
2017 World Day for
Audiovisual Heritage

This year's theme: "Discover, Remember and Share"

The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage has become a key initiative for both UNESCO and the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) to honour audiovisual preservation professionals and institutions that help to safeguard this heritage for future generations despite the many technical, political, social, financial, and other factors that threaten its survival. Audiovisual archives around the world join together annually on 27 October to celebrate their work with activities and events that not only highlight the vulnerability of this heritage, but also celebrate the often unheralded work of the heritage institutions that protect it.

This year the theme of the World Day  for Audiovisual Heritage is "Discover, Remember and Share".

Discover: Each day hundreds of thousands of  recordings  are captured, preserved and annotated  by archivists to enable search, discovery , new interpretations,  uses and enjoyment of moving image and sound recordings. Celebrate the voyages of discovery made possible by your archive in your domain.  Showcase and promote  your mission and work.
Share: Digital media has created opportunities as never before for archives to connect directly with their publics, sharing and engaging with new audiences across digital  platforms in ever new ways.  Promote  your shared archive events and celebrations with the archive community worldwide .

Remember: Audio-visual archives are a  cornerstone of the memory of the world, with recordings that enable recall for future generations and give context to our shared history, culture and humanity for over a century.  Promote a greater understanding of the unique role of audiovisual archives and  the need for it to be safeguarded , preserved and protected as part of our world heritage.

The eight associations forming the CCAAA (AMIA, ARSC, FIAF, FIAT-IFTA, FOCAL International, IASA, ICA, SEAPAVAA) strongly encourage all their members (and any other institutions) not only to join in the global celebrations of the 2017 World Day on and around 27 October, but also to share the information about their particular events, by filling the quick-and-easy form below (click on « Add a new World Day for Audiovisual Heritage event» below). Your descriptive text can be in the language of your choice (or even better... in several languages), but we ask you to limit it to 500 words max. You can also attach one image per event. Please fill in and submit one form per event. Your contributions will be automatically added to the list of Word day events on this page (the latest added event will appear at the top of the list).

Happy 2017 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage !

2017 World Day for
Audiovisual Heritage

This year's theme: "Discover, Remember and Share"

The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage has become a key initiative for both UNESCO and the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA) to honour audiovisual preservation professionals and institutions that help to safeguard this heritage for future generations despite the many technical, political, social, financial, and other factors that threaten its survival. Audiovisual archives around the world join together annually on 27 October to celebrate their work with activities and events that not only highlight the vulnerability of this heritage, but also celebrate the often unheralded work of the heritage institutions that protect it.

This year the theme of the World Day  for Audiovisual Heritage is "Discover, Remember and Share".

Discover: Each day hundreds of thousands of  recordings  are captured, preserved and annotated  by archivists to enable search, discovery , new interpretations,  uses and enjoyment of moving image and sound recordings. Celebrate the voyages of discovery made possible by your archive in your domain.  Showcase and promote  your mission and work.
Share: Digital media has created opportunities as never before for archives to connect directly with their publics, sharing and engaging with new audiences across digital  platforms in ever new ways.  Promote  your shared archive events and celebrations with the archive community worldwide .

Remember: Audio-visual archives are a  cornerstone of the memory of the world, with recordings that enable recall for future generations and give context to our shared history, culture and humanity for over a century.  Promote a greater understanding of the unique role of audiovisual archives and  the need for it to be safeguarded , preserved and protected as part of our world heritage.

The eight associations forming the CCAAA (AMIA, ARSC, FIAF, FIAT-IFTA, FOCAL International, IASA, ICA, SEAPAVAA) strongly encourage all their members (and any other institutions) not only to join in the global celebrations of the 2017 World Day on and around 27 October, but also to share the information about their particular events, by filling the quick-and-easy form below (click on « Add a new World Day for Audiovisual Heritage event» below). Your descriptive text can be in the language of your choice (or even better... in several languages), but we ask you to limit it to 500 words max. You can also attach one image per event. Please fill in and submit one form per event. Your contributions will be automatically added to the list of Word day events on this page (the latest added event will appear at the top of the list).

Happy 2017 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage !

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Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
III Seminário do Patrimônio Audiovisual em Saúde na Fiocruz
14 November 2017
Avenida Brasil, 4.365, Campus Fiocruz
Rio de Janeiro

Pelo terceiro ano, o Icict e a Casa de Oswaldo Cruz promovem, no mês de novembro, uma atividade de debates em torno da preservação do patrimônio audiovisual. Nessa edição, o III Seminário do Patrimônio Audiovisual em Saúde na Fiocruz traz o foco para ferramentas, métodos e plataformas de preservação digital de audiovisuais. O seminário é gratuito e será realizado na terça-feira, 14 de novembro, às 9h, no Salão de Leitura da Biblioteca de Manguinhos.

Promovido pelo Centro de Estudos do Icict, o evento é alusivo ao Dia Mundial do Patrimônio Audiovisual, 27 de outubro, estabelecido pela Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura (Unesco). De acordo com a organização, documentos audiovisuais tem um papel crucial no patrimônio cultural, guardando aspectos da memória coletiva e transmitindo conhecimento. A data comemorativa visa aumentar a conscientização sobre sua importância e valorizar os profissionais e instituições responsáveis pela missão de preservá-los.

A programação do seminário conta com a mesa redonda ‘Plataformas digitais e sua aplicação na preservação e difusão de acervos audiovisuais’, com o mediador Antônio Laurindo, do Arquivo Nacional. Os debatedores serão Rubens Ribeiro Gonçalves da Silva, da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), que abordará a iniciativa Legatum, um conjunto de metodologias colaborativas para repositórios digitais de preservação de acervos audiovisuais; e Antônio Júnior, do Centro de Mídia Independente, que discutirá o tema "Audiovisual como estratégia de informação e comunicação alternativa em contraponto à grande mídia"; e Victor Ribeiro, representante da Witness Brasil, que fará o lançamento da publicação 'Guia de Arquivamento de vídeo para ativistas'.

Esse ano, a Unesco sugeriu como mote para o Dia Mundial do Patrimônio Audiovisual o lema “Descubra, lembre-se e compartilhe”. Seguindo essa linha, o seminário debate as plataformas digitais e seu papel para a preservação e difusão dos acervos audiovisuais. O evento acontece em paralelo à Semana Fluminense do Patrimônio, que inclui uma série de atividades voltadas ao tema, e também acompanha a agenda da Fiocruz, que atualmente se debruça em torno da elaboração de uma política institucional de preservação de acervos.

"Esperamos fomentar as discussões sobre a relevância desse tema em um momento tão crucial e marcante, sobretudo no que diz respeito às formas de se pensar em como preservar o patrimônio audiovisual da Fiocruz. Sendo o audiovisual o gênero documental mais impactado pela questão tecnológica e pelos desafios impostos pela era digital, acreditamos que, a VideoSaúde/Icict e a Casa de Oswaldo Cruz têm um papel protagonista em discussões sobre o tema da preservação audiovisual, no âmbito da instituição", aponta um dos organizadores do encontro, João Guilherme Machado, da VideoSaúde.

No campo audiovisual, a Fiocruz detém acervo de interesse especial ao campo da ciência e da saúde, com material histórico em diversos suportes, como filmes, fitas, dentre outros. As inscrições são gratuitas e aqueles que se registrarem antecipadamente, pelo site de eventos do Icict, receberão certificado de participação. Vagas limitadas. O seminário também pode ser assistido pela internet, ao vivo, no canal da VideoSaúde Distribuidora.

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Sharjah Institue of Heritage
Archiving of the Audiovisual Documents
26 October 2017
Sharjah Institue of Heritage
United Arab Emirates

In celebration of the 2017 UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on the theme of ‘Discover Remember and Share’, Sharjah Institue for Heritage concluded a workshop titled " Archiving of the Audiovisual Documents: Establishing Strategies and Work Mechanisms".

The aim of this workshop was to clarify the concepts and terminology related to archives and to provide the scientific and practical standards for the preservation and management of audiovisual archives. In addition, the lecturers focused on the methods and tools of conversion and preservation and the most important challenges facing the audiovisual archive, through workshops that dealt with how to plan and determine the requirements and needs to access a secure and integrated archive.

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Sharjah Institute for Heritage
Archiving of the Audiovisual Documents
26 October 2017
Sharjah Institute for Heritage
United Arab Emirates


FIAT/IFTA at 40 celebrates UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2017
26-27 October 2017

In celebration of the 2017 UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on the theme of ‘Discover Remember and Share’, FIAT/IFTA has taken an audiovisual look back at its own 40 year history in a series of interviews and moments in time from the archives which recall the founding of the Federation, its mission, growth, and impact  since 1977.

FIAT/IFTA celebrated its 40th anniversary with its founding President Anne Hanford, formerly of BBC Archives, in Mexico City in October as part of its World Conference Programme.




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Cinemateca Brasileira (affiliated to FIAF
Semana em comemoração ao dia do Patrimônio Audiovisual 2017
24-28 October 2017
Museu de Arte de São Paulo (MASP), São Paulo, Brasil
São Paulo

On the last years, the Cinemateca Brasileira celebrated the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage presenting a film at the free span space of the Museu de Arte de São Paulo during the São Paulo Int'l Film Festival.
This year, the celebration will last a whole week. The traditional screenings at the MASP’s free span, designed to serve as a public square, will mark the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, and pay tribute to the Brazilian actor Paulo José and the Brazilian filmmaker Leon Hirszman.

From Tuesday 24 to Saturday 28 October, we will be exhibiting the following films in 35mm prints restored by Cinemateca:

24/10 - O Padre e a Moça (The Priest and the Girl) by Joaquim Pedro de Andrade (presenting Paulo José)
25/10 - Quando o Carnaval Chegar (When Carnival Comes) by Carlos Diegues
26/10 - O Homem Nu (The Naked Man), by Roberto Santos (presenting Paulo José)
27/10 - Eles Não Usam Black-Tie (They Don't Wear Black Tie) by Leon Hirszman
28/10 - Macunaíma, by Joaquim Pedro de Andrade (presenting Paulo José)

Cinemateca de Cuba(affiliated to FIAF
Celebración del Día Mundial del Patrimonio audiovisual
30 November -0001 - 29 October 2017
Sala 1, Multicine Infanta
La Habana

Filmes cubanos con motivo del Día mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual.
La Cinemateca de Cuba celebró el día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual, los días 27, 28 y 29 de octubre, en la sala 1 del multicine Infanta, sede temporal de la Cinemateca de Cuba, con una programación especial de filmes, documentales y noticieros cubanos, donde destacaron filmes como Yerma, Fresa y chocolate y te llamarás inocencia., incluyó además documentales como La Rumba, Gladys Gonzales y los Bucaneros, la Cubanita y otros cortos y los noticieros latinoamericanos.

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Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision(affiliated to AMIA, FIAT-IFTA, IASA, IFLA
'Unlocking sound and image heritage' publication available online
27 October 2017 - 26 October 2018

To celebrate the 2015 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the SOIMA community invited the wider audiovisual archive world to provide their feedback on this vision, and how to reach it.  This year, on the very same World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, we're proud to present the Selected Readings from the 2015 conference!

SOIMA: Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage is available now and free to download. The book offers tips and advice from dedicated professionals from all corners of the world for the preservation and creative use of sound and image heritage. As a resource, it aims to interest collectors, users and educators alike, as it offers compelling examples and strategies founded in evidence-based research. 

Its authors, who come from fifteen different countries and institutional contexts, explore the diversity of sound and image collections, and highlight innovative, creative and cost-effective strategies for coping with constant technological change and meagre resources. 

Published jointly by ICCROM (organizers of the SOIMA training programme) and KIK-IRPA (hosts of the 2015 conference), it is now freely available as a resource on the PrestoCentre Library under a Creative Commons license.Dig in for yourself at: http://dx.doi.org/10.18146/soima2015.

Cineteca Nacional de Chile(affiliated to FIAF
Filmes restaurados de Ruiz en Cineteca Nacional de Chile
27 October 2017
Cineteca Nacional de Chile/Centro Cultural La Moneda

La Cineteca Nacional de Chile celebró el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual en el marco del VII Encuentro de Investigación sobre Cine Chileno y Latinoamericano, instancia que organiza la Cineteca y que reúne a especialistas de todo el continente. El día 27 se realizaron exhibiciones especiales de películas restauradas de Raúl Ruiz: Brise-Glace (1987) y Tres tristes tigres (1968). Esta última cinta fue restaurada por la Asociación Les Amis de Raoul Ruiz, con apoyo del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes de Chile. Asimismo, se proyectó Las tres coronas del marinero (1983) y La hipótesis del cuadro robado (1979), ambas restauradas por el Instituto Nacional de Audiovisual de Francia (INA). 


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Arquivo Nacional do Brasil (affiliated to FIAF
Dia Mundial do Patrimônio Audiovisual no Arquivo Nacional
01 November 2017
Auditório do Arquivo Nacional (Praça da República, 173, Centro - Rio de Janeiro)
Rio de Janeiro



Em 27 de outubro acontece o Dia Mundial do Patrimônio Audiovisual, comemoração aprovada pela Conferência Geral da UNESCO, em 2005, como forma de chamar a atenção para a necessidade da adoção de medidas urgentes que permitam a conservação dos arquivos audiovisuais no mundo inteiro, e da importância destes arquivos para a construção integral da identidade cultural das nações.

De forma a comemorar esta data, em consonância com a orientação da Federação Internacional de Filmes de Arquivo (FIAF), da qual o Arquivo Nacional é membro, é proposto para o dia 1º de novembro de 2017 o evento “Descubra, Lembre e Partilhe: os arquivos na era digital”.

9h – Abertura

• Diego Barbosa da Silva (Diretor-Geral Substituto do Arquivo Nacional. Bacharel e licenciado em Ciências Sociais, Mestre em Letras e Doutor em Estudos de Linguagem)

9h15 - Repositórios Digitais

Repositório Digital de Imagens em Movimento – A experiência do Arquivo Nacional
• Érika Maria Nunes Sampaio (Arquivista – Equipe de Preservação de Documentos Digitais)

Repositório Legatum – Acesso, representação e preservação digital de acervos arquivísticos audiovisuais de países de idioma latino
• Rubens Ribeiro Gonçalves da Silva (Historiador, Mestre em História da Arte, Doutor em Ciência da Informação – Professor Titular do Instituto de Ciência da Informação (ICI) e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI) da Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA)

Mediação: Adriana Cox Hollós (Museóloga, Mestre em Memória Social, Doutora em Ciência da Informação – Coordenadora-geral de Processamento Técnico e Preservação do Acervo do Arquivo Nacional)

11h – WITNESS – o vídeo na luta por direitos humanos
• Maria Byington (Jornalista, Pesquisadora audiovisual)
• Marco Dreer (Graduado em Cinema, Especialista em preservação sonora e audiovisual, Mestre em História, Política e Bens Culturais e Especialista em Cinema Documentário)
• Rubens Ribeiro Gonçalves da Silva (Historiador, Mestre em História da Arte, Doutor em Ciência da Informação – Professor Titular do Instituto de Ciência da Informação (ICI) e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação (PPGCI) da Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA)
• Victor Ribeiro (Representante da WITNESS no Rio de Janeiro)

Mediação: Aline Camargo Torres (Técnica em Assuntos Culturais do Arquivo Nacional e Mestre em História, Política e Bens Culturais)

Apresentação do Guia de Arquivamento de Vídeo Para Ativistas

12h – Exibição de vídeos do acervo do Arquivo Nacional e da WITNESS


Auditório do Arquivo Nacional

Entrada gratuita
Serão emitidos certificados

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Société Radio-Canada(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA
24-27 October 2017

Four film librarians explain shortly their job and propose an archive that impress them for different reasons.

