
2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

This year's theme: "Engage the Past Through Sounds and Images"

Add your event at the end of this page!

The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage - 27 October - is key initiative for both UNESCO and the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) to honor audiovisual preservation professionals and institutions that safeguard our heritage for future generations. Around the world audiovisual archives join together annually on this day to celebrate their work with events that not only highlight the vulnerability of these valuable materials, but also to celebrate the often, unheralded work of the institutions that provide protection and preservation, ensuring their availability in the future.

This year the theme of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is "Engage the Past Through Sound and Images ".

Here is the CCAAA Board's official Statement about this year's theme:

Our collective histories are often captured on film, video, audio or digital formats, and through these, we engage to learn about the past and to share our own histories with future generations. Increasingly recordings serve as our memories and tell the stories that constitute our cultural heritage. In recognition of the preservation efforts of the thousands of archivists, librarians and caretakers around the world who care for these valuable collections, this year’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage again celebrates their dedication and expertise. Without the knowledge and devotion that is required to preserve, digitize and provide access, large portions of our cultural heritage would disappear to be lost forever.

Yet many conditions (technical, political, social, financial and more) threaten the survival of these audiovisual materials. We see these losses on a daily basis due to human error, as in the case of the most recently revealed decade-old Universal fire which resulted in the loss of thousands of musical masters, a massive portion of American music history. All too often catastrophes occur, as well, through the rapidly growing number of natural disasters, through lack of proper care (due to benign neglect or lack of knowledge and resources), and, of course, through political turmoil and war. Whatever the circumstances that threaten our cultural heritage, these events remind us that in order to protect and to preserve this material for future generations, skills, knowledge and resources are required. Our moving image and sound recordings hold our memories, ideas, and histories.

While many institutions dedicate substantial resources to providing proper archival storage and to continuously reformatting to the latest and greatest digital formats, some situations are less fortunate; nevertheless, the end goal for all of us is to be able to provide these materials to the audiences who will learn from them, engage with them, appreciate them and embrace them. Whether we are able to broadcast these stories through television, radio, the internet or on the big screen in our cinemas, our global efforts to share these sounds and images is paramount. 

On 27 October, please join us in celebrating our audio-visual heritage, and assist us to acknowledge the work done every day to preserve our stories so that they will endure for future generations. Also, we encourage you to share these films, audio recordings, television histories and other audiovisual objects with the world to engage our audiences  and allow them to remember and discover our past, including its secrets.

This Statement is available as a PDF file in ENGLISH, FRENCH, and SPANISH.
Download and share the official poster in ENGLISH, FRENCH, and SPANISH.

The eight associations forming the CCAAA (AMIA, ARSC, FIAF, FIAT-IFTA, FOCAL International, IASA, ICA, SEAPAVAA) strongly encourage all their members (and any other institutions) not only to join in the global celebrations of the 2019 World Day on and around 27 October, but also to share the information about their particular events, by filling the quick-and-easy form at the bottom of this dedicated CCAAA page. Your descriptive text can be in the language of your choice (or even better... in several languages), but we ask you to limit it to 500 words max. You can also attach one image per event. Please fill in and submit one form per event. Your contributions will be automatically added to the list of Word day events on this page (the latest added event will appear at the top of the list).

Happy 2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage !

2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

This year's theme: "Engage the Past Through Sounds and Images"

Add your event at the end of this page!

The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage - 27 October - is key initiative for both UNESCO and the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) to honor audiovisual preservation professionals and institutions that safeguard our heritage for future generations. Around the world audiovisual archives join together annually on this day to celebrate their work with events that not only highlight the vulnerability of these valuable materials, but also to celebrate the often, unheralded work of the institutions that provide protection and preservation, ensuring their availability in the future.

This year the theme of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is "Engage the Past Through Sound and Images ".

Here is the CCAAA Board's official Statement about this year's theme:

Our collective histories are often captured on film, video, audio or digital formats, and through these, we engage to learn about the past and to share our own histories with future generations. Increasingly recordings serve as our memories and tell the stories that constitute our cultural heritage. In recognition of the preservation efforts of the thousands of archivists, librarians and caretakers around the world who care for these valuable collections, this year’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage again celebrates their dedication and expertise. Without the knowledge and devotion that is required to preserve, digitize and provide access, large portions of our cultural heritage would disappear to be lost forever.

Yet many conditions (technical, political, social, financial and more) threaten the survival of these audiovisual materials. We see these losses on a daily basis due to human error, as in the case of the most recently revealed decade-old Universal fire which resulted in the loss of thousands of musical masters, a massive portion of American music history. All too often catastrophes occur, as well, through the rapidly growing number of natural disasters, through lack of proper care (due to benign neglect or lack of knowledge and resources), and, of course, through political turmoil and war. Whatever the circumstances that threaten our cultural heritage, these events remind us that in order to protect and to preserve this material for future generations, skills, knowledge and resources are required. Our moving image and sound recordings hold our memories, ideas, and histories.

While many institutions dedicate substantial resources to providing proper archival storage and to continuously reformatting to the latest and greatest digital formats, some situations are less fortunate; nevertheless, the end goal for all of us is to be able to provide these materials to the audiences who will learn from them, engage with them, appreciate them and embrace them. Whether we are able to broadcast these stories through television, radio, the internet or on the big screen in our cinemas, our global efforts to share these sounds and images is paramount. 

On 27 October, please join us in celebrating our audio-visual heritage, and assist us to acknowledge the work done every day to preserve our stories so that they will endure for future generations. Also, we encourage you to share these films, audio recordings, television histories and other audiovisual objects with the world to engage our audiences  and allow them to remember and discover our past, including its secrets.

This Statement is available as a PDF file in ENGLISH, FRENCH, and SPANISH.
Download and share the official poster in ENGLISH, FRENCH, and SPANISH.

The eight associations forming the CCAAA (AMIA, ARSC, FIAF, FIAT-IFTA, FOCAL International, IASA, ICA, SEAPAVAA) strongly encourage all their members (and any other institutions) not only to join in the global celebrations of the 2019 World Day on and around 27 October, but also to share the information about their particular events, by filling the quick-and-easy form at the bottom of this dedicated CCAAA page. Your descriptive text can be in the language of your choice (or even better... in several languages), but we ask you to limit it to 500 words max. You can also attach one image per event. Please fill in and submit one form per event. Your contributions will be automatically added to the list of Word day events on this page (the latest added event will appear at the top of the list).

Happy 2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage !

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Οπτικοακουστικά Αρχεία
30 October 2019
Doridos 2 and Eirinis avenue 14


Το Πολιτιστικό Ίδρυμα Ομίλου Πειραιώς (ΠΙΟΠ) και η Ελληνική Αρχειακή Εταιρεία (ΕΑΕ) διοργανώνουν τη δεύτερη κατά σειρά ημερίδα με τίτλο «Οπτικοακουστικά Αρχεία: ζητήματα διαχείρισης και πρόσβασης», την Τετάρτη 30 Οκτωβρίου (ώρα 10:00-14:30), στο Ιστορικό Αρχείο του Ιδρύματος, στον Ταύρο.

Η συνάντηση πραγματοποιείται με την ευκαιρία της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας Οπτικοακουστικής Κληρονομιάς, όπως αυτή καθιερώθηκε από τη Γενική Διάσκεψη της UNESCO, για την ανάδειξη της οπτικοακουστικής αρχειακής κληρονομιάς ως μέσου καταγραφής της ανθρώπινης δράσης και διάσωσης της ιστορικής μνήμης.

Η συνεχόμενη εξέλιξη των σύγχρονων τεχνολογιών και ο αυξανόμενος όγκος των οπτικοακουστικών τεκμηρίων δημιουργούν τεράστιες προκλήσεις για τους φορείς διατήρησής τους και καθιστούν επιτακτική μια σειρά πολιτικών σχετικά με την αρχειοθέτηση, διατήρηση, αξιοποίηση και πρόσβαση στις συλλογές, με δεδομένη και τη μετάβαση από αναλογικές σε ψηφιακές μορφές. Υπαρκτός είναι και ο κίνδυνος της απαξίωσης αντίστοιχων συλλογών υλικού σε φιλμ, ταινίες και δίσκους για λόγους οικονομικούς ή λόγω υποτίμησης της σημασίας τους και της ταχείας τεχνολογικής εξέλιξης των μέσων ανάγνωσης. Παρόμοιες συνθήκες δημιουργούν την ανάγκη η αρχειακή κοινότητα να εστιάσει στο ζήτημα της ευθραυστότητας των ιστορικών ηχογραφήσεων και κινούμενων εικόνων.

Οι διοργανωτές φιλοδοξούν η συνάντηση να αποτελέσει άλλη μία ευκαιρία για αντίστοιχους φορείς να παρουσιάσουν πρακτικές και να μοιραστούν προβληματισμούς, ώστε να εμπεδωθεί ο διάλογος σε θέματα αξιοποίησης οπτικοακουστικών συλλογών και διασφάλισης της πρόσβασης σε αυτές. Το πρόγραμμα της ημερίδας συγκροτείται από παρουσιάσεις περιεχομένου και πολιτικών

διατήρησης και πρόσβασης συναφών φορέων καθώς και την εμπειρία ερευνητών και δημιουργών που αξιοποίησαν σχετικό υλικό.

Η συμμετοχή είναι δωρεάν. Για την εγγραφή των συμμετεχόντων θα τηρηθεί σειρά προτεραιότητας (τηλ. 210 3418011, Δευτ.-Παρ. 9:00-17:00).

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Central State CinePhotoPhono Archives of Ukraine named after H. Pshenychnyi
In the Language of Cinema. In Memoriam of a Film Firector Valentina Shestopalova.
23 October 2019
Central State CinePhotoPhono Archives of Ukraine named after H. Pshenychnyi

To celebrate World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the Central State CinePhotoPhono Archives of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi helds a lecture “In the Language of Cinema. In Memoriam of Film Director Valentina Shestopalova: Filmed Stays. A Luminary of the Ukrainian 60th – Ivan Svitlychnyi” with a screening of Shestopalova’s film “The World Has Abandoned Me”.

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Central State CinePhotoPhono Archives of Ukraine named after H. Pshenychnyi
Photo- and phonodocuments selection “Lights, Camera… Action!”
25 October 2019

To celebrate World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the Central State CinePhotoPhono Archives of Ukraine named after H.S. Pshenychnyi has made a selection of Photo- and phonodocuments.

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The Vietnam National Archives Center III(affiliated to ICA
ICCROM workshop on "Sustaining the audio and visual collection" at the National Archives of Vietnam.
15-25 October 2019
The Vietnam National Archives Center III

The workshop titled "Sustaining Sound and Visual Collection" was organized by ICCROM and the State Record and Archives Department of Vietnam in the National Archives Center III from October 15th to 25th, 2019. Under the instruction of 3 ICCROM experts (Mick Newnham, Swee Cheng Wong, Irfan Zuberi), 23 participants from the national archives centers of Vietnam took part in the workshop. At the end of the training, the participants are able to (1) recognise various AV media types and formats in the collection, (2) understand how records deteriorate and the solutions, (3) identify records for digitisation, (4) learn how to digitise and develop a preservation plan and (5) learn how to set up a trusted digital repository and develop a creative use and open access plan. During the workshop, the ICCROM experts and participants of the workshop "Sustaining Sound and Visual Collection" visited the Vietnam National Film Institute and the Documentation Centre at Vietnam Television.

