In Conversation with Stanley Nelson
27 October 2022

The Jane Mercer Memorial Lecture 2022 will be celebrating the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage and we are proud to announce that Stanley Nelson will be giving the lecture alongside Rosemary Rotondi. Stanley Nelson is the director of the Award-Winning documentary 'Attica', in which Rosemary Rotondi also worked on as the Archive Producer.

During this lecture, Stanley Nelson and Rosemary Rotondi will speak abut their experience when working on documentaries and David Seevers will moderate a Q&A session.