Quatre médiathécaires de Radio-Canada expliquent brièvement leur travail (sélection de tournage, indexation, recherche et valorisation) et proposent aux internautes une archive qui les ont impressionnés.

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Société Radio-Canada(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA
24-27 October 2017

Four film librarians explain shortly their job and propose an archive that impress them for different reasons.

Quatre médiathécaires de Radio-Canada expliquent brièvement leur travail (sélection de tournage, indexation, recherche et valorisation) et proposent aux internautes une archive qui les ont impressionnés.


Biblioteca de Catalunya(affiliated to ARSC, IASA
2017 World Day of Audiovisual Heritage: Discovering, Remembering, Sharing
27 October 2017

Getting as a sample a VHS videotape on the Catalan composer Enric Granados, the Biblioteca de Catalunya, together with the TV archives TV3 is DISCOVERING old footage of IWW events, new filming of the process of a recording-making or the planning of a complete revision of scores of Granados music for piano. REMEMBRANCES of people who is no longer among us are helping the audience to approach the Academia Granados-Marshall history, first-hand. And, by SHARING the availability of the original document at the Biblioteca de Catalunya premisses, or the digital broadcasting by TV3, Granados can be regarded both as a musician (composer, pianist) and as a pedagog of international recognition while commemorating the centenary of his renowned piano Academy. 

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Kinolab-Colombia, conecta su obra Chromaris con la Celebración del día mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual
27-28 October 2017
Corferias Av. Calle 24 37-80

El colectivo de artistas audiovisuales Kinolab-Colombia presentará en el marco de la sección Artecámara de ARTBO la obra performática Chromaris (2017), de Andrés Jurado y Enrico Mandirola; obra que incorpora proyectores de super8, 16mm y 35mm, intervenidos electrónicamente para proyectar secuencias de película intervenida, found footage, ambientes sonoros en forma de ruido óptico en un acto que transcurre en vivo durante 40 minutos. Chromaris se presentará en el contexto de la celebración del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual “Descubre, Recuerda y Comparte”  entre el 27 y 28 de octubre en el pabellón Artecámara a las 6:00 p.m.

Kinolab-Colombia es un laboratorio de artistas, fundado en febrero de 2007 por Enrico Mandirola (Italia). Este laboratorio de experimentación artística y tecnológica, combina técnicas analógicas con instrumentos digitales para la transformación de máquinas y presentación de experiencias audio-visuales que recrean formas de ver y escuchar la imagen en movimiento y el sonido. Kinolab es un espacio abierto a todo artista que quiera aprender técnicas de revelado super8 y 16mm, a usar cámaras de cine y proyectores, así como a la exploración de formatos cinematográficos. Este colectivo lo conforman adicionalmente los colombianos Andrés Jurado, Henry Caicedo, María Rojas, Claudia Salamanca y Natalia Guarnizo. 

Cinémathèque tunisienne
Premiers pas de la Cinémathèque tunisienne
27 October 2017
Centre National du Cinéma et de l'lmage

Le 27 octobre est la Journée mondiale du patrimoine audiovisuel correspondant à l'adoption, en 1980, par la 21e Conférence générale de l'UNESCO, de la recommandation pour la sauvegarde et la préservation des images en mouvement. La commémoration de cette journée à l'échelle mondiale vise à attirer l'attention des décideurs et de l'opinion publique sur la nécessité de reconnaitre l'importance des documents audiovisuels. « Découvrir, se souvenir et partager », tel est le thème de la Journée mondiale du patrimoine audiovisuel de ce1te année.

La Cinémathèque Tunisienne, nouvellement créée et affiliée au Centre National du Cinéma et de l'lmage, se positionne désormais dans le concert des cinémathèques du monde et célèbre cette journée en annonçant la tenue d'un point de presse, le mardi 7 novembre 2017, au cours des Journées Cinématographiques de Carthage pour présenter les axes du programme 2018 - 2019 ainsi que ses premières actions dont:

1 / La prochaine signature d'un accord de partenariat avec la Bibliothèque Nationale pour assurer la conservation et le traitement des films.

2/ La réception d'un lot d'archives filmiques (16 et 35mm à restaurer), du premier caméraman tunisien d'après l'indépendance et qui fut correspondant permanent accrédité auprès de l'Organisation des Nations Unies: feu M'hamed Kouidi (22 décembre 1927 - 5 mars 2016).

3/ La réception d'un lot de documents ayant appartenu á la femme de lettres et historienne de l'art, Sophie El Goulli (4 février 1931 - 10 octobre 2015), fondatrice de la Cinémathèque Tunisienne dont elle fut la présidente entre 1958 et 1968 (voir photo).

La cinémathèque Tunisienne vous invite à rester à l'écoute de son évolution.

Cinemateca Municipal de Medellín
Los ciclos de la memoria
27 October 2017
Teatro Lido

La Alcaldía de Medellín y la Cinemateca Municipal de Medellín en asocio con Señal Memoria RTVC Sistema de Medios Públicos, Mamut: Festival de memoria audiovisual, el Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano (ITM), Corporación Antioquia Audiovisual y Cinéfagos, celebran el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual “Descubre, Recuerda y Comparte” con una programación gratuita en el Teatro Lido de películas restauradas, visualizaciones comentadas y la socialización del seminario taller en archivos y patrimonio audiovisual.

Los ciclos de la memoria: archivos y patrimonio audiovisual en Medellín, es proyecto ganador de la modalidad “Celebrando el mes de Patrimonio” de la convocatoria Estímulos para el Arte y la Cultura de la Secretaría de Cultura Ciudadana de Medellín. Este espacio tiene como objetivo preparar personas para asumir la salvaguardia y puesta en valor de los documentos que hacen parte del patrimonio audiovisual de la ciudad, con fundamentos teóricos, prácticos, técnicos y conceptuales. 

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Cinemateca Dominicana(affiliated to FIAF
Día Mundial del Patrimonio Auodiovisual
27 October 2017
Cinemateca Dominicana
Santo Domingo
República Domincana

La Embajada de la República de China (Taiwán) en República Dominicana, el Ministerio de Cultura y la Dirección General de Cine (DGCINE), a través de la Cinemateca Dominicana, con la colaboración del Taiwan Film Institute, presentarán “La posada del dragón” (Long men kezhan, 1967), dirigida por King Hu, en conmemoración del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual, en el marco de la Muestra de Cine “Taiwán”, el viernes 27 de octubre del 2017, en las instalaciones de la dependencia.  

Esta proyección especial forma parte de las celebraciones que se llevarán a cabo en los archivos fílmicos y cinematecas a nivel mundial, gracias a que en el año 2005, la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO, por sus siglas en inglés), declaró el 27 de octubre como Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual, como mecanismo para concienciar al público del gran valor histórico y cultural que poseen las documentos audiovisuales, y medida para evitar sus desapariciones en el tiempo.     

“La posada del dragón” se encuentra dentro del top 10 en el ranking de las 100 mejores películas chinas, y su director es el único que cuenta con dos filmes de su autoría en los primeros 10 lugares de este ranking.

Este clásico del celuloide cuenta la historia del Emperador Zhao, quien al ordenar la muerte de los hijos de su mayor rival, desata una serie de enfrentamientos entre quienes tendrán que cumplir la orden, y aquellos que tratarán de evitar que se cumpla.

La proyección se realizará el viernes 27 de octubre, a las 7:00 P.M., en las instalaciones de la Cinemateca Dominicana y, como todos los programas de difusión cinematográfica presentados en este espacio, la entrada será libre de costos.

La Muestra de Cine “Taiwán” se realiza gracias al apoyo del Ministerio de Cultura de ese país, a través de su proyecto Spotlight Taiwan, que tiene como propósito promover los intercambios y cultivar el interés en el conocimiento de la cultura taiwanesa en todo el mundo, estableciendo lazos culturales entre las naciones integradas.


ICCROM(affiliated to FIAF
Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage
27 October 2017 - 01 January 2018

SOIMA: Unlocking Sound and Image Heritage is a web-based and freely downloadable book that offers tips and advice from dedicated professionals from all corners of the world, for the preservation and creative use of sound and image heritage. Featuring compelling case examples and strategies founded in evidence-based research, this resource will interest collectors, users and educators alike.

Within the pages of this work, the authors explore the diversity of sound and image collections, and highlight innovative, creative and cost-effective strategies for coping with constant technological change and meagre resources. The topics are as diverse as the authors, who come from fifteen different countries and institutional contexts.

A joint effort of ICCROM, the Belgian Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA) and the PrestoCentre in the Netherlands, this publication is a compilation of articles drawn from the SOIMA 2015 International Conference held in Brussels. Some 140 conference attendees, representing 41 countries and 95 institutions collectively upheld that collaboration and exchange between institutions and specialists is the key to unlocking sound and image heritage.

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27 October 2017
Home Movies - Via S. Isaia 18

ARCHIVIO APERTO (10.27-12.02/2017)

Archivio Aperto marks the tenth year in the evolution of Home Movies - Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia (National Italian Home Movies Archive). 

A full overview of this year's program:
The Italian landscape by car as shot by amateur filmmakers, a theme offering incredible visual richness starting from the program’s inaugural screening.
Experimental and artistic cinema, cultural heritage of immeasurable value reinforced by the activities at Home Movies through screenings of footage not seen since the time of its creation. An incredible story told by two 8mm films shot during World War II, only to be developed seventy years later— eyewitnesses to be deciphered in the present day. Also featured are formerly unpublished films of everyday life in the Golden Age of Sarajevo and Yugoslavia roughly twenty-five years following the onset of conflict.
A tribute to special guest Gustav Deutsch, the international master of found footage filmmaking, with a double focus on his reuse of home movies.
Also included are Italian documentaries made with images drawn from the Home Movie Archive that deal with themes inseparable from contemporary society.
Among other things, there are many ideas on a final note for the Italian Cinebox and the French Scopitone. The Juke-box with videoclips of family memories will also be playing again for AA2017!
Someone once said that Home Movies is the “garbage dump” of history, and that is a compliment: an idea that has been forgotten because it is obsolete and deemed no longer useful re-surfaces as archaeological and historical gold in a future era. Someone also argued that Home Movies is the “regenerator” of History, and this is also true, because in these ten years we have learned that the archive often puts the emotions, thoughts, and actions of our contemporaries back into motion.



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RTÉ Archives(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA
Launch RTÉ Archives News Collection
27 October 2017
National Library of Ireland

RTÉ News reports recorded on videotape between 1985 and 1999 have been digitised for long term preservation with the support of the BAI Archiving Scheme.

The News Collection is being made available to view online beginning with stories from 1985 and new content being added on a regular basis.

Explore the events and people who were making the news in Ireland.


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SONUMA(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA
Launch of the new website
27 October 2017


FIAF(affiliated to FIAF
Digitization of FIAF's Collection of Audio Tapes
27 October 2017
FIAF/Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive
Brussels/Bloomington, IN

To celebrate World Day for Audio Visual Heritage, we are pleased to announce that over 600 audio tapes (1/4” open reel and audio cassettes) that document the history of FIAF Congresses and Executive Committee meetings, dating from 1977-1997, have been identified and sorted, and now properly and archivally housed, and preserved. These unique historical documents had been stored for decades in the room temperature FIAF office and were not accessible, nor had these items been digitized for preservation purposes.

Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive (IULMIA), a FIAF Member, is now the archival home of the tapes, which have been archived and digitized, with the original materials stored in IULMIA’s offsite vault at 50° F and 30% RH, and the newly digitized files kept both in IULMIA’s dual location data storage repositories, and on hard discs in FIAF’s Brussels office.

Since July 2017, IULMIA has digitized 31 ¼ audio tapes and 372 audio cassette tapes and the remaining 274 tapes will be digitized in the coming months.

We are currently working on plans for making these important items accessible to researchers in the future.

Slovenský filmový ústav / Slovak Film Institute(affiliated to FIAF
Majstrovstvá sveta / World Championship (1970)
27 October 2017
Slovak Republic

Slovak Film Institute is celebrating the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage by screening on 27th October in Kino Lumière, the Cinema of the Slovak Film Institute, the new digitally restored mid-length Slovak documentary film World Championship (1970) from documentary filmmaker Milan Černák. The film was made on the occasion of the FIS Nordic World Ski Championship in High Tatras in the year 1970. The film World Championship is part of the archive collection of the National Film Archive of the Slovak Film Institute (SFI) and was digitally restored this year. Guests of the screening are the director Milan Černák and the editor of this film, his wife, Margita Černáková.


UN Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals(affiliated to ICA
Preserving History as it Happens
27 October 2017
The Hague
The Netherlands

To mark the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals (Mechanism or MICT) today released a video entitled “Preserving History as it Happens: An Introduction to the Audiovisual Archives of the International Criminal Tribunals” in French, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian and Kinyarwanda.

The informational video provides an overview of the unique and diverse collection of audiovisual records contained in the Mechanism’s archives, which originate from the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and which are now in the Mechanism’s custody. The video also provides information on how to access these and other archival materials.

The commemoration of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage was approved by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2005 to raise awareness about the importance of the preservation of audiovisual heritage and its long-term accessibility, as well as to showcase the work of institutions that contribute to safeguarding, preserving, and ensuring the accessibility of audiovisual material.

As part of its mandate, the Mechanism is responsible for preserving the archives of the ICTR, the ICTY and the Mechanism in accordance with the highest international standards, and for ensuring that the archives remain accessible to future generations.

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Film Archives of the National Archives of Estonia(affiliated to FIAF
Celebration of The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage at the Film Archives of the National Archives of Estonia
27 October 2017
Film Archives of the National Archives of Estonia (Ristiku 84)

Celebration of The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage at the Film Archives of the National Archives of Estonia is launched with the opening of a temporary exhibition on recently found materials of "Must teemant" - one of Estonia's first artistic dramas from 1923. The print is not preserved, thus the recently found intertitles and photos are the only visual and substant information on the film.

In addition to the opening of the exhibition there are various other activities such as tours to the vaults and hidden corners of the film archives, workshops, film quiz, non-stop film programme and an exhibition on rare records from Australia.