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Erwin Verbruggen
Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision(affiliated to AMIA, FIAT-IFTA, IASA
VIEW publishes Issue 15 on Material Histories of Television
27 October 2019
EUscreen Foundation

VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture offers an international platform for outstanding academic research and archival reflection on television as an important part of our European cultural heritage. The journal is open to many disciplinary perspectives on European television – including television history, media studies, media sociology, cultural studies and television studies.

This 15th edition of the open access online journal explores the many ways in which television’s material heritage can be repurposed or exploited, bringing to the fore new emergent uses for this older medium. Television’s material culture offers a starting point into our exploration of television’s current status. Artefacts and material traces are imbued with social relations. They unearth for us the web of users, uses and meanings associated to television, both in its historical and present form.

The issue was co-edited by John Ellis and Dana Mustata and published online on October 27, 2019, in honour of the World Day of Audiovisual Heritage!


Gartenberg Media Enterprises(affiliated to FIAF
Field Recording of JFK Campaign Speech during 1960 Election
27 October 2019 - 27 October 2020
New York

Gartenberg Media Enterprises presents a rare audio clip from a field recording during John F. Kennedy’s 1960 Presidential Campaign. In his remarks, JFK encapsulates William Faulkner’s famous observation that "The past is never dead. It's not even past" as he speaks to the enduring social values of the Democratic party, versus those of the Republican party in the United States. Sixty years later this divide between the two political parties is even more profoundly evident.

Found in the street Museum
Facebook invitation
27 October 2019
online event

اليوم هو اليوم العالمي للتراث السمعي البصري الذي أطلقته منظمة اليونسكو 1980 تقديرا لما تحمله محفوظات التراث السمعي والبصري في طياتها من حكايات عن أشكال حياة الأشخاص وثقافاتهم في جميع أنحاء العالم. وكان الهدف الأساسي من اليوم هو التوصية بشأن حماية هذا التراث وصونه. إذ يقدم اليوم العالمي الفرصة لرفع مستوى الوعي بشأن الحاجة إلى اتخاذ تدابير عاجلة والإقرار بأهمية الوثائق والمواد السمعية البصرية.

ونحن هنا في متحف الشارع ندعوا كل محبينا ومتابعينا بالمشاركة باليوم بشكل عملي وبسيط هو رفع الغبار عن أرشيفكم الشخصي وإعادة مشاهدته والإستمتاع به وربما رقمنته ومشاركته مع الأصدقاء كما نفعل نحن هنا كل يوم

صفحة اليوم على الموقع الرسمي لليونسكو: https://ar.unesco.org/commemorations/worldaudiovisualday

Today is the #AudiovisualHeritageDay launched by UNESCO in 1980 in recognition of the archives of audiovisual heritage about the lives and cultures of people around the world. The main objective of the day was to recommend the protection and preservation of this heritage. World Day offers an opportunity to raise awareness about the need for urgent measures and to recognize the importance of audio-visual documents and materials.

We here at the Street Museum invite all our fans and followers to participate in the day in a simple and practical way to remove dust from your personal archive and re-view and enjoy it and perhaps digitize and share with friends as we do here every day.

Today's page on UNESCO's official website:https://en.unesco.org/commemorations/worldaudiovisualday

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Taiwan Film Institute(affiliated to FIAF, IFLA
Together, In Time
25-26 October 2019
Spot Huashan Cinema

As the 2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage coincides with the 40th anniversary of Taiwan Film Institute's establishment, our celebration this year is especially monumental. From a small film library established in 1978, Taiwan Film Institute (TFI) has expanded throughout the years to what is now an institute dedicated to the preservation, restoration and promotion of Taiwan cinema. From 2019 on, we are expected to take on even more responsibilities, such as adding television and radio materials to our vast collection.

To celebrate our milestone year and raise awareness of the importance of preserving audiovisual heritage, TFI organized screenings of three films from October 25 to 26 at Taipei's Spot Huashan Cinema in a series of events titled 'Together, In Time.' "The Homecoming Pilgrimage of Dajia Mazu", our newly restored classic originally filmed in the 1970s, was screened after a press conference. The TV documentary details the religious phenomenom of tens of thousands of people in procession for over 10 days, following Mazu (sea goddess) for over 400 kilometers. The annual pilgrimage made UNESCO's world intangible cultural heritage list in 2008. The TV documentary was restored in 2K from its release print, and has undergone multiple challenges due to its severely faded colors.

Hou Hsiao-hsien's "A City of Sadness" was also screened on this occasion. Released in 1989, "A City of Sadness" was the first Taiwanese film to garner the highest honor at Venice Film Festival. Its critical success not only put Taiwan's New Cinema on the world cinema map, Hou's mastery in using long takes also enriched the cinematic language. A 35mm release print was screened on October 26. Scratches and stains were visible throughout the screening, reminding the audience that films do deteriorate with time.

Last on the list was the WP of "Archiving Time", a documentary produced by TFI about the work of our vault employees. Filmed over two years, "Archiving Time" takes the audience through how films are acquired, preserved and restored at our vaults and restoration lab. Two screenings were held on October 25, one for the public, the other for the past and present employees of TFI. The screenings were not only a call for attention to the urgency of our work, they were also a tribute to members of TFI who have dedicated much of their lives to this great cause.

Aside from past and present members of TFI, government officials, filmmakers and cinephiles were also in attendance. TFI's director, Dr. Wang Chun-Chi took the opportunity to urge the audience to join our efforts in preserving Taiwan's audiovisual heritage, e.g. by donating to TFI films preserved in poor conditions. Dr. Wang pointed out that much of the history and culture of the 20th and 21th century are kept in audiovisual forms. Therefore, it is essential to safeguard our audiovisual heritage, and it requires the assistance and awareness of all people. 'Together, In Time' was the title of our celebratory events, and also of our ongoing quest and mission.

Steven Spielberg Jewish Film Archive(affiliated to AMIA, FIAF
Honor of World day for Audiovisual heritage,
27 October 2019
Mt. Scopus

A presentation every 2 hours of different home movies held by the Spielberg Archive all from the last century from the 1920s to the the late 1970s , a chance to see the development of the State of Israel.

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National Audiovisual Institute
27 October 2019
Kino Regina

National Audiovisual Institute (KAVI) organizes regular film screenings at the Kino Regina cinema in Helsinki. Archival series cover just about everything from the earliest examples of film history to the latest noteworthy releases: classics and forgotten gems, extensive retrospectives illuminating genre history and changing times.

Bangladesh Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF
“শব্দ ও চিত্রের মাধ্যমে অতীতকে ধারন”
27 October 2019
Bangladesh Film Archive , Projection Hall (2 level)

Bangladesh Film Archive (affiliated to FIAF)

Engage the Past Through Sound and Images

Bangladesh Film Archive (BFA) celebrates World Day for Audiovisual Heritage with a number of activities including film screening on Sunday in Bangladesh capital Dhaka. The day falls on 27 October. The programme will be organized at the Projection Hall (2 level) of the BFA building.
The day’s programme will begin with the screening of documentary titled Historic March 7 Speech. The documentary is based on the historical speech of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujiber Rahman that was delivered on 7th March, 1971 in Dhaka at a gathering of 2 million of people. The speech inspired the Bangalis to take part in glorious War of Liberation against the Pakistani occupation forces. Recently, UNESCO added the historic speech in the Memory of the world Register as a documentary heritage.
Later, Mukh O Mukhosh, the first Bangla language feature film released in 1956 will be also screened. The film was made by Abdul Jabbar Khan. Thus the BFA will uphold the past through Sounds , Image and History.

26 October 2019 - 31 December 2020


27 OCT. Día mundial del patrimonio audiovisual 2019
El tema de este año: "Involucre el pasado a través de sonidos e imágenes"
¿Qué hemos hecho hasta ahora?
¿ Qué resultados hemos obtenido?
¿En qué nos debemos concentrar?
@fiaf1938 @UNESCO @UNESCO_es


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Qatar National Library, UCL Qatar, The British Library
Before it is too late
03 November 2019
Qatar National Library

The United Nations has designated 27 October as the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage aimed at building global awareness of the urgency and importance of preserving audiovisual materials such as sound recordings and moving images. These are among the most vulnerable types of heritage materials, due to the use of rapidly deteriorating materials in the construction of carriers and the impending obsolescence of playback machines, particularly for materials recorded on magnetic tape. A great deal of effort and care is required in order to preserve the marvellous 20th-century accomplishments of Arab cinema, television, radio and music industries for future generations. 

Dedicated to the safeguarding of cultural heritage, and in cooperation with UCL–Qatar and the British Library-Qatar Foundation Partnership, the Library cordially invites you to an evening to celebrate the unique audiovisual heritage of Qatar and the Middle East. We will discuss the importance and urgency of audiovisual preservation on a large scale in the hope of finding collaborative solutions by building on shared experience and expertise.

The event will have two parts:

1. A lecture: “The Gulf and the Arab Audiovisual Heritage: The Urgency and the Possibilities of Preservation,” by Hazem Jamjoum, British Library.

2. A panel discussion: “Preserving Our Audiovisual Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities”, with the participation of Shayya AlFadel, Abdul Salam Jadallah and Pamela Erskine-Loftus.

Cinemateca de Bogotá(affiliated to FIAF
Activities for the Celebration of the 2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
25-30 October 2019
Cinemateca de Bogotá
Bogotá D.C

OCT 26: Outdoor projection

The next stop of Pelis por Bogotá is Usaquén. The date is at Plaza Fundacional Carrera 6a # 118-05, with the presentation of the restored version of Pura Sangre (1982) of Luis Ospina. This projection includes previous activities and workshops.



OCT 25/ 26: Hackaton Rushes of Pura Sangre

This AV Hackaton is a tribute to Luis Ospina (1949-2019), based with un-cut images from digitized 35mm interpositives of the film Pura Sangre (1982). The film director Jorge Navas and the folley artist Daniel Giraldo will guide 12 groups to create new narratives.



OCT 30 - NOV 03: Ciclo Restaurados

The Cinemateca de Bogotá will present the first Restored Latin-American Film Showcase (Ciclo Restaurados) from October 30th to November 3rd. The selected films revisit different moments of Latinamerican cinema, includes works from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, México and Perú. A program combined with 12 films and 3 academic spaces. This showcase is conceived in conjunction with the Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano and the Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Archivos de Imágenes en Movimiento CLAIM.



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Cinemateca Brasileira(affiliated to FIAF
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage - Programme Méliès and the beginnings of Brazilian Cinema
27 October 2019
São Paulo Art Museum - MASP
São Paulo

Cinemateca Brasileira promotes screening of pioneer’s shorts animations at the 2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage


On October 27, the Cinemateca Brasileira and the 43th São Paulo Int'l Film Festival celebrate the 2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage with a screening programme at the free-standing space of São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP, in Portuguese) in Paulista Avenue.

The Programme "Méliès and the beginnings of Brazilian Cinema” consists in eight restored short-films from Georges Méliès and the Brazilian feature short-films "Macaco feio... macaco bonito" (1929) and "Frivolitá" (1930), both directed by Luiz Seel and pioneers of the animation technique in the Brazilian cinema. The free-admission screening will count with live piano accompaniment by Tony Berchmans.