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Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) ‒ German National Library of Science and Technology
Elephant walking
27 October 2017

The Encyclopaedia Cinematographica (EC) which is celebrating its 65th birthday these days was intended to be a cinematic encyclopedia in which each entry consisted of a monothematic film on a given keyword (e. g. elephant walking). The title of the first EC-film with the IWF signature E1, is "Elephas maximus - Walking". The simplicity of the idea amazes and fascinates the viewer at the same time. Many of the EC-Films are ethnological films. Those are among the 2000 ehnological videos that will be digitized by TIB in the DELFT-project.

Unidad de Investigación en Representaciones Sociales y Culturales, UNAM
Jornada del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual
27 October 2017
UNAM campus Morelia

Proyección de materiales y conversatorio. 

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Asian Film Archive(affiliated to AMIA, FIAF, IFLA
Save Our Film
30 October 2017 - 26 October 2018

Save Our Film is a film preservation advocacy initiative by the Asian Film Archive (AFA). Relaunched in 2016, Save Our Film seeks to address the new challenges of preserving digital materials in addition to that of analogue materials like films and tapes. Saving our film allows future generations to continue enjoying Asia’s cinematic gems and heritage. For the 2017 edition, we invited a few film practitioners from Southeast Asia to come together and talk about why we need to #SaveOurFilm!

Watch Save Our Film – Filmmakers Call (2016) 

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National Archives of Singapore(affiliated to AMIA, FIAT-IFTA, IASA, ICA, IFLA
Sounds of Yesteryear, 1903-1941
27 October - 31 December 2017

Test pressings are rare artefacts, produced in small quantities of a handful per recording, to check for quality of the recordings, or for a record company to select which recordings to issue for commercial release. There are 84 test pressings in the National Archives of Singapore’s (NAS) collection.


In celebration of UNESCO’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on 27 October, NAS will be releasing a series of test pressings under ‘Sounds of Yesteryear’, an ongoing initiative to stream online one newly digitised pre-World War II recording every week throughout 2017.


The majority of these recordings were created in late 1941 and intended for release under the Extra Record label. However, the Japanese invasion of Singapore a few months later put a halt to commercial record activity, and the recordings were never released. These are the only surviving copies. By digitising and streaming these recordings online, NAS aims to highlight the importance of audiovisual preservation in keeping this unique part of Singapore’s music history alive.

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Fukuoka City Public Library Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF
Restoration Asia IV
23-24 September 2017
Fukuoka City Public Library
Fukuoka City

This year, as part of our celebrations of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, we organized a symposium on the restoration and preservation of films in and from Asia under the umbrella of Restoration Asia.

Restoration Asia IV was coordinated by Adrian Wood, and was held on September 23rd and 24th in Fukuoka, Japan. The event was co-hosted with the Focus on Asia Fukuoka International Film Festival and the Japan Foundation Asia Center with the endorsement of SEAPAVAA and FIAF.

Archivists, researchers, students and professionals as well as those with a shared passion for the preservation and restoration of Asian cinema joined this event from ten countries.  Our guest speakers shared the current state of restoration and preservation of films in their own countries along with specific examples and sought for the prospects of film preservation in the future of Asia. 

As well as a ‘backyard tour’ of the Archive, the event included the screenings of a restored Thai film “Santi-Vina” (1954) and “I 26 martiri del Giappone” (1931) originally produced in Japan and restored last year in Italy.


Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatán
26-31 October 2017
Radio Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (103.9 FM, 1120 AM y en Tizimín 94.5 FM) y Preparatoria 2 de la UADY
Para celebrar el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual 2017, la Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatán http://www.esay.edu.mx/wp/  y su Centro Regional de Investigación, Documentación y Difusión Musicales “Gerónimo Baqueiro Fóster”,  con el apoyo de Fundación Cultural MACAY A.C., Radio Universidad y la Preparatoria 2 de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY), y Apoyo al Desarrollo de Archivos y Bibliotecas de México A.C., invitan a “Descubrir, recordar y compartir” el valioso patrimonio sonoro y audiovisual de Yucatán a través de un programa de radio y una conferencia.
El jueves 26 de octubre, el programa radiofónico Arte Conexión, que se transmite por Radio Universidad (103.9 FM, 1120 AM y en Tizimín 94.5 FM, www.radio.uady.mx ), tendrá por tema el valor del patrimonio audiovisual. En esta emisión se escucharán fragmentos del audio del espectáculo de luz y sonido de la zona arqueológica de Uxmal, declarada Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1996; la primera grabación del bambuco yucateco El rosal enfermo, escrito en 1920 por Ricardo Palmerín sobre versos del poeta canario Lázaro Sánchez Pinto; un paisaje sonoro de la feria municipal de Halachó, Yucatán, que refiere a la tradicional lotería mexicana, y la voz y el piano de la compositora yucateca Judith Pérez Romero, fallecida el año pasado. La versión podcast del programa podrá descargarse en: www.macay.org/radio 
El martes 31 de octubre, en la Preparatoria número 2 de la UADY se presentará la conferencia “El sonido como patrimonio cultural”. En ella se expondrán fragmentos de paisajes sonoros, testimonios de voz, programas de radio y desde luego música que forman parte del invaluable patrimonio cultural de Yucatán, y se explicará su uso potencial en el arte, la educación y la cultura.
Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatán
26-31 October 2017
Radio Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (103.9 FM, 1120 AM y en Tizimín 94.5 FM) y Preparatoria 2 de la UADY

Para celebrar el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual 2017, la Escuela Superior de Artes de Yucatán y su Centro Regional de Investigación, Documentación y Difusión Musicales “Gerónimo Baqueiro Fóster”, con el apoyo de Fundación Cultural MACAY A.C., Radio Universidad y la Preparatoria 2 de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY), y Apoyo al Desarrollo de Archivos y Bibliotecas de México A.C., invitan a “Descubrir, recordar y compartir” el valioso patrimonio sonoro y audiovisual de Yucatán a través de un programa de radio y una conferencia.
El jueves 26 de octubre, el programa radiofónico Arte Conexión, que se transmite por Radio Universidad (103.9 FM, 1120 AM y en Tizimín 94.5 FM, www.radio.uady.mx), tendrá por tema el valor del patrimonio audiovisual. En esta emisión se escucharán fragmentos del audio del espectáculo de luz y sonido de la zona arqueológica de Uxmal, declarada Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 1996; la primera grabación del bambuco yucateco El rosal enfermo, escrito en 1920 por Ricardo Palmerín sobre versos del poeta canario Lázaro Sánchez Pinto; un paisaje sonoro de la feria municipal de Halachó, Yucatán, que refiere a la tradicional lotería mexicana, y la voz y el piano de la compositora yucateca Judith Pérez Romero, fallecida el año pasado. La versión podcast del programa podrá descargarse en: www.macay.org/radio.
El martes 31 de octubre, en la Preparatoria número 2 de la UADY se presentará la conferencia “El sonido como patrimonio cultural”. En ella se expondrán fragmentos de paisajes sonoros, testimonios de voz, programas de radio y desde luego música que forman parte del invaluable patrimonio cultural de Yucatán, y se explicará su uso potencial en el arte, la educación y la cultura.

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Scotland's Sounds
Sounds like Scotland
27 October 2017 - 26 October 2018

You can touch and see Scotland’s past… now’s your chance to listen to it.

The Scotland’s Sounds network proudly presents Sounds like Scotland, a short animated soundtrack featuring clips from 12 audio collections held across Scotland, from Lewis to Aberdeen and from Inverness to the Borders.

The archive recordings span from 1909 to 2017 and were made on a host of formats – wax cylinders, wire, shellac discs, open reel tape, cassettes and digital media.

Have a listen in to Scotland’s past through birdsong, music, spoken memories and more…

With warm thanks to the collections that shared their recordings:


Sound design:

Steve Urquhart 


Iain Gardner, Animation Garden 


Sounds like Scotland was created as part of Connecting Scotland’s Sounds, an initiative championing Scotland’s rich audio heritage. This 2016- 2017 project is hosted at the National Library of Scotland and supported by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation.

The Scotland’s Sounds network is a group of individuals and organisations interested in the preservation and sharing of Scotland’s archive sounds. 

University of Namibia(affiliated to IASA, ICA
The United Nations Institute for Namibia (UNIN) Online Photographic Exhibition
27 October 2017 - 28 February 2018

The University of Namibia Library, Archives Unit in celebrating the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, would like to make known the rich photographic heritage that the institution holds from one of the most historic times of the Namibian Liberation Struggle. UNAM Library, Archives Unit invites and inform all former UNIN students, former UNIN lecturers, their families, comrades and all who knew about UNIN, to help identify the photographs as part of an ongoing online exhibition. The exhibition will showcase some of its rich collection of images from UNIN, Lusaka. The exhibition will allow participants to interact on its website, by providing insight about the people, places and events in the images, by responding online on the platform provided.

Videoteca de la Dirección de Radio y Televisión, UASLP(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA
Entrevistas sobre patrimonio audiovisual
30 November -0001
San Luis Potosí
San Luis Potosí

La Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí a través de la videoteca de la Dirección de Radio y Televisión, presenta una serie de entrevistas a especialistas en documentación audiovisual de diversas partes del mundo, donde se aborda el tema del patrimonio audiovisual. Estas entrevistas forman parte de una campaña de sensibilización acerca del tema y se han trabajado en colaboración con la Federación Internacional de Archivos de Televisión (FIAT/IFTA).

Las entrevistas se pueden encontrar en el siguiente link:


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Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) - Ajuntament de Girona(affiliated to ICA
The CRDI nitrate films
26 October 2017
Municipal Archive of Girona

In 2015, the  Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) signed a collaboration agreement with the Filmoteca de Catalunya for the preservation and digitization of cellulose nitrate films preserved at CRDI. To celebrate the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage,  it will be held a screening of two restored films: España al día and Homenatge a Santiago Rusiñol. In the same event, the curator of the Filmoteca, Rosa Cardona, will explain the restoration process. 

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Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) - Ajuntament de Girona(affiliated to ICA
Bibliography Collection about Photography Technique
27 October 2017 - 27 October 2018

This resource is the result of the digitization and online publication of part of the bibliography about Photography Technique that belongs to the specialized library of the Girona Municipal Archive and the one from the Institut d'Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya. Both collections have a great utility for the research on the evolution of the photographic techniques. The digitisation and online publication aims to offer to researchers some relevant publications. This collection has been acquired over the years and it it has nowadays a very outstanding value.


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Safeguarding and promoting the audiovisual treasures of UNESCO
27 October 2017
7, place de Fontenoy

UNESCO and the French National Audiovisual Institute (INA) concluded a partnership agreement in 2015. As a result, INA has digitized 70 hours of UNESCO's audiovisual collections, including films, videos and audio recordings. During this event, the results will be presented and examples of digitized material will be shown.
This event is part of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, which this year has the theme "Discover, Remember and Share".

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Dokumentarian METTE MÆRSK
27 October 2017

Newly DISCOVERED footage of INGRID whose work we all REMEMBER. 

Danish dokumentarian METTE MÆRSK will be taking part of the worldwide celebrations by SHARING these clips.

METTE MÆRSK has a long been working with archive material and with found footage.

Brought from the private sphere to the public gaze. 

The practice is not just about a restorative vision of history, but rather,

about how we are all participants in creating and, in the end, receiving, the world around us.

pzzzt.. keyword Pippi Longstocking

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Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) - Ajuntament de Girona(affiliated to ICA
27 October 2017 - 27 October 2018

A new audiovisual product created in order to better understand the technical procedure of formation of the gravure on copper plate from the original technique of Talbot-Klic (1879). This audiovisual, created using 3D animation techniques, is the fifth proposal of a series dedicated to the evolution of the photographic technique and photomechanical procedures that started in 2007.The script is done by the professor Carles Mitjà and the project execution is assumed by the CIFOG (Escola de Cicles Formatius de Girona). This audiovisual, unique in its presentation, has a clear dissemination function and, unlike the theoretical texts, allows the viewer to get a clear idea of this photomechanical procedure.


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Radio Television Vojvodina(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA
40th anniversary of the Danube-Tisa-Danube Hydrosystem
27 November 2017
Novi Sad

Sharing the film of the construction of the Hydro System Danube-Tisa-Danube which represents the multi-functional water management system for the complex arrangement of waters in the area of Vojvodina.

The DTD Canal System with its fourteen canals of 694km total lenght changed the geographical, economic and social picture of Vojvodina region in Serbia and set the favorable conditions for socio-economic development.

DTD hydrosystem comprises the total 47 structures such as: 16 locks, 26 weirs and sluices and 5 big pumping stations. The largest structure is the dam on the river Tisa near Novi Bečej.

Water for the  DTD Canal System is taken from the river Danube and the river Tisa by free flow and also through pumping stations. Water taken together with the accepted internal waters of their basin is ditributed by regulating weirs and sluices according to the users needs.

The system serves for: drainage, flood protection, water supply for agriculture and industry, discharge of waste water, navigation, tourism and recreational activities.

After fourty years of his completeness the DTD Canal System fulfills drainage and flood protection functions entirely.

Taiwan Music Institute, National Center for Traditional Arts(affiliated to ARSC, IASA
Forum of World Day for Audivisual Heritage
27 October 2017 - 30 September 2018
Taiwan Traditional Theater Center

This year (2017) we celebrate the 50th anniversary of "Folk Song Collecting Movement" (the movement has long been regarded as the catalyst of Taiwanization in music) and 15th anniversary of Taiwan Music Institute (the most important archive to preserve Taiwan music). An exhibition is opened to the public on the 27th and a forum will be hold in the afternoon on that day. Prof. Anthony Seeger, an internationally renowned Ethnomusicologist, is invited to give a keynote speeach, titled "Why Should We Celebrate the UNESCO World Audiovisual Heritage Day? Collecting, Safeguarding, and Distributing Musical Heritage, and the Future of Taiwan."  

27 October 2017
Sala Fundación Cinemateca Nacional - MBA

27 Octubre de 2017

8:30 a.m. Recibimiento de los invitados.

9:00 am Apertura de acto – Presentación

9:30 am ARQUEOLOGIA DEL CINE por Sandro Oramas.






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National Library of Latvia(affiliated to IASA
Put on your serenade!
27 October 2017
Audiovisual Reading Room, National Library of Latvia

On Friday, October 27, from 9.00 to 20.00 in the Audiovisual Reading Room on the 4th floor of the National Library of Latvia (NLL) the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage will be celebrated with the slogan "Put on your serenade!". Following the renewed popularity of the vinyl records, NLL is offering the possibility to discover the wealth of sound recordings in the library's collection. During the day, a vinyl record player will be available in the Audiovisual Reading Room, along with a selection of approximately 100 records, that every visitor can play and listen to. We also encourage visitors to take along their own vinyl records from home and listen to them at the NLL. 

Every visitor will also get a sweet surprise!