Archivio Audiovisivo del Movimento Operaio e Democratico(affiliated to FIAF
No lipstick/Senza rossetto
26-27 October 2019

“It was a formidable moment of gender liberation, it was an explosion and something changed that never went back”… “Although, it’s not just the struggle for the right to vote that was beautiful because it was a victory for women that we could finally vote… But it’s not just that it’s what came after that’s important”

When fascism fell, the war ended, on June 2, 1946 the Italians returned to free vote: they were called to choose between monarchy or republic, and to elect representatives of the constitutional assembly.

The voices of the women who voted for the first time in Italy in 1946 were collected by an archivist and a visual anthropologist, Emanuela Mazzina and Silvana Profeta, in a documentary film that reactivates the memories of a generation marked by fascism and war. Stories of life different for culture, social class, region of origin, enrich the "official" representation of history with many individual narratives.

“Go to vote without lipstick!” was a famous recommendation addressed to women in the Italian press. The ballots paper, if recognizables because of lips traces, would be invalidated. The documentary is named after this exhortation.  

This project for the enhancement and conservation of memory and our collective stories is also designed for future generations. "The testimonies urge today's girls to reflect on the conquest of rights, warning them of the need not to take for granted what they have and to continue to seek that equality, which the interviewees themselves do not yet see definitively reached in fields other than the vote". 

The video interviews of the film were collected in a digital archive that will be accessible online. The film was produced by an institution and a company both involved in the management, preserving, dissemination of archives, Aamod and regesta.exe.


The film (color and b/n, duration 52”, edited by Milena Fiore) is constructed with footage from Archivio Istituto Luce Cinecittà, Aamod, private archives.

Bronx Community College
StoryBlock Viewing
27 October 2019
Bronx, NY
United States

StoryBlock is an oral history and visual community archive that celebrates the cultural richness of Kelly Street residents living in the Longwood section of the South Bronx.​ This project who was commissioned by The Laundromat Project’s Create Change Program and is now currently archived at Bronx Community College’s Archives. StoryBlock was the result of a collaboration between artists Sasha Phyars-Burgess and Alison Hall Kibbe, as a continuation of their Hunts Point Create Change Fellows 2014 Field Day project. These narratives shed light on the past, present and future of Kelly Street, the South Bronx, New York City, and the diversity and beauty of our individual and collective stories.  -CT

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Shanghai Audio-Visual Archives of Shanghai Media Group(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA, FOCAL International, IASA, IFLA
An Unsung Filmmaker in History
27-29 October 2019
Sihang Warehouse Battle Memorial Museum, China Securities Museum

Shanghai Audio-Visual Archives will celebrate the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage by holding themed screenings on 27th and 29th October. This year we will pay special attention to a filmmaker Wan-go Weng who has been unsung in the history of film. Our researcher will introduce Mr Weng’s life story and his achievement along with his three short documentary films: A Town by the Yangtze, Chinese Shadow Play and Painting a Chinese Figure.

Wan-go Weng, formerly known as Xingqing Weng, was born in Shanghai in 1918 with his ancestral home in Changshu. He is a great-great-grandson of Weng Tonghe (1830-1904), Chinese Confucian scholar and imperial tutor during the Qing dynasty. He was admitted to Shanghai Jiaotong University at the age of 18, went to Purdue University in the United States at the age of 20, and obtained a master's degree in mechanical and electrical engineering at the age of 22. In the same year, he entered the Department of Fine Arts at University of Wisconsin to learn painting. Since then he has been engaged in painting, photography and filmmaking.

For more than half a century, Mr. Wan-ge Weng has been dedicated in the anti-Japanese war, the promotion of Chinese culture and art, and the cultural communication between Chinese and American. The narration of "The Battle of China" in the famous anti-war series "Why We Fight" was written by Mr. Weng. In 1946, he and Situ Huimin, Zheng Yongzhi and others founded a Chinese film company in the United States, specializing in filming Chinese-themed educational films and documentaries, and successively filming "The Story of Chinese Art " and "East in the West" (Chinese students studying in the United States) and dozens of works, preserving a lot of precious Chinese historical moving images for future generations.

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Fukuoka City Public Library Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF
Backyard Tours of the Archive
01-27 October 2019
Fukuoka City Public Library Film Archive

This year, as part of our celebrations of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, we organized several “backyard” tours of the Archive in September/October to widely introduce our continued activities to archive and preserve films.  We invited the film directors, producers and researchers from Asian countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, Korea, China, India, Kazakhstan and Taiwan. One of the participants was a Philippine director Mr. Kidlat Tahimik, with whom we fully discussed the value and importance of film preservation especially in Asian countries.  Throughout the tours and communication with these visitors, we explained and shared the FIAF’s Manifesto, “Don’t Throw Film Away”, described in several languages including Japanese.

Agrupamento de Escolas de Arouca
Dia Mundial do Património Audiovisual
28 October 2019
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Arquivo Nacional - Brasil (affiliated to FIAF, ICA
Envolva o passado com sons e imagens
29 October 2019
Arquivo Nacional
Rio de Janeiro

Em 27 de outubro acontece o Dia Mundial do Patrimônio Audiovisual, comemoração aprovada pela Conferência Geral da UNESCO, em 2005, como forma de chamar a atenção para a necessidade da adoção de medidas urgentes que permitam a conservação dos arquivos audiovisuais no mundo inteiro e a importância desse patrimônio para o reconhecimento da identidade de todos os povos.

De forma a comemorar esta data, em consonância com a orientação da Federação Internacional de Filmes de Arquivo (FIAF), da qual o Arquivo Nacional é membro, é proposto para o dia 29 de outubro de 2019 o evento Envolva o passado com sons e imagens: o audiovisual e os saberes indígenas

14h Abertura

14h:15min Exibição de filmes

Rondon, patrono das telecomunicações (1973, p&b, 13’)
Documentário biográfico sobre o Marechal Cândido Rondon, da infância em 1865, até seu falecimento em 1958. Destaca a sua atuação na implantação do sistema Telegráfico no interior do país e os primeiros contatos com tribos indígenas.
Fundo Ministério do Exército

Um dia na vida de uma tribo na floresta tropical – os Urubu-Kaapor (1949, p&b, 20’)
Documentário sobre as atividades de subsistência de uma família Kaapor, da Aldeia do capitão Piarrú, à margem esquerda do Rio Gurupi, Maranhão. A colheita, o preparo da mandioca, a fabricação detalhada de flechas e o cotidiano de Xiyra, Kosó e do filho Beren constituem a estrutura desse raro filme etnográfico.
Produção: Serviço de Proteção aos Índios (SPI)
Fotografia, direção e montagem: Heinz Foerthmann. Roteiro: Darcy Ribeiro

Cidadão Jatobá (1987, cor, 14’)
Um grupo de índios jovens de diferentes etnias do Parque Nacional do Xingu aprende a construir a tradicional canoa feita da casca do jatobá. Devido às limitações do parque, esse tipo de canoa de rápido feitio, que servia principalmente para a exploração das redondezas, deixou de ser usada e só os mais velhos da aldeia ainda sabem construí-la.
Roteiro e direção: Maria Luiza Aboim

Ari Okãta Haka – Aqui é assim (2000, cor, 18’)
Este filme, rodado em conjunto com a gravação do CD, apresenta a força da preservação cultural do povo Ashaninka através de sua relação com os mitos e rituais e sua mística com influências andinas.
Roteiro e direção: Nicole Algranti

15h Debate

O audiovisual e os saberes indígenas: arquivo, preservação e acesso

Mediação: Aline Camargo Torres (Supervisora da Equipe de Processamento Técnico de Documentos Audiovisuais, Sonoros e Musicais)

Maria Elizabeth Brêa Monteiro (Antropóloga e pesquisadora do Arquivo Nacional)

Maria Luiza Aboim (Cineasta)

Nicole Algranti (Cineasta)

Posted by:
28 October 2019


Proyección de materiales digitalizados a partir de distintos formatos y soportes físicos

- Enlace Calles-Torreblanca*
Acervo Cineteca Nacional
México, 1922 / 6’14”
- Colección Manuel Ramos *
(Rollos 14, 25, 26, 33, 106 y 107)
Archivo Manuel Ramos
México, 1920-1928 / 5’14”
- [Niños uniformados en la calle]*
Archivo Memoria - Colección Armando Pous
México, ca. 1920’s / 1’03”
- [Chichén Itzá]*
Archivo Memoria - Colección Armando Pous
México, ca. 1924 / 1'03"
- La comadreja que entró en el granero*
Archivo Memoria - Colección Armando Pous
Francia, ca. 1924 / 1’03”
- [Construcción Torre Latinoamericana]*
Acervo Cineteca Nacional
México, ca. 1948-1956 / 7’10”
- The Cockroach
Acervo Cineteca Nacional
Alfonso Vergara Andrade, México, ca. 1938 / 10’34”
- [Homenaje al gobierno de Lázaro Cárdenas en Cuba]
Acervo Cineteca Nacional
Cuba, 1938 / 12’09”
- La Bestia Negra (trailer)
Acervo Cineteca Nacional
Gabriel Soria, México, 1938 / 7’
- Un Suceso de la Vida Diaria
Colección Archivo General de la Nación
México, 1947 / 5’
- Cómo se hace un periódico
Acervo Cineteca Nacional
Marcelo Couturier, México, 1962 / 15’35”
- Pubertinaje (trailer)
Acervo Cineteca Nacional
Pablo Leder, José Antonio Alcaraz, México, 1971 / 1’51”
- [Lo espera nuestra dulcería]
Acervo Cineteca Nacional
México, ca. 1976 / 0.56”

* Musicalizado por el “Ensamble Rapsoda Muscinema”

Entrada libre con cortesías en taquilla 5

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United States Holocaust Memorial Museum(affiliated to AMIA
A free program to celebrate 2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.
27 October 2019
Unites States Memorial Holocaust Museum
Washington DC
United States

Please join us to celebrate the 2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on Sunday, October 27 from 1-4pm on the lower level of the Museum. Learn more about the eyewitness films on display in the American Witnesses special exhibition and the Holocaust Museum’s critical work to preserve, digitize, and provide access to our audiovisual cultural heritage. Meet staff from the Museum’s Spielberg Film Archive and watch films made by ordinary Americans who recorded prewar Jewish life and the effects of Nazi persecution in Europe with their personal hand-held movie cameras in Classroom D. #WDAVH2019

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Cinemateca do Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro(affiliated to FIAF
Dia Mundial da Preservação Audiovisual:
25 October 2019
Sala Cosme Alves Netto, Cinemateca do MAM-RJ
Rio de Janeiro

Exibição de Viagem ao Brasil (Voyage au Brésil) de Vital Ramos de Castro. França, 1927. Fragmento. Documentário. 30’48”. Sessão em homenagem a Claudine de Castro (in memoriam), seguida de roda de conversa com a participação de Gustavo Pires Neto, Maria Antonia Bebianno, Flávio Silva e Hernani Heffner. Acompanhamento musical ao vivo por Luiza Bertine.

Documentación Audiovisual DRTV-UASLP(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA
Conferencia: Patrimonio Audiovisual, un bien cultural que proteger y difundir.
23 October 2019
Centro Cultural Julián Carrillo
San Luis Potosí México

Con motivo del día mundial del patrimonio audiovisual, la Dirección de Patrimonio Cultural de la Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno del Estado de San Luis Potosí, llevó a cabo la conferencia "Patrimonio Audiovisual: un bien cultural que proteger y difundir", a cargo del Mtro. Ubaldo Candia Reyna, quién es el responsable del Área de Documentación Audiovisual de la Dirección de Radio y Televisión de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí.

En esta conferencia se pudo reflexionar sobre la importancia del patrimonio audiovisual, resaltar el trabajo que se realiza a favor de documentos audiovisuales y crear conciencia sobre su protección y difusión.

El evento se llevó a cabo en el Centro Cultural "Julián Carrillo" a las 19:00 hrs.

Istituto piemontese per la storia della Resistenza e della società contemporanea "Giorgio Agosti"
Fonti orali in Italia: archivi e ri-generazioni
25-26 October 2019
Polo del '900

L’iniziativa, a cura di ISTORETO-Istituto piemontese per la storia della Resistenza e della società contemporanea "Giorgio Agosti", Fondazione ISEC-Istituto per la storia dell'età contemporanea, Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica per il Piemonte e la Valle d’Aosta, AISO-Associazione Italiana di Storia Orale, Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri e realizzata con il contributo di SPI CGIL Torino-Piemonte, si tiene in occasione del World Day for audiovisual heritage ed è gemellata con la Giornata di Studio sugli archivi sindacali e le memorie popolari promossa dalla Fondazione Giuseppe di Vittorio, Cgil Matera e Cgil Basilicata a Matera (31 ottobre 2019).

Un convegno per affrontare il tema delle fonti orali da diversi punti di vista, discutendo di produzione, conservazione, uso e riuso delle fonti, sia sul piano tecnico-scientifico sia su quello divulgativo, con l’intento di mettere a confronto diverse generazioni di ricercatori e operatori.

Oggetto delle relazioni sono: il censimento in corso degli archivi sonori e audiovisivi presso la rete degli Istituti per la storia della Resistenza, i lavori in corso per la redazione di un vademecum sulla descrizione, conservazione e ri-uso delle fonti orali, l’impatto sulla storia orale del regolamento europeo sulla protezione dei dati personali, le esperienze virtuose di conservazione e riuso degli archivi sonori, la costituzione di archivi di testimonianze orali come atto di democrazia, la solidarietà tra generazioni di storici e storiche orali.

In particolare, sarà presentata la pubblicazione on line, nel sito dell’AISO, della collezione completa della rivista “Fonti orali. Studi e ricerche” http://aisoitalia.org/fonti-orali-studi-e-ricerche/, primo organo di collegamento del movimento delle storiche e degli storici orali italiani, uscita tra il 1981 e il 1987. Nell’occasione, sarà conferita la “tessera onoraria” dell’AISO a tutti i componenti del comitato scientifico della rivista, nel segno della solidarietà delle generazioni che hanno fatto la storia orale.

Il convegno si articola in due sessioni, Dal conversare al conservare. Lo stato dell’arte delle fonti orali in Italia e Cosa resterà di questi anni Ottanta. Una rilettura della rivista “Fonti orali. Studi e ricerche” e  prevede un ricordo e un riascolto di Bianca Guidetti Serra (a cura di Goffredo Fofi) e di Nuto Revelli (a cura della Fondazione Nuto Revelli).

Partecipano alle relazioni e alla tavola rotonda del 25 ottobre: Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica per il Piemonte e la Valle d’Aosta, Regione Piemonte, SPI CGIL Torino-Piemonte, ISTORETO, Istituto nazionale Ferruccio Parri, Soprintendenza archivistica e bibliografica della Toscana, Università degli studi di Trento, ICAR-Istituto centrale per gli archivi, DGA-Direzione Generale Archivi, ICBSA-Istituto centrale per i beni sonori e audiovisivi, ICCD-Istituto centrale per il catalogo e la documentazione, ICCU-Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico, Istituto per la storia della Resistenza e della società contemporanea nel Biellese, IRSIFAR-Istituto romano per la storia d'Italia dal fascismo alla Resistenza, Fondazione G. Di Vittorio, Fondazione Valore Lavoro Cgil Pistoia, Università degli Studi di Torino, Goffredo Fofi.

Partecipano alle relazioni e alla tavola rotonda del 26 ottobre: Fondazione ISEC, AISO, Fondazione Vera Nocentini, alcuni tra i redattori e gli autori della rivista "Fonti orali” (Daniele Jalla, Leo Gambino, Gianni Dore, Tullio Telmon, Liliana Lanzardo), CREO-Centro Ricerca Etnomusica e Oralità, ANCR-Archivio Nazionale Cinematografico della Resistenza), Fondazione Nuto Revelli.

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Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema(affiliated to FIAF
26 October 2019
Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema

The musical score by Armando Leça (1891-1977), composed specifically for the Portuguese silent film “A Rosa do Adro” (Georges Pallu, 1919) will be performed live by the soloists of Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa, at Cinemateca (Lisbon), on October 26, 9,30pm, marking the centenary of the film's original theatrical release. Leça's score was transcribed, edited and adapted to the existing version of the film by a team of musicologists from NOVA FCSH in the context of a reserach project led by Instituto de Etnomusicologia – Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança (INET-md). The digitisation of the film and the reconstitution of its musical score are the result of a parternship between Cinemateca Portuguesa, Instituto de Etnomusicologia – Centro de Música e Dança da NOVA FCSH and Orquestra Metropolitana de Lisboa.

The screening of “A Rosa do Adro” is also the kick-off of a larger digitisation and DVD edition project of all the surviving films by Invicta Film, the most important and most prolific portuguese production company from silent cinema period. All the films will have either new commissioned musical scores or reconstituted original scores and will also be available in high definition DCP copies for loans in Portugal and abroad. This project will be concluded in 2023. 

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Montenegrin Cinematheque(affiliated to FIAF
History. Heritage. Film.
27 October 2019
Miljana Vukova 59

On the occasion of the 2019 World Day For Audiovisual Heritage on October 27th, Montenegrin Cinematheque will present three films online in order to raise the awareness of the importance of the preservation of audiovisual heritage.

These projects, highlight some of the most significant episodes of Montenegrin history. At the same time, these films have contributed to the dissemination of knowledge about values ​​and importance of cultural heritage and serve for cultural, scientific and educational needs of individuals and society.

1. There Is No Resurrection Without Death (Voskresenja ne biva bez smrti,1922) - Unique for many things, "Voskresenje" has literally followed the destiny of the country it was dedicated to. Ending of World War One brought the paradox unheard-of in the political history of Europe: Montenegro, country fought the side of allies, had lost its statehood. 

2. Montenegro and Great War (Crna Gora i Veliki rat, 2018) - This project is extremely important document for our society, because in short review presents all the relevant moments of our history, sidelined  from the general audience, but is really necessary for historical and  scientific importance of this period, which will witness the newly found film materials.

3. State Fortress Žabljak (Žabljak Crnojevića, 2018) - “The better you know something, the better you love it”: this also applies to our natural world, our history and our country, and the more we learn about them, the closer they grow to our heart. That’s when we truly appreciate them and treasure them! The largest, best preserved and undoubtedly the most important medieval fortified city situated on the territory of modern Montenegro and associated with the Crnojević family is certainly Žabljak, mostly known as Žabljak Crnojevića.





CONCIENCIACIÓN INVITACIÓN: Balance-reflexión. sobre los archivos audiovisuales
30 October 2019
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United States Holocaust Memorial Museum(affiliated to AMIA
A a free program to celebrate 2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage.
27 October 2019
Washington, DC
United States

Please join us on 27 October for a free program to celebrate 2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. Meet our staff, watch & learn abt eyewitness films made by Americans, our work to preserve, digitize & provide access to our audiovisual cultural heritage.

1639 recordings available online from UNESCO Archives’ historic collections.
27 October 2019

UNESCO Archives celebrates World Day for Audiovisual Heritage making available online 1639 recordings from their heritage collections:


From Monday 28th October throughout the week, we shall invite you to discover ‘picks of the day’ via UNESCO’s social media and the blogs on the Digitization Project’s platform:



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27 October 2019

RTÉ Archives houses Ireland’s largest audiovisual collection and is responsible for acquiring, conserving, preserving, cataloguing, documenting, and publishing.

Everyday RTÉ Archives celebrates audiovisual archives through new radio and television programmes across new devices and platforms.

In addition, new stories from the archives are published daily on rte.ie/archives and are available worldwide.

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Archivo General de la Nación Argentina-Departamento de Cine, Audio y Video(affiliated to ICA
27 de octubre: Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual
24-27 October 2019
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

27 de octubre: Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual
«Explora el pasado a través del sonido y las imágenes», UNESCO 2019

En el marco del proyecto de concientización del valor del documento audiovisual, el Archivo General de la Nación, realiza una campaña digital en la que incluye registros de actos cívicos y electorales que forman parte de su acervo documental.

En concordancia con su triple función social, ser fuente para la historia, el arte y la cultura; memoria institucional y ser garante de los derechos ciudadanos, el Archivo General, se une una vez más a la propuesta de la Unesco: “concientizar sobre la necesidad de tomar medidas urgentes y reconocer la importancia de los documentos audiovisuales, como parte integrante de la identidad nacional”.

El Departamento de Cine, Audio y Video, perteneciente al Archivo General de la Nación, lleva adelante este año la 4° edición de su proyecto de concientización del valor del documento audiovisual. En ese sentido, difundirá diferentes videos con registros documentales de su acervo referidos a actos cívicos y electorales, con el fin de poner en valor los procesos democráticos de Argentina.

Los documentos audiovisuales contienen los registros principales de los siglos XX-XXI; son fundamentales para probar los hechos de la Administración Pública y otros actores sociales. Es importante que mantengamos su autenticidad, integridad, fiabilidad y respeto al contexto de creación y producción.

Gran parte del patrimonio audiovisual del mundo ya se ha perdido irremediablemente a causa de la negligencia, la destrucción, el deterioro y la falta de recursos, competencias y estructuras, empobreciendo, de esta forma, la memoria de la humanidad.

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Cinemateca Dominicana (DGCINE)(affiliated to FIAF
Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual
25-27 October 2019
Ayuntamiento de Santiago de los Caballeros
Santiago de los Caballeros
República Dominicana

El Ayuntamiento de Santiago de los Caballeros, la Dirección General de Cine (DGCINE) y su dependencia de la Cinemateca Dominicana, celebran el "Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual", del 25 al 27 de octubre, en la ciudad de Santiago de los Caballeros.

Dichas actividades se realizan por medio del programa Cinemateca sobre ruedas, creado por la DGCINE, a través de la Cinemateca Dominicana, con la finalidad de continuar presentando películas dominicanas en salas alternativas de diferentes puntos del territorio nacional, con el fin de promover la cultura del séptimo arte y ofrecer una opción de sano entretenimiento.