Piektdien, 27. oktobrī, no plkst. 9.00 līdz 20.00 Latvijas Nacionālās bibliotēkas (LNB) Audiovizuālajā lasītavā (4. stāvā) ar saukli "Uzliec savu serenādi!" tiks atzīmēta Pasaules audiovizuālā mantojuma diena. Šogad LNB aktualizēs vinila formāta jeb skaņuplašu ierakstu popularitātes atdzimšanu mūsdienās, piedāvājot iepazīt bibliotēkas skaņu ierakstu krājuma bagātības. Ieeja bez maksas.

Dienas gaitā lasītavā būs pieejams plašu atskaņotājs un ap 100 skaņuplašu, kuras ikviens varēs pats uzlikt uz atskaņotāja un noklausīties, kā arī – piedāvājam iespēju apmeklētājiem paņemt līdzi vinilplates no mājām un noklausīties tās lasītavā.

Katru apmeklētāju gaidīs gards pārsteigums!

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Aurora Villalobos
Cineclub Vida
Ciclo de cine
06-27 October 2017
Sala Chicarreros de la Fundación Cajasol

El Cineclub Vida es el tercer cineclub más longevo de España y el más prestigioso a nivel andaluz; este año celebra su 60 aniversario en Sevilla. Con ocasión del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual, que tiene por lema "Descubrir, recordar y compartir", ha programado para el mes de octubre un ciclo de cine sobre la Revolución Rusa en el que se proyectarán los días 6,13 y 27 de octubre las siguientes películas: "Octubre" (Serguei Eisenstein y Grigori Aleksandrov, 1928), "El cuarenta y uno" (Grigori N. Tchoukhräi, 1956) y "Quemado por el sol" (Nikita Milhalkov, 1994). La presentación y posterior coloquio son una invitación a reflexionar sobre este acontecimiento histórico a través de tres autores locales de diferentes generaciones.

Arxiu Municipal de Granollers
Arxiu Municipal de Granollers. Dia Mundial del Patrimoni Audiovisual
27 October 2017

Updated information on this program: page (select your language: English, French, German, Spanish or Catalan).

Good Day for Audiovisual Heritage!

Filmoteca Española(affiliated to FIAF
Puertas abiertas en el Cine Doré
27 October 2017
Cine Doré. Calle de Santa Isabel, 3, 28012 Madrid

Proyección en el cine Doré de fondos del archivo: puertas abiertas el día 27 de octubre a partir de las 13h00 para ver una proyección non stop (en bucle) de algunas digitalizaciones de nitratos y otros materiales de nuestro archivo.

Filmoteca Española(affiliated to FIAF
Visitas al Centro de Conservación y Restauración de Filmoteca Española
27 October 2017
Centro de Conservación y Restauración de Filmoteca Española
Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)

El viernes 27 por la mañana, se realizarán dos visitas guiadas al archivo (previstas a las 10:00 y 12:00, aforo limitado pero sin necesidad de inscripción previa), que incluirá la presentación del trabajo realizado por las becarias del programa FormArtes obre la revisión y análisis de los materiales de El Quijote de Orson Welles y la restauración digital de la película de 90 minutos realizada por Antonio del Amo, a partir de una copia de nitrato en 35 mm en muy mal estado y otra copia en 16 mm.

Filmoteca Española(affiliated to FIAF
Las Perlas de Filmoteca Española (radio program)
26 October 2017

On October 26 will be the the second season opening of "Las Perlas de Filmoteca Española" a radio program conducted in collaboration with RNE 3 which is itself a tribute to our film heritage, and in the first program we will talk about this event.

El 26 de octubre será la apertura de la segunda temporada de "Las Perlas de Filmoteca Española", un programa de radio realizado en colaboración con RNE 3, que es en sí mismo un tributo a nuestra herencia cinematográfica, y en el primer programa hablaremos de este evento.

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Celebrating our Heritage
27 October 2017
National Independence Memorial Museum

Namibia will be commemorating this event for the first time together.

Different archives and museums will be exhibiting their materials in a bit to bring the archives closer

to and accesable for the public.

Indiana University Archives of African American Music and Culture(affiliated to ARSC
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage: Preserving Black Radio
27 October 2017
Indiana University Archives of African American Music and Culture
Bloomington, IN

To celebrate UNESCO’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the Archives of African American Music and Culture invites you to "Discover, Remember and Share" the 1970s radio series, "The Afro-American in Indiana." The recently discovered broadcast master tapes were digitized through IU’s Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative.  All of the programs have been uploaded to IU’s Media Collections Online streaming site where they are now publicly available for the first time since they aired forty years ago.

"The Afro-American in Indiana" was produced by Fr. Boniface Hardin, the first African American priest of Holy Angels Parish in Indianapolis and founder of Martin University. The weekly radio program focused on the local experiences of African Americans, reaching back to the beginnings of statehood. Topics include slavery, the Civil War and Reconstruction Era, WWI, WWII, segregation, the State of Indiana and U.S. Constitutions, historiography, sports, music, education, religion, the NAACP, medicine, law, black businesses, prison, and labor history.

To discover more about "The Afro-American in Indiana" and listen to each broadcast, follow the link below.


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Institute of Musicology SASA
Дан аудиовизуелног наслеђа
27 October 2017
Institute of Musicology of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Поштоване колеге,


Поводом Светског дана аудиовизуелног наслеђа, који се обележава сваког 27. октобра на иницијативу УНЕСКО од 2006. године, Музиколошки институт САНУ отвара по први пут врата за вођену посету шире стручне јавности свом фоноархивском фонду. Чување историјских носача звука угрожено је различитим техничким, политичким, друштвеним, финансијским и другим проблемима широм света, те се све више архива прикључује обележавању овог Дана активностима које указују на осетљивост аудиовизуелног наслеђа и значај институција које настоје да га заштите. Овогодишња тема манифестације „Откриј, запамти и подели” (“Discover, Remember and Share”) подстиче архиве да представе своје колекције и дигиталне снимке, као и да укажу на потребу за чувањем наслеђа.


Музиколошки институт САНУ поседује не само најстарије носаче звука на које је снимљена српска народна музика, већ и збирку неких од најважнијих документарних музичких снимака у Србији до данас. Највећи део фоноархивске грађе је дигитализован и тренутно је у процесу каталогизације. Приликом посете имаћете прилику да се упознате с различитим типовима носача звука (од воштане плоче до дигиталне картице), опремом која се користи за снимање и дигитализацију звука, па и с врстама садржаја који се налазе на снимцима у институтском фонду. Посету ће водити научни сарадник др Марија Думнић, етномузиколог, која је снимала на терену и радила је на дигитализацији и каталогизацији садржаја магнетофонских трака. Осим у сферама етномузикологије и студија популарне музике, она је активна и при Међународној асоцијацији звучних и аудиовизуелних архива (IASA).


У петак 27. октобра 2017. у получасовним терминима од 12 до 15 часова заинтересованима у групама до 5 особа биће представљена фоноархивска збирка и опрема. Молимо Вас да своју посету најавите електронском поштом на адресу music_inst@sanu.ac.rs тако што ћете до четвртка послати име и презиме и термин за који сте заинтересовани.



Музиколошки институт САНУ

Bulgarian National Radio(affiliated to IASA
27 October 2017

On the eve of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage - October 27, we are pleased to present the latest product of the Bulgarian National Radio - the web portal archives.bnr.bg

The Web Portal adds a new moment in fulfilling BNR public mission through open access for users of a limited number of publications (audio, text and images files) to part of its archive funds and multimedia publications using archives materials.

As a national sound archive we preserve the sound memory of Bulgaria, our archives REMEMBER for the future generations the time testimonies, we DISCOVER interesting materials for our audience, and via this site we SHARE through open access on digital platform our heritage and invaluable sounds.


I Colóquio REVIS-Arq
31 October 2017
Auditório CCET - Av. Pasteur, 458 - Urca
Rio de Janeiro
Cineteca de la Universidad de Chile
26-30 October 2017
Universidad de Chile

Cineteca de la Universidad de Chile tiene el agrado de invitar a usted a la conmemoración del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual 2017. Para la oportunidad se exhibirá, como estreno exclusivo en Santiago, la versión restaurada de la película "Sueño de Amor" (José Bohr, 1935), el registro audiovisual más antiguo que se conserva del maestro Claudio Arrau, Premio Nacional de Arte 1983.

La restauración de la película "Sueño de Amor" ha sido realizada por la Cineteca de la Universidad de Chile, perteneciente al Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen (ICEI), conjuntamente con la Filmoteca de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, y con el financiamiento del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes por medio del Programa de Apoyo al Resguardo del Patrimonio Audiovisual, modalidad Restauración del Patrimonio, además de la colaboración de la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad de Chile.

La actividad se realizará el día Jueves 26 de Octubre a las 18:30 hrs. en el Auditorium Jorge Müller del Instituto de la Comunicación e Imagen (ICEI), ubicado en el Campus Juan Gómez Millas de la Universidad de Chile: Ignacio Carrera Pinto #1045, Ñuñoa (a pasos de las calles José Pedro Alessandri y Grecia, también ingreso por calle Las Palmeras).


Estreno "Solo" (Versión restaurada)
Aldo Francia, 1967, 11 minutos
Material encontrado correspondiente a la película “Solo” dirigida por Aldo Francia y nunca terminada, narra la historia de un sujeto que recorre las calles y cerros de Valparaíso. Es un antecedente directo de la película “Valparaíso, Mi amor” que estrenaría dos años después.

Considerado un hito dentro del cine latinoamericano, los Festivales de Cine de Viña del año 1967 y 1969 marcaron la producción del cine moderno en la región, relevando la obra de autores clave como Glauber Rocha, Miguel Littín, Jorge Sanjinez, Raúl Ruiz, Pino Solanas, Octavio Gettino, Mario Handler, entre muchos otros. Un episodio desconocido corresponde al rol que tuvo la Universidad de Chile en el apoyo a la realización de estos certámenes, por tanto la muestra busca recuperar esta historia de actores culturales que contribuyeron a resignificar la historia del cine nacional.

Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 1058, Santiago de Chile, Casa Central, 19 hrs. Entrada Liberada

Photographic and Audiovisual Archives Working Group (PAAG-ICA)(affiliated to ICA
2ª Jornada de concientización sobre el valor del Documento Audiovisual
27 October 2017
Auditory of the General Nation Archive - Av. Leandro N. Alem, 246
Buenos Aires

red FotoARQ

El Archivo General de la Nación realiza el viernes 27 de octubre la Segunda Jornada de concientización sobre el valor del Documento Audiovisual. La capacitación es abierta y gratuita, orientada a la importancia de la producción audiovisual y su conservación histórica, titulada “Historia, Memoria y Derecho”. El seminario comienza a las 9 en el Salón Auditorio del AGN, Av. Leandro N. Alem 246, y se acreditarán puntos de INAP.
Los documentos audiovisuales, tales como las películas, los programas radiales y televisivos, las grabaciones sonoras y de vídeo, contienen los registros principales de los siglos XX y XXI. Por su capacidad de trascender las fronteras lingüísticas y culturales, atraer inmediatamente la vista y el oído, a las personas alfabetizadas y a las analfabetas, los documentos audiovisuales han transformado la sociedad al convertirse en un complemento permanente de los registros escritos tradicionales. Sin embargo, son extremadamente delicados y gran parte del patrimonio audiovisual del mundo ya se ha perdido irremediablemente a causa de la negligencia, la destrucción, el deterioro y la falta de recursos, competencias y estructuras, empobreciendo de esta forma la memoria de la humanidad. En este contexto, la Conferencia General aprobó en 2005 la conmemoración de un Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual como mecanismo para concienciar a todo el público sobre la necesidad de tomar medidas urgentes y reconocer la importancia de los documentos audiovisuales como parte integrante de la identidad nacional.

Es por esto que el Departamento de Documentos de Cine, Audio y Video invita a participar de este encuentro a quienes se abocan a tareas de comunicación institucional, producción de contenidos audiovisuales, archivos y público en general. En esta ocasión, se desarrollarán diversas actividades que iniciarán con las palabras del Director del Archivo General de la Nación Emilio Perina.

Además, escucharemos las palabras de Mariana Avramo, responsable del área audiovisual del Archivo General, entre otros profesionales de la archivística. En la primera mesa, contaremos con la presencia del documentalista Marcelo Goyeneche, el filósofo Gustavo Varela y los investigadores Ángeles Ceruti y Roberto Martínez.

En la segunda mesa de debate, participan el Archivo Nacional de la Memoria, Florencia Gear y Lucia Albizuri de la Secretaría de Patrimonio Cultural y Alejandro Javier Nigri de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Por la tarde, se brindarán talleres teóricos prácticos previa inscripción.

Informes e inscripciones: cineaudiovideo@mininterior.gob.ar o cineaudiovideoagn@gmail.com
Link inscripciones INAP con crédito
INSCRIPCION: https://sai.inap.gob.ar/inscripcion_web.dhtml?comi_codigo=26070
Departamento de Documentos de Cine, Audio y Video
Archivo General de la Nación
Ministerio del Interior, Obras Públicas y Vivienda
Avenida Leandro N. Alem 246- (011) 4342 6681

Fundación Cinemateca Argentina(affiliated to FIAF
27 October 2017
Sala Leopoldo Lugones, Teatro San Martín
Buenos Aires

Masaki Kobayashi
Reencuentro con un maestro del cine japonés
Diez films en la Sala Leopoldo Lugones

El Complejo Teatral de Buenos Aires y la Fundación Cinemateca Argentina, en colaboración con el Centro Cultural e Informativo de la Embajada de Japón, han organizado un ciclo denominado Masaki Kobayashi, reencuentro con un maestro del cine japonés, que se llevará a cabo del jueves 19 de octubre al jueves 2 de noviembre en la Sala Leopoldo Lugones del Teatro San Martín (Avda. Corrientes 1530). La muestra estará integrada por diez films –muchos de ellos inéditos en Argentina-- en copias 35mm enviadas especialmente desde Tokio por The Japan Foundation. Esta retrospectiva recorre una parte sustancial de la obra de Kobayashi (1916-1996), uno de los realizadores nipones más importantes en la historia del cine de posguerra, incluyendo algunos de sus primeros títulos, nunca antes exhibidos en nuestro país.

Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA
Curso-Taller: Patrimonio y memoria audiovisual
23-25 October 2017
San Luis Potosí
San Luis Potosí

En el marco de la semana de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información de la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, se impartirá el curso-taller: Patrimonio y Memoria Audiovisual: preservación integral videográfica

Este taller es impartido por el M.E. Ubaldo Candia Reyna a estudiantes de las licenciaturas en Gestión de la Información y Gestión Documental Archivística.

Objetivo General:
El curso-taller proveerá a los participantes conocimientos y habilidades prácticas para la valoración del documento audiovisual, conciencia por el resguardo de la memoria y patrimonio de la humanidad; así como los métodos, técnicas y procesos de preservación integral, para dar atención a las necesidades y escenarios actuales de información audiovisual en la sociedad.

Objetivos específicos:
* Concientizar sobre la importancia de la memoria y patrimonio audiovisual
* Identificar los documentos audiovisuales y las entidades que trabajan a favor de ellos.
* Conocer las etapas de la preservación integral del documento videográfico.
* Considerar el derecho de autor y su importancia sobre la obra audiovisual.

1. Patrimonio y memoria audiovisual
1.1 Definición, objetivo e importancia

2. Documentos Audiovisuales
2.1 Tipología y características

3.1 Origen y desarrollo histórico
3.2 Día Mundial de Patrimonio Audiovisual
3.3 Memoria del Mundo

4. Consejo de Coordinación de las Asociaciones de Archivos Audiovisuales (CCAAA)
4.1 Federación Internacional de Archivos Fílmicos (FIAF)
4.2 Federación Internacional de Archivos de Televisión (FIAT / IFTA)
4.3 Asociación Internacional de Archivos Sonoros (IASA)
4.4 Consejo Internacional de Archivos (ICA)
4.5 Asociación de Archiveros de Imágenes en Movimiento (AMIA)
4.6 Asociación de Archivos Audiovisuales del Sudeste de Asia y el Pacífico (SEAPAVAA)
4.7 Federación de bibliotecas audiovisuales comerciales (FOCAL)
4.8 Asociación de colecciones de sonido grabado (ARCS)

1. Preservación y valoración del documento videográfico
1.1 Formato y soporte Videográfico: Concepción, tipos y características.
1.2 Rol del profesional de la información
2. Etapas de la preservación integral del documento videográfico
2.1 Diagnóstico
2.2 Identificación
2.3 Adquisición
2.4 Inventario
2.5 Catalogación y clasificación
2.6 Digitalización
2.7 Acceso

1. Fonoteca Nacional
1.1 Mapa sonoro de México
1.2 Sonidos en peligro de extinción
1.3 Red Nacional de Fonotecas
2. Fototeca Nacional
2.1 Catalogo
3. Cineteca Nacional
3.1 Catalogo del Acervo bibliográfico
3.2 Acervo Hemerográfico
4. Canales de difusión web
4.1 Youtube
4.2 Vimeo

1. Derecho de autor
1.1 Antecedentes
1.2 Definición y contenido del derecho de autor
1.3 Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor
2. Obra Audiovisual
2.1 Definición y Naturaleza
3. Copyright, Copyleft y otras licencias

Posted by:
Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V.(affiliated to FIAF
Special Screenings in Honour of Eddie Constantine
27 October 2017
Kino Caligari

27th October 2017

Special Screenings in Honour of Eddie Constantine

The UNESCO World Day of Audiovisual Heritage highlights the fact that many audiovisual media are under threat of decay and disintegration. The archives preserve what has influenced and inspired us. Our aim is not only to look into the distance. Eddie Constantine – who would have been 100 years old on 29th October 2017 – spent the final years of his life in Wiesbaden and is one of the city’s most prominent names.

5:30 pm
FRG 1980, 89 min, FSK Certificate: 6 years
Writer and director: Lutz Mommartz
With special guest: Lutz Mommartz, Director

8 pm
FR/IT 1965, 93 min, Original version with German subtitles, FSK Certificate: 16 years
Writer and director: Jean-Luc Godard
Starring Eddie Constantine
With special guests: Maya and Mia Constantine


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Deutsches Filminstitut - DIF e.V. (affiliated to FIAF
Special Film screenings with introduction and guests
27 October 2017
Cinema of the Deutsches Filmmuseum

27th October 2017, 6 pm
Frankfurt/Main: Cinema of the Deutsches Filmmuseum

The Cinema of the Deutsches Filmmuseum in Frankfurt/Main is screening a digitization project for the UNESCO World Day of the Audiovisual Heritage. The screening is supported by an initiative from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media for the digitization of the national Film Heritage. The introduction will offer an overview of the role of digitization work in making film collections available to new audiences.

FRG 1960. Dir.: Wolfgang Staudte
Starring: Götz George, Hans Mahnke, Juliette Mayniel. 102 Min. DCP

Introduction: Winfried Günther

Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, Radio y Televisión, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA
Conmemoración del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual
27 October 2017
San Luis Potosí

La Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí a través de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Información y la Dirección de Radio y Televisión conmemoran:

El Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual
(UNESCO, 27 de octubre, 2005)
“Descubre, recuerda y comparte”

09:00 – 09:30

09:30 - 10:15
Conferencia Magistral:
“Preservación de nuestro patrimonio audiovisual: un compromiso con la historia”
Mtra. Amira Arratia Fernández, FIAT – TVN CHILE

10:15- 11:00
Conferencia Magistral:
“Desafíos y oportunidades de los archivos sonoros en la era digital”.
Dra. Perla Olivia Rodríguez, IIBI UNAM MÉXICO

11:00 - 11:15
Coffe break

11:30 – 13:00 Mesa de ponencias
Moderador: Dr. Juan Escobedo Romero (Facultad de Ciencias de la Información, UASLP)
Mtro. Pedro Antonio Villegas Alférez, (Archivo histórico del Estado de San Luis Potosí).
Mtro. Ubaldo Candia Reyna, (Videoteca de la Dirección de Radio y Televisión, UASLP)
Mtro. Eduardo López Cruz, (Investigador y productor, S.L.P.)

Archivo Nacional de Costa Rica (affiliated to ICA
Celebración del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual
27 October 2017
San José
Costa Rica

Screening of the documentary "Canto a dos Pueblos", and conversation with its director, Carlos Freer, about the beginning of his career as a filmmaker. Mr. Freer produced this documentary in order to record an audiovisual memory of the towns of Arenal and Tronadora, now disappeared under the waters of Lake Arenal.

The activity will take place at 10 a.m. of the 27 of October, in the National Archive of Costa Rica.

For the first time the National Archive celebrates this date. The activity is open to all public.


Proyección del documental  "Canto a dos Pueblos",  y conversación con su director, Carlos Freer, sobre el inicio de su carrera como cineasta. El señor Freer produjo este documental con el fin de dejar registrada una memoria audiovisual de los pueblos de Arenal y Tronadora, hoy desaparecidos bajo las aguas del lago de Arenal. 

La actividad se efectuará a las 10 a.m. del 27 de octubre, en el Archivo Nacional de Costa Rica. 

Por primera vez el Archivo Nacional celebra esta fecha. La actividad es abierta a todo público. 



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Open Society Archives at Central European University (affiliated to AMIA
Amikor Gagarin még iskolába járt
27 October 2017
Open Society Archives at Central European University (OSA)

Az OSA az audiovizuális örökség világnapja alkalmából filmarchiválási előadást és vetítést rendez, ahol egy Budapesten kallódó filmgyűjtemény sorsát és feldolgozását mutatjuk be.
A rendszerváltást követően a Szovjet Tudomány és Kultúra Háza mozijában rekedt 110 propagandafilm, amit Geréb Anna filmtörténész mentett meg az enyészettől. Az OSA Archívum 2016-ban digitalizálta, feldolgozta a filmeket, majd elérhetővé is tette az interneten.

A filmek zöme az 1970-es és 80-as években készült. Ezek a történelem és a tudomány szovjet propagandaverzióját sulykolják: a Szovjetunió maga a földi Kánaán. A filmek a legsablonosabb propaganda narráció mellett az avantgárd és az újhullám formanyelvét használják.

Hogyan és mit látott és láttatott a brezsnyevi években egy szovjet filmkészítő? És mit hallgatott el? Az Amikor Gagarin még iskolába járt című rendezvényen egy eddig kevéssé ismert filmgyűjteményt tár a közönség elé az OSA két munkatársa, Zádori Zsuzsa és Oksana Sarkisova. Hogyan vált a 16 mm-es celluloid filmekből online video gyűjtemény? Kik is ezek a mesterek, a politikai rezsimet kiszolgáló filmesek, és mitől nézhetőek mégis ezek a propagandafilmek?

És kik néztek önként szovjet filmet, pláne propagandafilmet, amikor a pesti Gorkij, a szovjet filmek mozija ásított az ürességtől, s 1973-tól ment a Vígszínházban a Popfesztivál musical változata; Illés, Omega, Piramis, Cseh Tamás, Kex, Syrius, na meg Beatrice koncerteken tombolt az ifjúság? Godard, Antonioni és Ridley Scott filmjeit játszották a mozik! Hogyan nézett ki a Szovjet Kultúra Háza, milyen volt egy vetítés hangulata? Vendégünk Geréb Anna filmtörténész, a gyűjtemény létrehozója és megmentője.



Amikor Gagarin még iskolába járt (szovjet, 1983, színes, magyar hang, 27’)
A 2. világháborús pusztítást követően a Szovjetuniió „főnixmadárként támadt fel. Beköszöntött a béke és jólét kora.” A film a szovjet valóság helyett a vágyálmokat mutatja. A terrort, a pangást, a nyomort, a társbérletek világát, az alkoholizmust és a kényszermunkatáborok valóságát a filmben ne keressük.

Hazám a szeretet varázslatos földje (szovjet, 1981, f/f, magyar hang, 30’)
A „szovjet hétköznapok békés és harmonikus világát” mutatja be a film. Itt, a filmkockákon virágzik a mezőgazdaság, az ipari termelés, a sport és a művészetek. Az egyéni és közösségi fejlődést, na meg a szerelmet támogatja és táplálja a dicsőséges Szovjetunió.

Feldolgozás: Yulia Karpova, Oksana Sarkisova, Zádori Zsuzsanna
Digitalizálás: Krizbai Zoltán
Videó utómunka: Darius Krolikowski
Katalógus szerkesztő: Hegedűs Judit
Webes megjelenítés: Bóné József Gábor, Dani János, Tímári Károly

Ez a bemutató az OSA Archívum audiovizuális gyűjtési akciójának meghirdetése is egyben. Célunk a hidegháború és a létező szocializmus még kallódó amatőr filmjeinek, videóinak és hanganyagainak felgyűjtése, megőrzése, digitalizálása és szakszerű kutathatóvá tétele. Szeretnénk elérni, hogy a fölöslegessé váló mozgókép és hangfelvétel ne a szemétben végezzék, hanem kortörténeti dokumentumként új otthonra találjanak egy kutatható gyűjteményben.

Az OSA Archívum e rendezvénnyel is fel szeretné hívni a figyelmet a szigorú szakmai archiválás és gyűjteménymegóvás fontosságára. Egyben arra is, hogy ez csak fél munka, amennyiben ezt nem követi a megosztás, hozzáférhetővé tétel. Az OSA ezzel az immár online is elérhető szovjet propagandafilm gyűjteménnyel a közpénzből készült filmek, videók és hangfelvételek közösségi megosztásának fontosságára, ingyenes kutathatóságára hívja fel a figyelmet.
A 16 mm-es celluloid filmtekercseket kézbe lehet venni, kesztyűt az OSA ad!


Kinoteka na Makedonija (affiliated to FIAF
27 October 2017
Kinoteka na Makedonija
Republic of Macedonia

This year Kinoteka na Makedonija decided to focus on the future film professionals and to apply the Discover, Remember and Share theme as a strategy to raise their awareness for the importance of archiving and safeguarding their audiovisual works. The idea is to have an open-house day for the film students who will learn firsthand where their works are archived and safeguarded, what are the advantages of depositing their works in a film archive and how is this audiovisual material later shared, discovered and re-discovered by new audience.

Couple of year ago on a panel discussion about the necessity and the growing costs of safeguarding the AV heritage, organized on the occasion for the UNESCO’s World Day of Audiovisual Heritage, the participants agreed that a worrying number of film professionals are not aware of the challenges of archiving the film materials and are not considering the future of their works. This category especially includes the younger generations of filmmakers who grew up in fast-paced world where it is difficult to anticipate the future of one’s audiovisual work once it is released.

The open-house day will foster communication between the film students, our future clients, and the Kinoteka personnel, and introduce the goals, activities, projects and programmes of a film archive dedicated to preserving and safeguarding of the audiovisual heritage for future generations.

'Ulu'ulu: The Henry Ku'ualoha Giugni Moving Image Archive of Hawai'i (affiliated to AMIA, IFLA
Documenting Activism: The Early Days of the Native Hawaiian Movement
05 November 2017
Dole Cannery Theater

As part of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 'Ulu'ulu would like to share our archival film screening "Documenting Activism: The Early Days of the Native Hawaiian Movement" on November 5th at the Hawai'i International Film Festival, a partnership we have maintained since 2013. HIFF is unique in discovering features, documentaries and shorts from Asia made by Asians, films about the Pacific made by Pacific Islanders, and films made by Hawai'i filmmakers that present Hawai'i in a culturally accurate way (HIFF).

'Ulu'ulu preserves the moving image history of Hawai'i to honor the past and ensure its availability for future generations. This year we honor those who courageously documented the early days of the Native Hawaiian movement while recognizing how these images are being used today. We will screen a segment of the documentary "Mo'olelo o ka 'Aina" (1984), produced by KITV, followed by newly preserved raw archival footage from the Protect Kaho'olawe 'Ohana collection.

The Protect Kaho'olawe 'Ohana was a grassroots organization founded four decades ago that brought attention to the island of Kaho'olawe and its importance as a site for Hawaiian traditions. The group fought for the respect of the land and it continues today as an example of Aloha 'Aina.

After the archival film screening there will be a panel discussion with the filmmakers who captured the early movement and discuss how the footage has impacted the next generation of documentarians and activists.

Panelists: Kevin Coates (filmmaker), Stephen Morse (filmmaker), Joan Lander (filmmaker), Matt Yamashita (filmmaker), Janel Quirante (Head Archivist, 'Ulu'ulu)

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"Descubrir, recordar y compartir" el acervo audiovisual de la Cineteca Nacional
27 October 2017

La Cineteca Nacional de México abrió sus puertas en enero de 1974 como la institución encargada de preservar el patrimonio cultural cinematográfico del país. En 2011 dio inicio a un ambicioso proyecto de remodelación y ampliación de sus instalaciones, que incluyó la construcción de un laboratorio de restauración digital, con tecnología de punta, gracias al cual podemos ahora descubrir, recordar y compartir las joyas de nuestro acervo.
Para esta edición del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual se han seleccionado cortos de 1931 a 1985 que narran diversos momentos de la vida en México. La proyección digital inicia con un curioso corto a todo color de 1942: Extravaganza mexicana del pintor jalisciense Juan José Segura. Realizada dos años antes de Los tres caballeros de Walt Disney y cuyos colores se asemejan entre sí.
Los Hnos. Rodríguez presentan, es un corto sonoro de 1931 en el que los Rodríguez hicieron gala de su novedoso invento entrevistando en vivo a estrellas mexicanas como Dolores del Río en el marco del Gran Festival de Caridad de Los Ángeles.
El noticiero Información Gráfica No. 1, de Gregorio Castillo (1937), muestra al presidente Lázaro Cárdenas recorriendo el país, en tren, en auto y a caballo, además de ciertos aspectos de la vida en México como la elección de “La Flor más bella del Ejido” en Santa Anita, o la visita a México del presidente de Filipinas el Dr. Quezón.
Otros cortos que forman parte de la muestra son: Pátzcuaro. Lago de ensueño, de Ezequiel Carrasco (1935) que nos remite a un mundo hoy perdido: el de ese tranquilo lago antes del boom turístico. Iztaccihuatl (filmado en los años 40) proveniente del acervo del Club de Exploraciones de México. Y, [Cordelería San Juan], de 1953, un ejemplo de los cortometrajes publicitarios de la iniciativa privada, que nos muestra el funcionamiento de una empresa henequera en Yucatán.
Y, para cerrar, el Compendio cinematográfico (1985), un recorrido nostálgico por el proceso para hacer cine cuando la película era analógica y las salas tenían enormes proyectores. Un viaje por los oficios, equipos y técnicas que eran necesarios para hacer un filme, desde la idea hasta su proyección comercial.