El programa inicia con el panel "Pasaje de ida: la película salvada", contactando con los expositores, ambos especialistas en preservación de documentos, Lic. José Enrique Rodríguez, coordinador de archivo fílmico de la Cinemateca Dominicana y el Lic. Juan Bautista Sánchez del Archivo General de la Nación (AGN). El objetivo principal es presentar los resultados del proyecto de restauración de la obra cinematográfica "Un pasaje de ida", dirigida por Agilberto Meléndez en 1988, desarrollado este año en colaboración entre instituciones. El encuentro de la noche del 25 de octubre termina con la interpretación en vivo de la canción "Dejar mi tierra", la cual forma parte de la película, continuación de la proyección de la obra completa.

La celebración continuará todo el fin de semana con actividades libres de costo de entrada que incluyen:

Charla de apreciación cinematográfica "Yo sé de cine", impartida por Fiora Cruz, directora de la Cinemateca Dominicana.

Sábado 26 de octubre, 3:00 pm | Sala Capitular, Ayuntamiento de Santiago de los Caballeros

Proyección de la película dominicana "Colao", dirigida por Frank Perozo.
Sábado 26 de octubre, 7:00 pm | Murales "Paseo por Hollywood", Santiago de los Caballeros

Proyección de la película dominicana "Miriam miente", dirigida por Natalia Cabral y Oriol Estrada.
Domingo 27 de octubre, 5:00 pm | Sala Capitular, Ayuntamiento de Santiago de los Caballeros


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Albanian National Film Archive - AQSHF(affiliated to FIAF
Open Day at the Film Archive
28 October 2019
Rruga Aleksander Moisiu, No. 76/1

On the occasion of the World Day for the Audiovisual Heritage 2019, The Albanian National Film Archive (AQSHF) in collaboration with Tirana Youth Center will have an "Open Day at the Film Archive".

A group of students from the University of Arts - Tirana, will visit our archive and have a chance to experience up close why safeguarding Albanian film heritage is so important and vital.

Moderated by our experienced Mrs. Eriona Vyshka, we hope this meeting with AQSHF' specialists will make our future artists excited about our 35mm film legacy, and as they grow aware of our rich and unique film-related collections, they'll understand why we must preserve heritage films.

Monday, Oct 28th, 2019, at 11:00

Arkivi Qendror Shteteror i Filmit
Rr. "Aleksander Moisiu", 76/1
Tirane 1005, ALBANIA

Slovenský filmový ústav / Slovak Film Institute (affiliated to FIAF
Ľalie poľné / Wild Lilies
27 October 2019
Kino Lumière

Slovak Film Institute is celebrating the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage by special screening on 27th October in Kino Lumière, the Cinema of the Slovak Film Institute, the new digitally restored Slovak feature film Wild Lilies (1972) from a major figure among the directors of the Czechoslovak New Wave Elo Havetta. He made only two feature films but these thanks to their artistic quality and originality stand out in the context of the Slovak cinema.

Wild Lilies is one of those films that do not seem to fit into the age when they were made. Playing with filmic language, references to other films, a story broken up into small episodes, and characters taken from the social periphery – all of these attributes mark Havetta’s auteurship typical of the late 1960s, and which in the context of Slovak cinema falls outside of any timeframe.

The film Wild Lilies is part of the collection of the National Film Archive of the Slovak Film Institute (SFI) and was digitally restored this year.

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Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Art Studies
Sound, Image, Technologies
23 October 2019
Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Art Studies

For celebrating the World Day of Audiovisual Heritage, the Department of Folklore, at the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Art Studies in Tirana will exhibit some of the main technologies  that the scholars have used for documenting expressive practices in Albania during the second half of the 20th century. The Audiovisual Archive of this Institute holds nowadays not only an intangible memory, but also a technological one. Reel to reel tape recorders, cameras, microphones, discs and videocassetts are going to be displayed for the viewers, alongside photo projections with the scholars and technicians that worked with them. Considering these items not as mere artifacts but as means to connect to the people who used them, this exhibition is dedicated to the memory of Mexhit Daiu, one of the first scholars that collected traditional music since the creation of this Institute. 

Sound, Image, Technologies is an exhibition curated by Mikaela Minga, in collaboration with Robert Collaku and Elvis Gorica

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Arxiu Nacional d'Andorra(affiliated to IASA, ICA
Sounds and images of 40 years of Radio's in Andorra
25 October 2019 - 13 February 2020
Arxiu Nacional
Andorra la Vella

Starting to the World audiovisual day till World radio day on 2020 we'll produce 5 chapters in the new Facebook from Radio Andorra exploring the transformation of the country through radio programs and family images.

From 1940 to 1980 Ràdio Andorra and Sud Ràdio broadcast from a neutral country during the Second World War and post-Spanish civil War and also in disagreement of the Andorran authorities. In spite of this controversy the impact from this radios it was around the world. According to contributions by an antic announcer and programmer from Andorra, Georges Maltot, the 1969 radio Andorra had an average of 2,680,000 nocturnal listeners and 1,946,000 daytime. People approach their family and culture through the music, advertising's and other programs. At the same time Andorra began to be a new country.

We celebrate this day making it available to the general public for new resources to explore.

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Cinemateket - Norwegian Film Institute
Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché
27 October 2019

Pamela B. Green's energetic film about pioneer filmmaker Alice Guy-Blaché is both a tribute and a detective story, tracing the circumstances by which this extraordinary artist faded from memory and the path toward her reclamation.

Introduction by head of Cinemateket, Jan Langlo.

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Slovenian Cinematheque(affiliated to FIAF
From Found Footage to Re-enactment
30 October 2019
Slovenian Cinematheque

SCCA’s archive of video and new media art DIVA Station each year marks the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage – 27th of October, pronounced for the first time in 2005 by UNESCO. Our goal is to emphasize the meaning of archives and audiovisual material as an important part of cultural heritage.

This year the Slovenian Cinematheque and Kathrin Becker (n.b.k. Video-Forum Berlin), who will present the video program, join us at the celebration. 

The program that consists of works from the n.b.k. Video-Forum and is selected by Kathrin Becker shows a variety of appropriation practice in video art from the 1970s to the present.


Thai Film Archive (Public Organization)(affiliated to FIAF, IFLA
Engage the Past Through Sound and Images
27 October 2019
Scala Theatre

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

“Engage the Past Through Sound and Images” เกี่ยวอดีตผ่านภาพและเสียง

On October 27, 2019, Thai Film Archive celebrates World Day for Audiovisual Heritage with a number of activities to be held at Scala Theatre, a historic cinema in downtown Bangkok.

At 12pm, the screening of Peter Jackson’s “They Shall Not Grow Old”, which brings into high–definition the human face of the First World War. Jackson uses state of the art technology to transform original black-and-white footage to colourised footage and let the men who were there tell their stories.

At 2pm, a panel discussion on “Engage the Past Through Sound and Images” by historian Pawan Ruangsilp, art curator Gridthiya Gaweewong, and Thai Film Archive director Chalida Uabumrungjit.

At 3pm, the unveiling of a plaque marking Scala Theatre as a historic site in Thai Film History.

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Asian Film Archive (affiliated to FIAF
Volunteers Appreciation Day
19 October 2019
Oldham Theatre

The Asian Film Archive (AFA) celebrates World Audiovisual Heritage Day with our Volunteer Appreciation Day. AFA values our volunteers as they are an integral part of the archive, helping with the preservation and archiving of our films as well as the operation, outreach and access to the public for the public screenings. With the opening of the newly-opened Oldham Theatre at the National Archives of Singapore where the AFA holds regular weekly screenings, volunteers have become more integral to the running of our programs more than ever.

For Volunteer Appreciation Day, the staff, volunteers and other guests of AFA gathered at Oldham Theatre to celebrate. There was a tea, as well as a recognition of our volunteers and staff contributions, followed by a screening of AFA's new release film for October: the Chinese film by Wang Xiaoshuai, So Long, My Son (2019). 

AFA aspires to be a hub for the Asian film community, contributing to culture, scholarship and industry through organised screenings, educational and cultural programmes that open and enrich new intellectual, educational and creative spaces, to promote a wider critical appreciation of this art form.

The AFA holds Singapore’s first collection of films (AFA Cathay-Keris Malay Classics) inscribed into the UNESCO Memory of the World Asia-Pacific Register, a listing of significant documentary heritage that are a legacy for the world’s community. It has a collection available for public reference at the library@esplanade.

Founded in 2005 as a non-profit organisation to preserve the rich film heritage of Asian Cinema, the AFA is a charity based in Singapore and an Institution of Public Character. The AFA won the New Non-Profit Initiative Award at the 2007 National Volunteers and Philanthropy Awards (Singapore) for original, sustainable, impactful and best practices. In January 2014, the AFA became a subsidiary of the National Library Board.

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Deutsche Kinemathek(affiliated to FIAF
24-27 October 2019
Filmhaus | Kino Arsenal

The festival Film:ReStored was launched four years ago to highlight new digital restorations and discuss the challenges of film heritage in the digital era and always takes place around the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on October 27th.

Alongside premieres of digitally restored films, the fourth edition of Film:ReStored will primarily focus on film sound. Historical sound formats represent a special challenge in terms of restoration. But the latest digital technology makes it possible to come as close as possible to the original sound.

Workshop reports and presentations will introduce new scanning procedures and examples from film history showing how sound has been used–ranging from shellac records to four-channel magnetic tapes, and from Die Jagd nach der Million (The Chase After Millions, GER 1930, d: Max Obal) to The Flying Dutchman (GDR 1964, d: Joachim Herz). How does sound editing change a work? And how should different versions be assessed?

Audio descriptions are now an integral component of many DCPs, as film heritage should be made available barrier-free. For this reason, the festival is also dedicated to inclusive access to (historical) films. We will review and discuss exemplary audio descriptions as well as the quality standards and challenges presented by silent and experimental films.

As in the past, this year’s guests from international FIAF archives will discuss their digitization strategies and projects: The Polish National Film Archive (FINA) reports on the "Nitrofilm project"; the Kinemathek dedicates itself to Hans Richter's experimental silent films and the Filmmuseum Potsdam together with the University of Zurich looks into historical magnetic tape technologies.


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UCLA Film & Television Archive
UCLA Film & Television Archive(affiliated to AMIA, FIAF
Taiwan Biennial Film Festival 2019
18-28 October 2019
Billy Wilder Theater
Los Angeles
United States

UCLA Film & Television Archive and the Taiwan Academy of Los Angeles present new and compelling cinematic works from Taiwan, one of the most dynamic hubs of cultural exchange in the world. Restored classics will be shown alongside blockbuster hits and arthouse gems, most of them screening in Los Angeles for the first time. Diversity and gender equity in front of and behind the camera emerge as energizing themes, as well as questions of political, cultural and personal identity.

The Taiwan Biennial Film Festival is honored to present the following new restorations:

Richard Chen: Early Works
Saturday October 26, 2019 - 3:00 pm

Before becoming a leading director in the booming Taiwan commercial film industry of the 1970s and helming a series of classic melodramas starring then up-and-coming ingenue Brigitte Lin (Come Fly with Me; Moon Fascinating, Bird Sweet), Richard Chen was a film student at UCLA where he tried on a variety of genres and styles to explore issues of Taiwanese cultural and national identity. The Archive will present four of Chen’s student works newly restored by the Taiwan Film Institute.