Entrada libre con cortesías en taquillas


Posted by:
Florian Deterding
Filmmuseum Düsseldorf(affiliated to FIAF
Doublefeature Werner Nekes
27 October 2017
Black Box - Kino im Filmmuseum

On the occasion of the "World Day for Audiovisual Heritage" the Filmmuseum Düsseldorf presents two programs dedicated to the memory of Werner Nekes, who died in January 2017. Nekes was a famous German experimental film director and collector of historical optical objects. Beside his masterpiece "Uliisses", in which he refers to film history and makes film material to a subject of discussion, we screen four of his short-films, co-produced with his wife, director Dore O.

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Slovenska kinoteka/Slovenian Cinematheque(affiliated to FIAF
Celebrating World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2017
27 October 2017
Slovenian Cinematheque

Slovenian Cinematheque, physical and web archive of video and new media art DIVA Station and Ursula blickle Video Archiv from Vienna are celebrating World Day for Audiovisual Heritage with selected screenings on Friday of 27th of October from 7.00pm onwards at the Slovenian Cinematheque.

We will present the new video programme The world is obliged to live you (selection by Anita Budimir/DIVA station) and host Austrian video art (selection by Claudia Slanar/Ursula Blickle Archiv). At the screenings the curators will present the selected video works.

The celebration will conclude with the presentation of the audio-visual project Interface Fractures IV. & V. by Luka Prinčič at 9.30pm.

Kindly welcome. The entrance is free.

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South African Broadcasting Corporation (affiliated to IASA
SABC Television and Radio Archives highlighting their collections on World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2017
27 October 2017
SABC Auckland Park
South Africa

The SABC Television and Radio Archives will be highlighting their collections on national radio and television on the day. They will also create awareness inside the organisation of the importance of the material that is being preserved. The vulnerability of the collections, which is a world-wide issue, will also be highlighted!

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Taiwan Film Institute(affiliated to FIAF
2017 WDAH Event - Presentation of New Restoration
25 October 2017
SPOT Huashan

On the occasion of celebrating UNESCO & CCAAA’s World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, Taiwan Film Institute will premiere its latest digital restoration effort, The Husband’s Secret (1960), a Taiwanese-dialect classic by director Lin Tuan-chiu. The event information is as follows:

■Time: October 25 (Wed), 2017

18:00 Opening Ceremony
19:20 Premiere of The Husband’s Secret
(100min, B&W, Taiwanese audio with Chinese subtitles)

■Venue: SPOT – Huashan
No.1, Sec. 1, Bade Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City
(Map: goo.gl/maps/9apqosxVwfL2)

The same night, TFI will also pay tribute to its generous sponsors of digital restoration projects and donors of artifacts and equipment. The guests and attendees will witness the rebirth of this precious classic, and show support for the preservation of Taiwan’s film heritage.

The Husband's Secret (a.k.a. Wrong Love) is a lesser-known gem of Taiwanese-dialect cinema, a long-forgotten commercial movement that was hugely popular since 1956 until late 1960s. TFI collaborated with Tainan National University of the Arts to digitally restore this film starring iconic actress Chang Mei-yao, who was known for her delicate portrayals of ingenue roles.

Kinoteka Bosne i Hercegovine(affiliated to FIAF
Screening of "Mali vojaki" (Little Soldiers)
27 October 2017
Kinoteka Bosne i Hercegovine
Bosne i Hercegovine

Screening at 7pm.

Bosne i Hercegovine,1967, 83 mins.
Directed by Bahrudin Čengić Bato.
Cast: Stojan Aranđelović Stole, Marija Tocinoski, Zaim Muzaferija...

After the end of WW2 a blonde boy arrives at an orphanage made for the children of Partizans or people being killed in the war. The headmaster knows that the boy's parents were Nazis but conceals that fact from others, fearing violence by vengeful children. He invents the boy's life story, but the other children get suspicious.

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Deutsche Kinemathek(affiliated to FIAF
26-29 October 2017

The festival Film:ReStored will present digitally restored films from seven decades of German film history. The screenings will be accompanied by a conference including presentations and workshops which will focus on preserving film heritage in the digital era. On October 27 - the UNESCO-worldday for audiovisual heritage -  the Association of German Cinematheques will award a prize to cinemas who have been dedicated to programming heritage films and thus keeping film history alive.

Danish Film Institute(affiliated to FIAF
Re-launch of Denmark on Film
27 October 2017
Danish Film Institute

On 27 October 2017 the Danish Film Institute launches a new version of the online platform Denmark on Film. The previous version centered around an interactive map of Denmark, which now contains even more pinned films and clips from Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. New features include a timeline and thematic entries, which provide curated collections on topics such as "The Occupation", "Newsreels", "Historical Films From Greenland", and "Copenhagen 850 years: The Pulse of a City." The site now contains more than 600 films, comprising over 100 hours moving images of Danish history.

Watch the trailer here: https://vimeo.com/238724310

ULTRAcinema Cine Experimental y de Found Footage
Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual México 2017
27 October 2017
FARO Aragón
Ciudad de México

ULTRAcinema Festival de Cine Experimental y de Found Footage presenta un par de programas para unirse a la celebración.

En esta ocasión celebramos el medio, la película, el video, ese hilo conductor de historias cuyo formato sufre con los avances de la tecnología pero al final es el repositorio de nuestra historia y nuestros sueños.


Viernes 27 de Octubre
15:00 hrs.

Broken Tongue, Mónica Savirón (EUA- 2013) 3 min.

Answer Print, Mónica Savirón (EUA- 2016) 5 min.

El Tiempo y la Memoria, Santiago Torres (México- 2016) 22 min.

La Película, Pablo Martínez Zárate (México - 2014) 27 min.


Viernes 27 de Octubre
17:00 hrs.

On the Subject of Extinction. Alonso Yánez (México-2017) 50 min.

Entrada Libre

EYE Filmmuseum(affiliated to AMIA, FIAF
Open Archive days on Oct. 27th and 28th
27-28 October 2017
EYE Filmmuseum Collection Center
The Netherlands

This year, EYE Filmmuseum will hold open days at the EYE Collection Center to the public on the 27th and 28th of October. These two dates mark the celebration of two yearly international archival events: The UNESCO World Day of Audiovisual Heritage (WDAH) and the Home Movie Day, and they also coincide with the local initiative of 24HNoord.

24H Noord is organized by Amsterdam Marketing involving circa forty locations in Amsterdam North, opening their doors to the public. The Home Movie Day is the yearly event celebrating amateur films around the globe. The World Day of Audiovisual Heritage is celebrated every year on the 27th of October and is the official date recognized by the UNESCO to draw attention to the vulnerability of the audiovisual materials.

The motto of the World Day of Audiovisual Heritage this year is: ‘Discover, Remember and Share’. The public is invited to the EYE Collection Centre, to discover how the historical audiovisual material is preserved and made available by the specialists.
As in the past years, there will be a special focus on the historical film machines, this year particularly on amateur equipment and lesser known formats, in conjunction with the Hoe Movie Day. EYE will exhibit some special specimen from the collection, while film collector Gé Aarts will also exhibit and demonstrate some unique machines from his private collection.

The open days provide an opportunity to see and find out more about: acclimatized film depots and their management, scanning, digital formats, restoration and repair of distinct types of damage and color to the film stock, conservation of the paper materials such as posters and stills, unusual and obsolete cinema equipment, etc. It is also possible to have a guided tour about the EYE study, the biggest and most professionally specialized Dutch library on cinema. EYE’s specialists and curators will be present to tell about their work and answer questions.
On Oct, 28th, there will be two additional events related to the Home Movie Day; a celebration of the 95 years of 9,5mm stock and a screening of home movies, in collaboration with the Stichting Amateurfilm and the Dutch Institute for Sound and Vision.

Please note that the activities are free of charge and open to all. Reservation is not required.
The doors are open on Friday 12.30 to 16.30, and on Saturday 11.00 tot 15.00

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Cinémathèque suisse(affiliated to FIAF
Journée mondiale du patrimoine audiovisuel
27 October 2017
Cinémathèque suisse, salle du Cinématographe

Au programme de la Journée mondiale du patrimoine audiovisuel le 27 octobre : La Mort de Mario Ricci de Claude Goretta à 15h. Puis, à 18h30, une série de sujets extraits du Pathé-Revue, un magazine composé de courts sujets documentaires acquis dans le cadre d’un échange avec la Cinémathèque de Toulouse. Cet ensemble est complété par deux films de commande, tournés par des firmes locales dans les années 1930, ainsi que d’un court sujet d’actualité plus folklorique. Et enfin, à 21h, Une femme disparaît de Jacques Feyder. Les séances de cette journée sont présentées par Pierre-Emmanuel Jaques, historien du cinéma, et Carole Delessert, restauratrice à la Cinémathèque suisse.

University of Stirling
University of Stirling Oral History on the Web
27 October 2017 - 30 November -0001
University of Stirling
United Kingdom

For ten years Stirling University Retired Staff Association (SURSA) has been recording audio and video interviews with those who were there from the beginning; a long-term activity which will continue into the future. New university staff, students and their parents probably don’t spend much time imagining what the Stirling campus was like when the first building, Pathfoot, was a huge hole in the ground but Graham Stewart, the well-known Dunblane silversmith, cycled out as a boy with his friends at night to walk the plank placed over it. For Graham and his friends, it was exciting and challenging, like the academic and architectural plans which were developed for this, the only new university in Scotland.
Sir Tam Dalyell’s tale of the choice of Stirling rather than three other competing places as the site of the new university is characteristically witty. The first deputy principal, Fred Holliday, tells us how Stirling broke the mould by admitting students not to a faculty but to the university enabling students to cross academic boundaries. Matilda Mitchell, the first Principal’s PA and the first full-time employee, describes her unorthodox interview and appointment. Peter McEwen, the founding professor of psychology, remembers how he gave the very first lecture.
There are interviews with staff who made this fledgling community work – with administrators, librarians, technicians, cleaners, porters, the first director of the Macrobert Arts Centre and the instructors in the Gannochy Sports Centre. There are also interviews with students old and new, including the initial intake of 1967 and student presidents like Lord Jack McConnell, later First Minister of Scotland. Many were attracted to come to an untried institution by the beauty of the campus, some by the innovative academic structure, and some by the fact that the university was new and that they would be pioneers. The interviews record self-discovery and academic engagement as well as some frustrations and disappointments.
There are lots of interviews about more recent life in the university too – they are all accessible on the SURSA Oral History website at: http://www.oralhistory.stir.ac.uk On visiting the site you will find photographs of the speakers, summaries of what their interviews cover, and video clips of staff and students as well as memorabilia. You can search for particular names or events. The launch is a new beginning at the end of the University’s 50th anniversary, taking the past into the future.

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South African Government Audio Visual Forum
AVF celebrating the importance of archiving
27 October 2017
GCIS Auditorium, Tshedimosetso House, Hatfield
Pretoria, Gauteng
South Africa

The South African Govt (Government Communication Information System) Audio Visual Forum (AVF) will be celebrating the World Day for Audio Visual Heritage on the actual day, Friday 27 October. The AVF consist of all Govt videographers & photographers. It so happened that our last AVF meeting of the year coincided with this historic day.  As the AVF Chair person I decided to place the focus for the day on the importance of archiving. I therefore invited a member of the International Audio Visual and Sound Archives (IASA), Ilse Assmann, to come and address the meeting. I have also invited service providers and suppliers to showcase archiving equipment and systems. Let us continue to discover, remember & share aour audio visual archives.

Cinain - Cinemateca y Archivo de la Imagen Nacional
27 October 2017
ENERC - Moreno 1199
Buenos Aires

Under the slogan "Discover, remember and share" Come and celebrate the World Day of Audiovisual Heritage of UNESCO in Argentina! This event will have thematic panels and presentations by important institutions and professionals of the cinematographic work and especially of the field of audiovisual preservation. We will remember Salvador Sammaritano, an important personality of Argentine cinema having contributed with the audiovisual heritage of our country, who will be remembered with a tribute.

Organized by CINAIN, INCAA and the Ministry of Culture, this event is free and open to the public.

Friday, October 27th
9:00am - 4:00pm
Escuela Nacional de Experimentación y Realización Cinematográfica (ENERC)
Moreno 1199, CP1091AAW
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Posted by:
Felipe M. Retamal
Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola (EQZE)
Anonymous Cinema
26-28 October 2017
Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola / Tabakalera
San Sebastian

Coinciding with the international seminar Stories (and Aesthetics) About Anonymous and Orphan CinemaElías Querejeta Zine Eskola will open up the central warehouse of its facilities and give it the form of a gallery or audiovisual exhibition hall to host an anthological exhibition of anonymous, orphan and amateur films throughout the history of cinema.

The concept of orphan films acquired an academic and creative entity in the 1990s from new approaches to managing film archives. At that time, orphan films simply identified films without copyright or abandoned by their owners or custodians. However, the term gradually widened to include any kind of footage which has been abandoned, found or forgotten for commercial, material, cultural, political and historical reasons:  material in the public domain, home movies, film out-takes, unreleased films, industrial and educational films, clandestine work, ethnographic films, newsreels, censored material, unfinished pieces, fragments of productions from the silent era, archival material, reels found, medical films, short or unusual format films, advertisements, sponsored films, student work and any other ephemeral piece of celluloid. Rick Prelinger, founder of the online Prelinger Archives, understands orphan films as “films that do not have any controlling and censoring parents”, films that are “free to go home when they like without asking permission”, films from which “to rethink many of the unquestioned concepts of film history”.

The Anonymous Cinema exhibition covers all of the different meanings of orphan films: small fragments of films of great interest in the history of cinema (such as material by Edison or American Vitagraph), amateur works with artistic pretensions (such as those made within the Amateur Cinema League in the 30s), film collectibles (such as programmes on the First World War for Pathé Baby), bourgeois-home films made in the heart of the Soviet Union, forgotten practices of the first women enrolled in the Institute of Cinematographic Research and Experimentation in Madrid in the 50s, interventions by artists from found footage (such as the work of Rebeca Baron, Goug Goodwin and Jen Proctor) and the endless stream of material on YouTube.