Raining in the Mountain (Taiwan, 1979)
Monday October 28, 2019 - 7:30 pm

Two rival groups of thieves arrive at a remote Buddhist monastery to steal an ancient sutra manuscript while the monastery itself is rife with intrigue as the monks vie to succeed its aging abbot. The second of two classic epics, the other being Legend of the Mountain, shot by the legendary King Hu in Korea, Raining in the Mountain is a late-career masterpiece presented here in a new restoration.

DCP. color, 120 min. Director/screenwriter: King Hu. Cast: Hsu Feng, Sun Yueh, Shih Chun.


Danish Film Institute(affiliated to FIAF
27 October 2019
Danish Film Institute

415 Danish silent film titles, with a total running time of more than 350 hours will be digitized and made available for free on stumfilm.dk in the period 2019-2023. Film programs, posters, stills, manuscripts, intertitles, will accompany each film and reviews, as the materials surrounding the silent films will also be transformed into digital files.

Stumfilm.dk is at the heart of the comprehensive digitization and dissemination initiative that aims to digitize, study and disseminate the entire surviving Danish film heritage. Here you can follow the results of our film archaeological efforts and gain insight into a time, where Denmark was bigger than Hollywood.

Denmark was a leading film production country in the 1910s, which makes the films interesting to both national and international viewers and scholars. Both commercially and artistically Danish films dominated the world’s cinema screens, with Nordisk Films Kompagni (now Nordisk Film) at the forefront. Stars like Asta Nielsen, Valdemar Psilander and Fy & Bi were famous far beyond the shores of their home country. Denmark’s greatest film director, Carl Th. Dreyer, also started his career in silent cinema. As sound films gained ground in the early 1930s, silent films lost their value, and only an estimated 20% of the Danish silent film production exists today.

These 20% surviving films will now become available on stumfilm.dk and offer an, albeit not complete, image of who we once were. The films have a broad range, from prestige productions with international appeal to run-of-the-mill farces, illustrating the technical evolution from silent to sound, color to black and white, and much more.

Stumfilm.dk will be a dynamically developing website and everyone is invited to follow our work in film heritage, bringing our analogue past into the digital era. The process is vast and unpredictable. Some films have not been seen since the 1920s, but creating their path to stumfilm.dk also means that we are building the infrastructure continuously until the end of 2023.

As a guide to the films, we will contextualize the films in thematic collections, which highlight the fascinating, mysterious, awesome, sexy and funny stories hiding in the archive. Whether you are a researcher, enthusiast or just curious, you can dive into the early star culture, get an insight into the digitization process, or just browse your way through the cornucopia of cinematographic treasures.

The project is generously funded by Augustinus Fonden, Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansen Fonden and A.P. Møller Fonden, who each have donated 10 mio. DKK.

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National Film and Sound of Archive of Australia (NFSA)(affiliated to AMIA, FIAF, FIAT-IFTA, IASA, ICA, IFLA
G'Day Mates - Australia's Home Movie Day and Night
27 October 2019
Arc cinema

The NFSA is representing Australia in the global Home Movie Day and Night 24-hour marathon!
It's a full day of home movies from every time zone on the planet. As the day progresses, viewers will be able to follow along with the program as it moves around the world.
This live webcast will coincide with the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. You can watch it online or, even better, on Arc's big screen! We'll play the stream live, free, from 11am - 4pm on Sunday 27 October.

For a preview of Australia's contribution to this global marathon, head to our website: https://www.nfsa.gov.au/latest/home-movie-marathon-home-movie-day-2019-and-world-day-audiovisual-heritage

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Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage in Korea
26 October 2019
Cyber Building (Small Auditorium) C303, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Republic of Korea

Engage the past through sound and images’ : the very first event for ‘World Day for Audiovisual Heritage’ in Korea.

To celebrate ‘World Day for Audiovisual Heritage’, The Korean Public Policy Forum for Audiovisual Heritage and Archival Science Research Center in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies are holding an event, under the theme of ‘Replay our forgotten audiovisual heritage’, on October 26th, 2019.
The purpose of the event is to inform what ‘audiovisual heritage’ is and to raise awareness on our forgotten audiovisual heritage. Cooperating with Dongdaemun city district and ICHCAP(International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO), The Korean Public Policy Focum for Audiovisual Heritage is concentrating on two main topics, locality and intangible heritage, through the record collection event, exhibition, and film screening.
On the day of the event, there will be two sections of a symposium, a screening session, and a round table with various topics regarding audiovisual heritage and MOW(Memory of the World). Furthermore, there will be a video screening about the collections of audiovisual heritage records (including pictures, audio, video, etc..), which were collected through the event. An exhibition of various audiovisual equipment and collections will be held simultaneously as well.

Florida State University
UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage Pop-up Exhibit
24 October 2019
Strozier Library
United States of America

Running from 10am – 4pm, this interactive exhibit will feature a variety of legacy audiovisual formats and technology culled from Special Collections & Archives and Technology & Digital Scholarship. The exhibit will also include a looping video installation featuring films preserved by FSU Libraries–films chronicling important campus events like The Great Westcott Fire of 1969, moments of familial bliss and beauty as found in the Means Family Collection, and great triumphs of FSU football, Flying High Circus, and the Tarpon Club Synchronized Swimming Team. Preservation Librarian, Hannah Davis, and Resident Media Librarian, Dave Rodriguez, will be on-hand to chat with patrons and answer questions about FSU’s unique collections, preservation efforts, and the challenges and complexities inherent to the stewardship of these materials.

Lichtspiel Kinemathek Bern(affiliated to FIAF
25 October 2019
Lichtspiel / Kinemathek Bern

On the occasion of the UNESWO WORLD DAY FOR AUDIOVISUAL HERITAGE Lichtspiel presents some of its latest acquisitions: amateur films of René Betge, dentist from Solothurn, who documented the activities of the life reform movement „the new time“ as well as professional films that had been acquired for promotional purposes.

Presentation: Brigitte Paulowitz (Film Conservator), Edit von Arps (new time), Eva Locher (Historian), Stefan Rindlisbacher (Historian); Live music: Wieslav Pipczynski.

Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
30 November -0001

Cada año, la UNIVERSIDAD JORGE TADEO LOZANO, Proyecto del Patrimonio Audiovisual, celebra el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual con una Clase Abierta. Este año está dedicado a la Gestión de Contenido Audiovisual con la participación de GUILLERMO FORERO CRUZ, UTADEO AUDIOVISUAL HERITAGE MANAGER que discutirá sobre Inteligencia Artificial y Nuevos Entornos y JOSÉ ANGEL BENITO, CEO de WINDOWS CHANNEL, quien hablará sobre las plataformas de distribución en línea. Viernes 25 de octubre, 10 a.m. a 12 m. Biblioteca - Tercer piso.

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Eye Filmmuseum & Gemeente Amsterdam Stadsarchief(affiliated to FIAF
Modern Perspectives. Foto & Film Amsterdam 1920-1940
27 October 2019
Stadsarchief Amsterdam (Amsterdam city archive)
The Netherlands

On Sunday 27 Oct. at 15:00, Rommy Albers (senior curator of Eye) will introduce the reconstructed version of the Dutch film Zeemansvrouwen (1930). This film by Henk Kleinman was meant to be the first Dutch sound film, but due to technical complications became the last Dutch silent film. In 2003, Eye Filmmuseum undertook a radical restoration and reconstruction to restore the film and to add a new soundtrack, including the dialogues. 

This event is a collaboration between Eye Filmmuseum and the Amsterdam City Archive and is part of the exhibition 'Modern Perspectives', and is open to all visitors of the exhibition.

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Deutsche Kinemathek(affiliated to FIAF
Film:Restored04 - The Film Heritage Festival
24-27 October 2019
Kino Arsenal

Alongside digitally restored films, the fourth edition of Film:ReStored will primarily focus on film sound. Historical sound formats represent a special challenge in terms of restoration. But the latest digital technology makes it possible to come as close as possible to the original sound.

We will introduce new scanning procedures and examples from film history showing how sound has been used–ranging from shellac records to four-channel magnetic tapes, and from Die Jagd nach der Million (The Chase After Millions, GER 1930, d: Max Obal) to The Flying Dutchman (GDR 1964, d: Joachim Herz). How does sound editing change a work? And how should different versions be assessed?

Audio descriptions are now an integral component of many DCPs, as film heritage should be made available barrier-free. For this reason, the festival is also dedicated to inclusive access to (historical) films. We will review and discuss exemplary audio descriptions as well as the quality standards and challenges presented by silent and experimental films.

As in the past, this year’s guests from international FIAF archives will discuss their digitization strategies and projects: The Polish National Film Archive (FINA) reports on the "Nitrofilm project"; the Kinemathek dedicates itself to Hans Richter's experimental silent films and the Filmmuseum Potsdam together with the University of Zurich looks into historical magnetic tape technologies.

Romanian National Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF
World Day For Audiovisual Heritage
27 October 2019
Cinemateca Eforie

The Romanian Cinematheque is celebrating The 2019 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage by screening a 35mm print of MR. AND MRS. SMITH (Alfred Hitchcock, 1941) from its own collection, with Romanian subtitles. In order for all the interested spectators to enjoy this event, we have granted free entrance for everybody.

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Filmoteca de Catalunya(affiliated to FIAF
UNESCO's "World Day for Audiovisual Heritage" during all October long.
01-31 October 2019
Filmoteca de Catalunya

Filmoteca de Catalunya commemorates UNESCO's "World Day for Audiovisual Heritage" during all October long. In the 27th, we will screen a session about the role of women in early cinema. The two following days we host a National Conference of Spanish Film Archives, with film historians and archivists discussing the screening of all the films that have been shot in Spain before 1910 and are preserved in diferent Film Archives. Also, we’ll open an exhibition about the Catalan Film Society, we’ll programme a season about censored, discovered or restored movies coming from Film Archives all over the World and we’ll release the reconstruction of “The Other Side of the Wind” (Orson Welles, 1972-2018) and the restoration of “Muerte al amanecer” (Josep Maria Forn, 1959).

Unidad de Investigación sobre Representaciones Culturales y Sociales, UDIR- UNAM
Conferencia Antonio Zirión
25 October 2019
ENES, Aula Magna C, UNAM

Con motivo del la conmemoración del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual, el Dr. Antonio Zirión dictará una conferencia en relación a la relevancia del cine etnográfico.  

Antonio Zirión es Profesor-Investigador del Departamento de Antropología desde 2014. Es Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades por la UAM-I. Obtuvo el Premio de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias a la mejor tesis doctoral en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades en 2010, y Mención honorífica en el Premio Fray Bernardino de Sahagún del INAH en 2011. Su trabajo fotográfico se ha exhibido en México y en el extranjero; cuenta con dos libros de fotos: Traspasos (2014) y Mano de obra (2013). Entre su producción documental, como parte del colectivo Homovidens, se encuentran Voces de la Guerrero (2004), ganador del premio José Rovirosa de la UNAM al mejor documental del año, y Fuera de foco (2013) que obtuvo varios reconocimientos internacionales. Ha sido jurado y programador invitado en diversos museos y festivales de cine documental y etnográfico en diferentes países. En México fue por varios años coordinador de las Jornadas de Antropología Visual, curador de la muestra Cine entre culturas dentro del festival DocsDF y programador de cine para la Gira de Documentales AMBULANTE.


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DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum(affiliated to FIAF
27 October 2019
Kino des DFF

DFF, in cooperation with the Wim Wenders Foundation, will be screening Wenders' recently digitized film LISBON STORY, which celebrated its premiere 25 years ago. Wim Wenders has created a tribute to Lisbon, the European Capital of Culture of 1994, and a tribute to the world of sound. 25 years later the film LISBON STORY has not lost any of its radiance and significance. DFF will present the film as a double feature together with Manoel de Oliveira's VISITA OU MEMÓRIAS E CONFISSÕES.
The screening will be followed by a Q&A with film director Wim Wenders, live music, snacks & drinks.

5pm LISBON STORY (DE/PT 1994, R: Wim Wenders)

9pm VISIT OR MEMORIES AND CONFESSIONS (PT 1982 / 2015, R: Manoel de Oliveira)

University of Washington Libraries, Special Collections(affiliated to AMIA
October is Washington State Archives Month
25 October 2019
Allen Auditorium, Allen Library, UW Campus
United States

Washington State Archives Month and the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage means that it's time to kick back, relax, and Engage the Past Through Sound and Images!

Join archivists from the University of Washington Ethnomusicology Archives and the Univeristy of Washington Libraries Special Collections in a celebration of our region’s rich audiovisual heritage. John Vallier and Hannah Palin will share favorite films, videotapes, and audio recordings from their collections in an ongoing screening 11am-1pm in the Allen Auditorium on the UW Campus in Seattle on Friday, October 25th.  

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Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka(affiliated to IFLA
Come to Life! Rediscovering Osaka through the Moving Image
26-27 October 2019
Osaka Museum of History

In celebration of UNESCO's World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka, and the Osaka Museum of History are collaboratively presenting a two-day lecture & screening program; Rediscovering Osaka through the Moving Image.

Recently rediscovered footage capturing Osaka from various points of view in the past; pre-war home movies, amateur films, documentary work on public transport construction from the 1960s, etc. will interest and surprise a new audience.

*This two-day event will be held only in Japanese, no English translation available.

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Cinémathèque des Pays de Savoie et de l'Ain(affiliated to FIAF
Ciné-conférence : Pourquoi, une cinémathèque de films amateurs ?
31 October 2019
Le Téléphérique 12 bis Route d'Annecy
74290 Veyrier-du-Lac

A la Cinémathèque des Pays de Savoie et de l’Ain, nous vous proposons une conférence unique intitulée Le cinéma amateur c'est quoi, présentée par Michel Najar, membre fondateur de la cinémathèque dans le cadre de la Journée Mondiale du Patrimoine audiovisuel de l'Unesco, et de l’exposition Instantanés d'une cinémathèque.

Préhistoire et débats. Avant la constitution de la cinémathèque un débat occupe les membres fondateurs : quels critères retenir pour les dépôts de films ? Accepte-t-on les films professionnels ? Quel périmètre territorial/patrimonial est concerné par notre "cueillette" ? Les départements, la région, les Alpes ? La question des locaux, de l'espace de stockage... nous amène à nous limiter. 

Le choix, la voie royale. La rencontre des films amateurs, l'extrême variété des sujets, des auteurs, de la qualité aussi nous amène à nous focaliser sur les "petits formats". Globalement trois types de films : les films de famille, les films de "notables" (prêtres, instituteurs, responsables d'entreprises), les films semi-professionnels d'amateurs ambitieux (camera-clubs).

La valorisation de ces films est un enjeu d'importance : esthétique, éthique, économique, juridique. Le film d'amateur est une matière première. Pour le meilleur et pour le moins bon...Mais, à la différence des matières premières, une fois utilisée, l'image, dans les rayons de la cinémathèque, demeure prête à de nouvelles interprétations... et elle peut toujours être consommée brute.

Durée 1h environ - Entrée libre - 37 places - Pot à l'issue - réservation conseillée au 04 50 23 51 09 ou à contact@letelepherique.org

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DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum(affiliated to FIAF
DER OCHSENKRIEG (DE 1920, 68 mins)
27 October 2019
Caligari FilmBühne

Franz Osten's adaptation of a novel by Ludwig Ganghofer is set in the Bavarian Alps in the 15th century. Lambert, son of a clerk, and farmer's daugther Jula fall in love, while their fathers enter in a bitter argument over some land. When the situation escalates into violence, other farmers start a bloody uprising against the sovereign.

 DER OCHSENKRIEG was the first film to be shot at the Geiselgasteig studios of the Bavaria Film GmbH. On the occasion of the centenary of the foundation of the company, DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum has carried out an elaborate restoration of the film.

 The new musical score was written by Hans-Jürgen Buchner, member of the Bavarian cult band Haindling.  

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DFF - Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
HIMMEL OHNE STERNE (Sky Without Stars. FRG 1955, 108 mins.)
27 October 2019
Caligari FilmBühne

Helmut Käutner's HIMMEL OHNE STERNE was the first film to deal with the inner German border. The fact that Käutner, who could never visit the GDR during his life, chose to be as unpolitical and neutral as possible in his film, was appreciated neither in west nor east Germany.

 When factory worker Anna from east Germany and border guard Karl from Bavaria fall in love, the only place where they can meet is an abandoned train station between the borders. When Anna finally tries to flee the GDR with her son things take a tragic turn.

 On the occasion of the UNESCO World Day of Audiovisual Heritage, we present two newly digitised films from our film archive. HIMMEL OHNE STERNE was digitised from the original film negative. The digitisation was supported by the funding programme "Filmerbe des Bundes".    

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Girona City Council - Museum of Cinema(affiliated to ICA
Launch of the exhibition "Ooooh! Francesc Dalmau and the optical illusions"
23 October 2019
Museum of Cinema

Based on the collections of the Museum of Cinema, as well as different archives and Catalan collections (MUHBA, AHCB, MNACTEC, Rocamora Foundation), this exhibition wants to claim this lesser-known facet but of great influence on the professional activity of Francesc Dalmau (1810-1886), who was the first modern optician of the city of Barcelona. This is an opportunity to make the visitor discover the visual universe in which the spectators of the nineteenth century were immersed. A rich and fascinating universe in resources and expressive forms, many of which are still fully present in our contemporary visual culture.

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Girona City Council - CRDI(affiliated to ICA
Vernissage at the GEiEG exhibition
28 October 2019
Casa de Cultura

As part of the WeAre#EuropeForCulture initiative, CRDI created a participatory virtual exhibition in Girona, dedicated to amateur sports. This project is funded by the European Commission, within the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.
The virtual exhibition focuses on amateur sports in the city of Girona, in the year of the centenary of the GEiEG association. An innovative application will allow to explore the digitized images through an interactive system that will be available to the visitor. For the realization of the exhibition, we used the material selected from the workshop that took place on September 24 at CRDI facilities, in which several people linked to GEiEG worked on the contents of this exhibition.

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Girona City Council - CRDI(affiliated to ICA
Family Photo Talks Workshop (Kaleidoscope Project)
24 October 2019
Municipal Archive of Girona

The workshop aims to involve people in the process of valuing their own family photographs in two different ways: conservation and memories. As a result of this workshop, we will create an audiovisual in order to explain the methodology on how to involve people interested in the photographic heritage. The workshop will be drived by Susanna Muriel, a training professional specialized in family photography.
This activity is part of the European Kaleidoscope project in which CRDI participates. The aim of the project is linking heritage photography with new technologies, in order to discover life in the fifties through the iconographic legacy and at the same time to enhance the citizen interest in heritage.

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Girona City Council - CRDI(affiliated to ICA
Debate about AFIC
22 October 2019
Municipal Archive of Girona

After the publication made in the last number of the Girona Photographers collection, and as a result of the research carried out in the CRDI, our knowledge about the association is already considerable. That's why a gathering with different AFIC protagonists is proposed to establish a debate about the photography and the activity of the association.

Participants for the talk together: Josep Clara, Joan Roura, Jordi Colomer, Joan Boladeras, Josep Vila, Marcel Prat.

Moderator: Fina Navarrete

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MEMORIAV(affiliated to IASA
27 October 2019

An increasing number of Swiss institutions holding audiovisual media are mobilizing for UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. Around the date of 27 October, conferences, screenings, open doors, workshops, exhibitions and a Home Movie Day will be offered throughout Switzerland.

Taiwan Music Institute, National Center for Traditional Arts(affiliated to ARSC, IASA
臺灣音樂館2019世界影音遺產日系列活動(2019 TMI World Day for Audiovisual Heritage Event Series)
25 October 2019
Taiwan Traditional Theatre Center

臺灣音樂館近年來在文化部「重建臺灣音樂史」政策的支持下,逐漸成為推動臺灣音樂典藏及研究工作的領頭羊,今年是我們連續第三年響應世界影音遺產日舉辦系列活動。我們於2016年加入了IAML底下的RISM計畫,今年6月亦加入了IAML成為機構型會員,10月25日將邀請IAML前任會長、RILM現任主席Barbara Mackenzie女士介紹IAML及其底下的RILM計畫,並在這天召集臺灣其他擁有音樂特色典藏的館所一同成立「臺灣音樂策略聯盟」,期透過系統性整合各地特色音樂資源,將臺灣豐富多元的音樂資源介紹給全世界。

The Taiwan Music Institute has gradually become the leader for the promotion of Taiwanese music archives and research under the policy of “Rebuilding Taiwanese Music History”, supported by the Ministry of Culture. This is our third year to hold the series of events in response to the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. In 2016, we joined the RISM project at the IAML. This June we became the institutional member of IAML. On Oct. 25, we are going to invite the former president of IAML and current chair of RILM, Barbara Mackenzie, to introduce the IAML and the RISM project. On the same day, we will gather other Taiwanese organizations that have their own musical collection, to establish “Taiwan Music Organizations’ Strategic Alliance (TMOSA)”. Through a systematic integration of featured music resources, we will be able to introduce the abundance of Taiwanese music resources to the world.

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EYE Filmmuseum(affiliated to FIAF
Eye celebrates World Day for Audiovisual Heritage with free admission to permanent presentation and screening of two rediscovered films..
27 October 2019
Eye Filmmuseum
The Netherlands

Eye takes part in UNESCO’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on 27 October. The day is organised annually since 2005 to highlight the importance of preservation and restoration of film. Admission to Eye’s permanent presentation Panorama is free. Panorama presents the history of film in an interactive way designed to appeal to young and old, devoting special attention to pre-cinema devices. At 15.00 in Cinema 2 there will also be a free screening of two short films from 1912 and 1913 that were considered lost, with an introduction and live musical accompaniment.
UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, 27 October, Eye Filmmuseum, IJpromenade 1, Amsterdam, eyefilm.nl

- The Panorama on Eye’s ground floor is a permanent presentation of film devices that mark major moments in the history of cinema. The display includes a so-called Mitchell camera that was used to make classic Hollywood films and a Mutoscope showing Charlie Chaplin’s The Waiter. The presentation also takes you past 360°, a space in which you are surrounded by almost one hundred film clips from Eye’s collection, mini cinemas with comfortable three seaters, and the FlipBook and the Green Screen, where you can make a ‘thumb cinema’ and play a role in a film scene. The Panorama also offers unique pre-cinema devices and a film quiz especially for this day. Panorama is open from 10.00-19.00h; special programme from 11.00-17.00h.