The programmes that make up this “exhibition of films” are curated by Guy Edmonds, Sonia García López, Clara Sánchez Dehesa, Mirco Santi, Dan Streible, Mark Toscano and Maria Vinogradova and bring together more than 30 films or fragments of orphan films in a time span ranging from 1894 to the current day. The central space of the exhibition will also be occupied by a selection from the long tradition of Basque amateur film.

Posted by:
Felipe M. Retamal
Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola (EQZE)
Stories (and Aesthetics) About Anonymous and Orphan Cinema
26-28 October 2017
Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola / Tabakalera
San Sebastian

Based around the idea of anonymity and the exploration of film archives from this point of view, Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola has convened an international seminar on October 26, 27 and 28 on the amateur cinema, films “without names” and the concept of authorship entitled Stories (and aesthetics) About Anonymous and Orphan Cinema.

The three-day seminar, which is open to the general public, will bring together renowned specialists, curators, visual artists, filmmakers and academics working on orphan films and secrets of the archives.The sessions programmed, which include three screenings in collaboration with the Basque Film Archive and the Film and Audiovisual department of the Tabakalera ​​cultural project, are designed as mixed sessions.

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Ryerson University Library Archives & Special Collections
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage with the Tysall Magic Lantern Slide Collection
27 October 2017
Ryerson University Library

This past summer, the Ryerson Library Archives and Special Collections department received a generous donation of magic lantern slides and projectors from John Tysall. These 19th-century projectors were the entertainment du jour for children and adults, right up until the mid 20th century. To mark the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, Archives and Special Collections will be opening an exhibition of the collection on October 27th and organizing a series of events to share highlights from the collection, invite the public to experience lantern slide shows and discover the history of this pre-cinematic technology. 

Turkish National Commission for UNESCO
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage "It's Your Story, Don't Lose It"
17-19 October 2017
Kadir Has University, Cibali Campus

27 October is accepted as the World Day of AV Heritage by Unesco.
Audio-visual recordings, films, radio and television programs, advertisements as the audio-visual heritage materials belong to the cultural heritage.The preservation of the audio-visual products, works and materials for the future is cruical as they belong to the knowledge and culture accumulation and help to raise awareness in this perspective.
As Turkish National Commission for Unesco we planned a three days event including a conference and film screenings between 17-19 October 2017 at Kadir Has University, Istanbul in cooperation with Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Istanbul and supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Academics, scholars and experts working on the subject of audio-visual heritage and its preservation from Turkey, Serbia, Romania, Italy and England are participating in the conference to share their knowledge and experience. The conference and film screenings are open to students, academics and researchers. The end session of the conference will provide a forum to discuss the topics of the audio-visual heritage and its preservation among the participants and with the audience.
The conference proceedings will be published.

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New York University AMIA Student Chapter(affiliated to AMIA
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
28 October 2017
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts
New York
United States

Come celebrate UNESCO’s annual World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, as we recognize the importance of preserving moving images in all forms! This event will showcase several 16mm short films from the NYPL Reserve Film and Video Collection that embody this year’s theme, “Discover, Remember and Share.”

Coordinated by the NYU Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) Student Chapter, this event is free and open to the public.

Saturday, October 28th
New York Public Library for the Performing Arts
Third Floor Film Study Room
40 Lincoln Center Plaza
New York, NY 10023

Filmmuseum Potsdam
Light and chattering film projectors? - Materiality in the Cinema
27 October 2017
Filmmuseum Potsdam

Although digitally-produced films dominate cinema programs, some filmmakers prefer to shoot on analog film stock. Their work gives rise to new, hybrid forms of expression which defy conventional categorization, and at the same time opens up new ways of perceiving film in cinemas.

In the context of the annual UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, Filmmuseum Potsdam in cooperation with the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF's “Film Heritage” M.A. program will present two films situated between the poles of analog and digital film.

BLACK by Belgian artist Anouk de Clercq is pure cinematic experience: Darkness, light and a story on 35mm. “Dust and scratches will dance in the dark”, the film announces to its audience. Every screening of BLACK is unique: the analog film strip bears the traces of all its former screenings.

Bernd Lützeler's film CAMERA THREAT on the other hand features a variety of formats from digital video through Super-8 right up to 35mm. Dual projection is used to present images not only in succession but side-by-side, superimposed and disordered. In this way, Lützeler explores the relationship between the Indian film industry and its own visual cosmos. The distinctions between all these different formats become apparent not only in their visual aesthetics but also in how the choice of format determines certain methods of filmmaking.

On October 27, both analog and digital film projectors will run simultaneously for the first time at Filmmuseum Potsdam. The filmmakers Anouk de Clercq and Bernd Lützeler will be present for the screenings and will talk afterwards about the significance of different film formats not only in their own respective bodies of work but also in contemporary cinema and culture in general. While digital film is an undeniable part of our current and future heritage, the event emphasizes the importance of historic practices and the use of analog material in contemporary filmmaking. Analog film is alive and continues to thrive.

The evening will be compered by Sophia Wetzke (rbb – Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg).

The UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, held annually on October 27, is a commemoration of the adoption of the “Recommendation for the Safeguarding and Preservation of Moving Images” in 1980. Students of the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF's “Film Heritage” M.A. program have organized the 2017 Potsdam edition to highlight the importance and the plurality of audiovisual heritage.

October 27, 2017, 7 pm
UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2017: Light and Clattering Film Projectors? Materiality in the Cinema
BLACK (Anouk de Clercq, Belgium 2015, silent with English titles, 5', 35mm)
CAMERA THREAT (Bernd Lützeler, India/Germany 2017, 29', Hindi with English subtitles, dual film projection: 35mm & DCP)

Guests: Anouk de Clercq, Bernd Lützeler
Emcee: Sophia Wetzke

Program curated by Elena Hahn, Sophie Krambrich, Laura Reboredo Raposo, Esther Riese

Location: Filmmuseum Potsdam, Breite Straße 1A, 14467 Potsdam
In cooperation with the Filmuniversity Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF (M.A. Film Heritage)

The event will be held in English. The discussion can be translated into German upon request.

VIAA(affiliated to FIAT-IFTA, IASA
De Beeldcapsule 2117 / The Image Capsule 2117
19 September - 27 October 2017

(English version below)

Bekijk meer dan 50 unieke filmpjes over onze vrije tijd. Welke beelden horen absoluut thuis in ons collectief geheugen? Voeg ze toe aan je beeldcapsule op www.debeeldcapsule.be en deel ze met jouw vrienden! De vijf meest gekozen beeldfragmenten worden op 27 oktober 2017 gelanceerd in de ‘Beeldcapsule 2117’.

Met de Beeldcapsule wil het Vlaams Instituut voor Archivering (VIAA) de schat aan audiovisueel archiefmateriaal in Vlaanderen in de kijker zetten en hun relevantie tonen voor vandaag. We delen een vijftigtal unieke archiefbeelden van verschillende media-, erfgoed- en podiumkunstenorganisaties op onze website, waarbij de bezoekers het verleden kunnen instappen. Met 29 partners zoomen we in op het thema ‘Vrije tijd’. De geselecteerde beelden geven niet alleen een beter inzicht in het verleden. De filmpjes leren ons ook iets over onszelf en hoe we onze eigen (vrije) tijd kunnen interpreteren en vormgeven. Samen met onze partners, maar ook met het brede publiek, willen we deze beelden koesteren, tot leven brengen en bewaren voor de toekomst.

Je eigen beeldcapsule samenstellen kan tot en met 22 oktober 2017 op www.debeeldcapsule.be


Watch over 50 unique videos about our free time. Which videos should be part of our collective memory? Add them to your own image capsule at www.debeeldcapsule.be and share them with your friends! The five most selected videos will be launched on 27 October 2017 in the 'Beeldcapsule 2117'.

With the Beeldcapsule, the Flemish Institute for Archiving (VIAA) wants to highlight the wealth of audiovisual archive material in Flanders and show their relevance for today. We share about fifty unique archive videos from various media, heritage and performing arts organizations on our website, allowing visitors to enter the past. With 29 partners, we focus on the theme of 'Leisure'. The selected videos not only give a better insight into the past. The videos also teach us something about ourselves and how we can interpret and shape our own (free) time. Together with our partners, but also with the general public, we want to cherish these videos, bring them to life and save them for the future.

Create your own image capsule until 22 October 2017 at www.debeeldcapsule.be

Movie and Sound Firenze srl(affiliated to FIAF
The magic world of a motion picture lab
27 October 2017
Via della Docciolina, 1

Celebrate with us the 2017 World day for Audiovisual heritage, which will take place on 27 October 2017

Remember, Share and don't forget to reserve :
Movie and Sound Firenze motion picture lab opens the lab doors to take you in the magic world of Motion picture film production and post-production!
we will have also 35mm and 16mm film projection for this special day!

our services:
negative /positive color and B/W processing,
16/35mm sound recording,
color and B/W positive printing,
8/S8/9,5/16/S16/35/ S35mm telecine and scan, S8/16/35mm film recording,
8/S8/16mm to 16/35mm blow up and 35mm to S8/16mm reduction.
Movie and Sound is specialized in photochemical restoration of motion picture film and we have a line of dedicated High End motion picture equipment (BHP, Schmitzer, Oxberry wet gate and optical printer, CTM Debrie, Arri, Lipsner&Smith, Film Lab Color Master, Westrex recorder and dubbers) for all formats.

for reservation please send us a private message. deadline for reservation 20 October 2017

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Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema(affiliated to FIAF
27 October 2017

Celebrating the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema proposes a special session paying homage to Jerry Lewis (1926-2017). THE FAMILY JEWELS, which will be screened in a 35 mm print, is one of the Jerry Lewis/Jerry Lewis films, thus remembering him as the «total film-maker» that he was, besides being the «total comic actor» in the lineage of Chaplin and Buster Keaton. The third and more recent retrospective dedicated by the Cinemateca to Lewis, IN 2015, was named «The disordered order». The first one dates back to the eighties; the second one, which took place in 2006, was named, precisely, «The total film-maker». The junior programme of this month includes two other films from the 50’s starring Jerry Lewis, THE SAD SACK and DON’T GIVE UP THE SHIP.

Filmoteca de la UNAM(affiliated to FIAF
El tren fantasma
27 October 2017
Centro Cultural Universitario, Sala Julio Bracho, UNAM
Ciudad de México

Con el propósito de celebrar el Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual, la Filmoteca de la UNAM presentará el día 27 de octubre a las 18:00 h. en la Sala Julio Bracho del Centro Cultural Universitario de la UNAM, la película silente de Gabriel García Moreno, El tren fantasma. La copia que se proyectará fue restaurada digitalmente en 2015 por la Filmoteca de la UNAM, junto con la música original del Ensamble Cine Mudo del 2015, la cual fue compuesta siguiendo la documentación y estética de jazz-band en Orizaba, Veracruz y la Ciudad de México entre 1921 y 1928, con partituras de época, referencias a música tradicional mexicana y a la música de concierto del siglo XX. Asimismo, se proyectará una cápsula sobre el proceso de restauración de la película.

Gabriel García Moreno fundó en la ciudad de Orizaba, Veracruz, El Centro Cultural Cinematográfico, empresa mediante el cual produjo, entre 1926 y 1927, tres películas de largometraje: Misterio, El tren fantasma y El puño de hierro.
Al no cubrir las expectativas de sus inversionistas, la empresa se declara en quiebra total. En ese momento García Moreno deja las películas en manos del señor William Mayer, tesorero del Centro Cultural Cinematográfico, quien tuvo el acierto de resguardarlas en sus oficinas durante muchos años.
El historiador Aurelio de los Reyes, siendo un joven de 15 de edad, trabajaba como ayudante en el negocio de tabaco de la familia Mayer, pegando sobres de correspondencia con un pegamento hecho de una mezcla de pedazos de película cinematográfica con acetona. Sin embargo, logró percatarse de la importancia de resguardar las latas de las películas El tren fantasma y El puño de hierro, evitando la desaparición de estos títulos.
Hacia la década de los años 60’s, Aurelio de los Reyes hace las gestiones necesarias para que la familia Mayer entregara estos títulos al Mtro. Manuel González Casanova, fundador de la Filmoteca de la UNAM
La historiadora Esperanza Vázquez, al investigar la historia de El tren fantasma, logra ubicar la sinopsis de la película en el Archivo General de la Nación, en donde fue depositada para registro de la obra en 1927. A partir de este suceso, se plantea el darle una coherencia a los rollos existentes.
El tren fantasma se filmó en los exteriores de la ciudad de Orizaba, Veracruz de los años 20, a la manera de los thrillers americanos de la época; desarrolla su historia con una técnica sobresaliente para ese tiempo, utilizando como actores a gente de la alta sociedad de Orizaba. Exhibe imágenes del tren eléctrico con el que se cruzaba desde Esperanza, en Puebla, hasta la entrada al estado de Veracruz, en Maltrata.

Memoriav(affiliated to AMIA, IASA
27 October 2017

On October 27th, the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage will draw attention to the unique value of Audiovisual Documents for the collective memory. Memoriav & the Swiss Commission for UNESCO are coordinating the projects of all Swiss institutions that put their audiovisual archives in the spotlight at this time. Discover the events, planned in Switzerland around this date http://memoriav.ch/wdavh2017/?lang=it 

The British Library(affiliated to IASA
Listen: 140 Years of Recorded Sound
06-31 October 2017
The British Library

The British Library launches a new free exhibition in October “Listen: 140 Years of Recorded Sound” explaining the importance of recorded sound since the phonograph was invented in 1877.

Visitors can: step into listening booths to hear an eclectic mix of sounds from the archive including many rare and unpublished recordings, including a signed disc of James Joyce’s reading of Ulysses alongside a complete set of playable stamps issued in Bhutan; meet 16-year-old Alfred Taylor, whose ‘Wireless Log’ from 1922 can be compared to a modern-day vlog; view items from our rarely-seen collection of players and recorders; immerse in our specially-commissioned audio installation by composer Aleks Kolkowski. And follow our timeline to learn more about key moments in the history of recorded sound. We tell a story of sound recording and explore the importance of sound in capturing history, how radio transformed society in the 20th century and how the way we listen has changed as new technologies have emerged and old ones become obselete.
https://www.bl.uk/events/listen 140 years of recorded sound 

The exhibition is part of a major British Library programme, Save Our Sounds, which will digitise the Library’s sound archive and store the sounds safely so that they can be accessed forever. https://www.bl.uk/projects/save-our-sounds

Accompanying the exhibition, which runs until 11 March 2018, is a Season of Sound, https://www.bl.uk/news/2017/october/season-of-sound-now-open . This series of events will include broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, The Radiophonic Workshop at 60, percussionist Evelyn Glennie, Classic Album Sundays, sound artist David Toop, Audio Adventures, musician Martyn Ware, with more to be announced. And on 26 October, NTS radio will broadcast an hour-long programme featuring rare field recordings of natural sounds from the collection. https://www.nts.live/

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Audio Engineering Society
2018 AES Conference on Audio Archiving, Preservation & Restoration
28-30 June 2018
US Library of Congress National Audio Visual Conservation Center
Culpeper, Virginia

In celebration of World Audio Visual Heritage Day, the Audio Engineering Society will anounce at its upcoming 143rd Convention in New York, the establishement of a scholarship for one or two deserving young archivists from emerging nations to travel to and participate in the 2018 AES Conference on Audio Archiving, Preservation and Restoration to be held June 28, 29, 30, 2018 at the US Library of Congress' National Audio Visual Conservation Center in Culpeper, Virginia, USA.