- Free screening: In 2018 Eye received an extraordinary gift from a private collector which included a number of film cans. Eye researchers were able to identify the contents as two films by Alfred Machin from 1912 and 1913 that were considered lost. The two short films are De droppel bloed (also known as The Red Stain, FR/NL, 1913) and L'histoire de Minna Claessens (BE, 1912). Eye curator Elif Rongen will talk about the detective work that is involved before collection specialists are able to establish what it is they have before them.

15.00 De droppel bloed and L’histoire de Minna Claessens with live musical accompaniment by Martin de Ruiter

- hunt, film quiz, remarkable cinema devices: There is a hunt throughout the entire museum building for children from the age of 7. The hunt is packed with optical illusions, fun assignments and a quiz. Collect your guide and pencil from the front desk and go on a journey of discovery at Eye. The answers are to be found on eyefilm.nl/kids. Eye’s collection specialists will be present in the Panorama to test your film knowledge and to show you a number of special devices from our collection, such as the smallest projector ever made (the Micro-Ciné) and a hand-operated film projector (Walturdaw).


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Filmmuseum Potsdam / Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf(affiliated to FIAF
Kinder machen Kino
27 October 2019
Filmmuseum Potsdam

Erlebnistag für Kinder

Hallo liebe kleine und große Freunde des Films!

Zum internationalen UNESCO-Tag des audiovisuellen Erbes dreht sich bei uns alles um Filme: neue und alte, bunte und schwarz-weiße, fröhliche und ernste. In interessanten Workshops könnt ihr herausfinden und ausprobieren, wie ein Trickfilm entsteht oder warum Ton und Musik im Film eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Im Kinosaal schauen wir mit Euch ein buntes Filmprogramm rund um das Thema Herbst.


10 - 11 Uhr Workshop Trickfilm (keine Anmeldung mehr möglich)
10 - 11 Uhr Workshop Filmmusik (Anmeldung möglich)
11 - 12 Uhr Kurzfilmprogramm


14 - 15 Uhr Workshop Trickfilm (keine Anmeldung mehr möglich)
14 - 15 Uhr Workshop Filmmusik (Anmeldung möglich)
15 - 16 Uhr Kurzfilmprogramm

Altersempfehlung: 6-13 Jahre

Die Workshops sind kostenfrei! Das Kurzfilmprogramm ist für Teilnehmer*innen der Workshops ebenfalls frei, sonst gelten die üblichen Kinopreise.

Da die Teilnehmerzahl begrenzt ist, bitten wir um eine verbindliche Anmeldung unter folgenden Angaben: Name Wunschworkshop Zeitfenster. Anmeldungen an: sabine.lang@filmuniversitaet.de

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Hong Kong Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF, IFLA
Film Screening: "Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom"
27 October 2019
Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
Hong Kong

In celebration of UNESCO's "World Day for Audiovisual Heritage", the Hong Kong Film Archive is presenting a newly digitally-restored masterpiece, Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom.  The film holds a special place in the history of Hong Kong cinema.  Released in 1959 at the height of the 1950s golden era, the film was directed by Lee Tit -  one of the luminaries of that era.  The 1950s was also a particularly fruitful period for Cantonese opera films and Lee rode on the surge, working with Sin Fung Ming Opera Troupe to reach an even higher artistic level in its superb integration of Cantonese opera and film.  Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom was written by Tong Tik-sang, one of the greatest librettists in Cantonese opera history, who elevated the medium by incorporating classic literature into his works.

Butterfly and Red Pear Blossom is also one of the masterpieces in the Archive’s flagship programme ‘100 Must-See Hong Kong Movies’. The restored version was premiered at the Grand Theatre of Hong Kong Cultural Centre on 4 September 2019 and will be screened again at the Cinema of the Archive on 27 October, the 'World Day for Audiovisual Heritage', to raise public awareness of the importance of preserving Hong Kong's audio-visual heritage.

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Worl Day for Audiovisual Heritage at MIC
26 October 2019
MIC Museo Interattivo del Cinema, viale F. Testi 121

In 2005, UNESCO established World Audiovisual Heritage Day to raise public opinion awareness about the need to safeguard and preserve audiovisual material, which is a very important legacy for future generations. For the occasion, Cineteca Italiana presents two works created seventy years ago and recently restored by the Fondazione Cineteca Italiana: on the film "The Dynamite Brothers" by Nino Pagot a photochemical restoration was carried out in 35mm, while on the film "The Last Supper" by Luigi Giachino has been operated a digital restoration in 2k by MICLab.

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Filmmuseum Potsdam/Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf(affiliated to FIAF
Kinder machen Kino
30 November -0001
Filmmuseum Potsdam


10 - 11 Uhr Workshop Trickfilm (keine Anmeldung mehr möglich)
10 - 11 Uhr Workshop Filmmusik (Anmeldung möglich)
11 - 12 Uhr Kurzfilmprogramm


14 - 15 Uhr Workshop Trickfilm (keine Anmeldung mehr möglich)
14 - 15 Uhr Workshop Filmmusik (Anmeldung möglich)
15 - 16 Uhr Kurzfilmprogramm

Altersempfehlung: 6-13 Jahre

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The Center for Home Movies(affiliated to AMIA
Home Movie Day and Night
27-28 October 2019

Home Movie Day and Night: The 24-Hour Marathon is a webcast that will take place on October 27th, 2019 and will coincide with the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. A full day of home movies will be compiled with home movies from every time zone.

On October 27th, home movies will be webcast online on YouTube for the full 24-hours of the day. As the day progresses, viewers will be able to follow along with the program as it moves around the world. The project manager will work with a team of curators who will compile hour-long segments from archives, collections, and individuals showing home movies from places throughout the time zone. The curatorial team will communicate with archives from partner organizations within each region to produce a video program that showcases the range of home movies and the preservation efforts that have been undertaken by the archives. The end result will be a monumental collage film that will highlight the differences and similarities among home movie practices across different cultures. In addition the webcast, venues will be recruited to host screenings of the video (either the full 24 hours or significant portions of it).

Curators and contributors to Home Movie Day and Night: The 24-Hour Marathon have been encouraged to find films that show how home movies depict life in places where they were created and what they can show about the individuals and cultures that inspired them. They should show how amateur films can be both intimate and global at the same time—showing what is unique to a place, but also universal. As we move around the world during the webcast, viewers will move through time, crisscrossing the 20th and 21st centuries experiencing each moment as it occurred.

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Cinémathèque suisse(affiliated to FIAF
Fêtes des Vignerons et alcool dans notre culture
27 October 2019

Un programme avec des films historiques des Fêtes des Vignerons depuis 1905, une reportage de Claude et Jean-Pierre Goretta sur la production et la répression de l'Absinthe dans le Val de Travers et des Ciné-Journal Suisse; encadré par une discussion avec l'historien Juri Auderset qui a édité un livre sur la politique et la régie fédérale des alcools, modéré par Severin Rüegg. Adaption musicale par le pianiste André Desponds.

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National Film and Sound Archive of Australia(affiliated to AMIA, FIAF, FIAT-IFTA, IASA, IFLA
Digital Directions 2019
14-15 November 2019

Digital Directions brings together people who care about Australia’s cultural heritage in the digital age. Australian and international keynote speakers join the brightest minds in the GLEAM (Galleries, Libraries, Educators, Archives & Museums) sector to share the latest insights, ideas and solutions as we jointly embrace digital innovation and its potential for the future of our collections.

This year, Digital Directions will be headlined by world video game expert Jon-Paul Dyson (The Strong Museum of Play) as keynote speaker. Other speakers include Bill Peck (Chief Technology Officer, Twist Bioscience), Claire Evans and Ana Tiquia (Grumpy Sailor), Creative technologist Elisa Lee, and Alain Dufaux (EPFL).

AMIA(affiliated to AMIA
Archival Screening Night: Roadshow Edition
27 October 2019
George Eastman Museum Dryden Theatre
Harrington Park
United States

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage. Archival Screening Night has been the centerpiece of every Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) conference since 1991. For the first time ever, this event usually available only to AMIA members is being made accessible to the public. Now, everyone can see the incredible, strange, astonishing, hilarious, and curious treasures from the world’s moving image archives. Composed of 22 films and videos from archives ranging from Rochester to Alaska, Hawaii, Israel, the Netherlands, and back, this program has something for everyone. This cinematic Cabinet of Wonders features a wonderful promotion for a lost Thai film, a bizarre antidrug commercial with Alice in Wonderland, a banned experimental film from Albania, Josephine Baker dancing the Charleston in wooden clogs, a commercial to buy your own Stonewall action figures, and many more.

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The Cinema Museum(affiliated to FIAF
All Day Antoine Doinel Day
27 October 2019
The Cinema Museum, Kennington

A chance to see all four of Truffaut’s Doinel comedies plus his short Antoine et Colette following the life of his character Antoine Doinel. Each film will have a short introduction and there will be plenty of time for discussions and reflections. This is an idea that I can only find a record of once before and that was in New York!

£45 to include lunch, snacks, a certificate of attendance and a celebratory drink.

World premiere: 2K restoration of Julian Roffman’s The Bloody Brood!
20 October 2019
TIFF Bell Lightbox

To mark the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, TIFF is proud to present a free screening of Julian Roffman's 1959 Canadian cult classic, The Bloody Brood: a beatnik crime-drama starring Peter Falk.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with author Peter Roffman and film producer Jason Pichonsky.

Irish Film Institute(affiliated to FIAF, FOCAL International
Silent Witness- the Fr Jack Delaney Collection
24 October 2019
RTE television

Ireland's national broadcaster RTE  will screen a documentary looking at the legacy of Father Jack Delaney, a Roman Catholic parish priest in inner city Dublin in the 1930s and 40, and an avid amateur filmmaker. With contributions from film director Jim Sheridan and IFI staff amongst others, the documentary explores the role of the amateur filmmaker in creating an historical and social record of otherwise documented places and events and the importance of archivists in preserving and disseminating this type of material.

The Swedish Film Institute(affiliated to FIAF
World Day for Audio Visual Heritage
27 October 2019

Screening of the newly digitized film Karl Fredrik regerar, one of the few openly political films of the 1930's in Sweden.

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Cinémathèque suisse(affiliated to FIAF
Trésors des archives
28 October 2019
Cinématographe, Casino de Montbenon

Fleuron de l'industrie neuchâteloise jusque dans les années 1970, l'entreprise Dubied, fondée en 1867 à Couvet, recourut tôt et souvent au cinéma. On sait notamment qu'Emile Cohl réalisa, au début des années 1920, quatre films publicitaires vantant les machines à tricoter neuchâteloises, alors exportées dans le monde entier. Une belle industrie neuchâteloise fait ainsi partie d'un ensemble de films 35 et 16mm à visée publicitaire, mais également commémorative ou didactique. Ce corpus illustre l'importance de Dubied à un niveau cantonal et national, au plan économique, social et identitaire. Séance présentée par Aude Joseph, responsable du Département audiovisuel de la Bibliothèque de la Ville de La Chaux-de-Fonds, et accompagnée au piano par Enrico Camponovo.