This conference will present a remarkable opportunity to bring researchers and practitioners together for three days to discuss critical preservation issues and focus on strategies that will support and encourage collaboration and interoperability between industry and the preservation, restoration and archiving communities.

Some important themes will be addressed:
• Physical/object based preservation & material science
• Handling and storage of audio carriers
• New trends in material research
• Preservation by digitization
• Mechanical vs. optical transfer
• Magnetic media
• Digitization, and restoration of historical obsolete disc formats
• Preservation issues for emerging high-end audio formats
• Preserving legacy professional formats
• Multi- track tapes and obsolete digital formats
• Storage and access technology
• Current state and future development of digital archives
• Role of archives in preserving commercial audio
• Meta data
• Aesthetic considerations in digital restoration of historical audio
• Public/Private collaboration for preservation and access
• Considerations for archiving in preserving commercial audio, collaborative
performance, virtual reality, and born digital assets
• Tour of the NAVCC

Our conference committee brings ample experience and industry bona fides within the academic, scientific and professional audio archiving, preservation and restoration communities.
• John Krivit - Conference Chair
• Nadja Wallaszkovits- Co-Program Chair
• David Ackerman- Co-Program Chair
• Brad McCoy- Facilities Chair & Liaison to the Library of Congress
• Bruce Gordon- Conference Treasurer
• George Massenburg- Advisory
• Elizabeth Cohen- Advisory
• Toby Seay-Co-Papers Chair
• Konrad Strauss-Co-Papers Chair
• Rebecca Feynberg - Marketing & Promotions Chair

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North West Film Archive, Manchester UK(affiliated to FIAF
Dawson City: Frozen Time
27 October 2017

This screening's been a long time coming.  Lost for half a century, 500 films were discovered buried under a sub-arctic swimming pool in a remote part of Canada.  Dawson City: Frozen Time is a feature film that quite literally pieces together history and features rare footage from the early silent era.  Filmmaker Bill Morrison joins us with archivists and conservation specialists for a post screening insight into this scrupulous and fascinating process.

The screening is one of the events which marks the 40th anniversary of the North West Film Archive in 2017.  The NWFA is part of Manchester Metropolitan University - a member of FIAF - and one of the network of UK regional and national film archives.

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FOCAL International(affiliated to AMIA, ARSC, FIAF, FIAT-IFTA, FOCAL International, IASA, ICA, IFLA
Professor Vanessa's Performing Wonders of Entertainment and Film 1895-1920
26 October 2017
The Cinema Museum

This year the Jane Mercer Memorial Lecture will be celebrating the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage and we are proud to announce that Professor Vanessa Toulmin will be giving the lecture with special participation of Silent Film Musician Stephen Horne.
Professor Vanessa's Performing Wonders of Entertainment and Film 1895-1920, will encourage the audience to "Discover, Remember and Share" .
Prof. Vanessa will show some clips of her 20 favourite early films that enabled discoveries in film history - help people remember the importance of entertainment and by virtue of the archives are now being shared and discovered. With special participation of Silent Film Musician Stephen Horne to accompany the films .
Free to attend! Book your place now! bit.ly/jmml17

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Filmoteca de Catalunya(affiliated to FIAF
El sol del membrillo, by Víctor Erice
27 October 2017
Filmoteca de Catalunya

Filmoteca de Catalunya presents in collaboration with Victor Erice and CAMM CINCO S.L.  "El sol del membrillo", a project that started being a high quality digitalization and ended being considerated a restoration. The result was presented in the "Cannes Classiques" session of the french contest.

The film talks about light and time, for us a metaphor of what we do with films to preserve them in time.
The presentation will be on Friday the 27th at 19pm by Mariona Bruzzo.

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Filmoteca de Catalunya(affiliated to FIAF
Carles Barba, the filmmaker
27 October 2017
Filmoteca de Catalunya

Presentation of the documentary "Carles Barba, el cineasta" by Josep Vidal and the shortfilm "Aspectes i personatges de Barcelona", Friday the 27th at 17pm by Carles Barba himself and Mariona Bruzzo.

A tribute to Carles Barba, author of an entire patrimonial legacy about the catalan society and its contrasts.
And not only a tribute; a new step to let the new generations know his films and all his trajectory.

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IFI Irish Film Archive (affiliated to FIAF
4th Act
26-27 October 2017
Irish Film Institute

In celebration of World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, we present a powerful documentary telling the story of the displacement of a Dublin working class community through the film and video archives of the community itself.

Drawing on hundreds of hours of local material from the past thirty years, the film explores themes of loss, community, hope and defiance as the residents of Ballymun watch their familiar landscape and way of living vanish over the course of two decades. The film shows Ballymun’s iconic high-rise landscape as a space of togetherness, hope, and community activism, but also as a site of anguish and despair.

The screening will be followed by Q&A with director Turlough Kelly and producer Andrew Keogh.

Essex Sound and Video Archive(affiliated to IASA
Sounds in the City
27 October 2017
Essex Record Office
United Kingdom

What does Chelmsford sound like? There is more to the city’s soundscape than traffic and emergency sirens. Join us on a new sound walk event. The morning will include a walk around Chelmsford, where you will learn how to make sound recordings. In the afternoon, you will learn the basics of editing sound recordings at the Essex Record Office. Price: £20

This event will encourage people to discover the diverse heritage around them through paying attention to the varied soundscapes that they encounter everyday; to share their recordings; and to promote the preservation of recordings for future generations.

Visit our website for more information and to book.

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Cinémathèque des Pays de Savoie et de l'Ain(affiliated to FIAF
Improvisation à la caméra et musicalités de la Bolex H 16
27 October 2017
Cinémathèque des Pays de Savoie et de l'Ain

Vendredi 27 octobre à 19h à la Cinémathèque des Pays de Savoie et de l’Ain, dans le cadre de la Journée Mondiale du Patrimoine audiovisuelle, et de l’exposition La machine Bolex, les horizons amateurs du cinéma, nous vous proposons une conférence unique intitulée Improvisation à la caméra et musicalités de la Bolex H 16, présentée par Vincent Sorrel de l’Université de Grenoble.

Johan Van der Keuken a utilisé la Bolex H 16 à la recherche de rythmes à la fois visuels et sonores. Alors que Paillard fabriquait des boites à musiques avant les caméras Bolex, le cinéaste savait-il que la caméra avait été conçue (en 1935) à partir des potentialités d'un instrument de musique mécanique ? Influencé par le jazz, il sculpte le temps sur des principes de coupes, variations, ruptures, saccades…). Des extraits de ses premiers films réalisés pendant les années 1960 nous permettront de voir et d'entendre mais de manière a-synchrone les analogies qu'il a faites entre la caméra et l’instrument de musique, identifiant l’improvisation comme le principal enjeu du cinéma documentaire.

Vincent Sorrel est chercheur FNS junior à l'Université de Lausanne et il enseigne la pratique du cinéma documentaire à l'Université de Grenoble-Alpes. Il a co-écrit avec Jean-Louis Comolli l'ouvrage Cinéma, mode d'emploi, paru chez Verdier en 2015.

Durée 1h environ - Entrée libre - 37 places - réservation conseillée au 04 50 23 51 09 ou à contact@letelepherique.org

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27-28 October 2017
Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 17

La Filmoteca de València celebrates the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage with the purpose of highlighting the important work of film archives to ensure the safeguard of moving images. This year, we pay homage to Segundo de Chomón. Prominent figure of the first years of the history of cinema, he was one of the outstanding technicians of Pathé Frères. Specialist in tricks and special effects, he contributed to the consolidation of film language, linked to magic and fantasy. On 27th October we will screen a program of films directed by Segundo de Chomón and preserved by our colleagues from FILMOTECA DE CATALUNYA, who have lent us the copies for the occasion. The program, which will be screened also on 28th October, will be accompanied by live music. Free entry.

Los héroes del sitio de Zaragoza. 1903 / L’hereu de can Pruna. 1904 / Ah! La barbe. 1905 / Le Roi des dollars. 1905 / Les Cent Trucs. 1906 / Le Courant électrique. 1906 / L’Antre de la sorcière. 1906 / Le Spectre rouge. 1907 / Ki ri ki, acrobats japonais. 1907 / L’insaisissable Pickpocket. 1908 / El hotel eléctrico. 1908 / La Légende du fantôme. 1908 / Le Théâtre électrique de Bob. 1909 / Le Petit Poucet. 1909 / Voyage sur Jupiter. 1909 / Superstición andaluza. 1912 / Le Pied du mouton. Albert Capellani. 1907

Vermont PBS & The Vermont International Film Festival
Vermont Archive Movie Project Shorts & Database Launch
20 October 2017
Main Street Landing Black Box Theatre
Burlington, VT

The Vermont International Film Festival presents, in partnership with Vermont PBS, the launch of the Vermont Archive Movie Project (VAMP) online database – a searchable website of Vermont films past and present.

The program will include:

Doris Eddy
USA | 1986 | 16mm | 22 min
Directed/Edited/Produced by Deb Ellis
* Ellis will be in attendance *

Recently remastered and digitized by VTIFF as part of its VAMP (Vermont Archive Movie Project) Program.
An intimate portrait of a Vermont woman who lived on her farm in Middlebury with fifty horses. Eddy, who was born on the farm in 1918, inherited the farm from her father in 1956 and turned it into one of Vermont’s first riding schools.

The Restoration Project
Directed/Edited/Produced by Jesse Kreitzer
USA | 2017 | 6 min
* Kreitzer will be in attendance *

A film about the restoration of Kreitzer’s father’s 8mm movies.

Ruth Stone material
Extract from digitized and re-mastered material
Introduced by Nora Jacobson

VAMP Online Database
VTIFF and VT PBS will present the new public interface of the searchable database.

A River of Milk
Produced by Vermont Educational Television in cooperation with the UVM Extension Service.
Writer-Director – Garry Simpson; Cinematographer – Lou Phillips:
Broadcast premiere: December 19, 1972 | 27 min
Awards: National Broadcast Media Award, Silver Award from the International Film and TV Festival of New York 11/73, Red Ribbon Award from the AAACE annual motion picture contest 5/73

The film documents the changes in Vermont dairy farming over the past 100 years and was shot all over the state.

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National Film Center, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo(affiliated to FIAF
Special Screening of Dersu Uzala: Reviving 70mm Screening
07 October 2017
National Film Center, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo

In celebration of UNESCO World Day of Audiovisual Heritage, National Film Center, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo presents “Special Screening of Dersu Uzala: Reviving 70mm Screening.” Even though 70mm screening was popular from the 50s to the 70s, cinemas with 70mm projection no longer exist in Japan. National Film Center has arranged to inspect and to project our 70mm films and we are pleased to have the very first 70mm screening at National Film Center since our opening in 1970. Through the screening of our 70mm collection Dersu Uzala (Dir. Akira Kurosawa, 1975), we hope to share with the audience the importance of archiving film culture.

Kingston School of Art
Opening Up the Archives to Student Filmmakers
18 October 2017
BFI Southbank

The BFI, Learning on Screen and Kingston School of Art are supporting a workshop exploring the creative reuse of archive material in higher education, in a morning session preceding the annual BFI Student Open Day. The event will launch a new scheme providing student filmmakers at UK universities with access to archive material from the BFI National Archive and will be beneficial to students and educators interested in working with archive content on course-related film and media projects.

The new scheme follows a successful pilot at Kingston University earlier this year, where 12 films from the BFI National Archive were creatively reused to inspire student video essays and short documentaries under an educational license. The pilot is discussed in a recent article in Learning on Screen’s Viewfinder magazine: http://bufvc.ac.uk/articles/opening-up-the-archives

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Cinemateket - Norwegian Film Institute(affiliated to FIAF
Film heritage documentaries at Cinemateket Oslo
11-31 October 2017

On the occasion of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, Cinemateket Oslo will screen three new documentaries dealing with film heritage issues and contemporary cinema culture:


CINEMA FUTURES (Michael Palm, 2016):


The “digital revolution” reached the cinema late and was chiefly styled as a technological advancement. Today, in an era where analog celluloid strips are disappearing, and given the diversity of digital moving picture formats, there is much more at stake: Are the world’s film archives on the brink of a dark age? Are we facing the massive loss of collective audiovisual memory? Is film dying, or just changing? Cinema Futures travels to international locations and, together with renowned filmmakers, museum curators, historians and engineers, dramatizes the future of film and the cinema in the age of digital moving pictures.


With Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan, Tacita Dean, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, David Bordwell, Tom Gunning, Jacques Rancière, Margaret Bodde, Paolo Cherchi Usai, Nicole Brenez, Michael Friend, Greg Lukow, Mike Mashon, and many others. 


DAWSON CITY (FROZEN TIME) (Bill Morrison, 2015)


"The thrilling documentary Dawson City: Frozen Time is indescribable not because it's ambiguous (it's totally straightforward) but because it does so many things so beautifully it is hard to know where to begin." - Los Angeles Times


66 KINOS (Philipp Hartmann, 2016):  


Philipp Hartmann made a film, toured the German cinema scene with it and made that into a film too: an overview of an eclectic mix of cinemas all run by cinephiles. Shared love entails shared suffering: every Kino is under threat.

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Croatian State Archives/Croatian Film Archive (affiliated to FIAF
World Day of Audiovisual Heritage 2017
26-27 October 2017

Croatian State Archives/Croatian Film Archive will mark the World Day of Audiovisual Heritage 2017 in cinemas throughout Croatia by screening of the first digitally restored Croatian feature film The Birch tree.

The Birch tree was filmed 50 years ago in Draganić near Karlovac and, as part of the celebration of the world's audiovisual heritage, we will also organize an exhibition of the backing film material in Draganić elementary school. As part of the exhibition, it will be possible to listen to sound records with memories of the inhabitants of this area, that worked as extras in The Birch tree.

In co-operation with the Croatian Film Directors’ Guild, the Croatian State Archives / Croatian Film Archive is organizing the Croatian Film Heritage Conference. It will include a wide range of topics on the protection and preservation of the Croatian film heritage, its potentials for development and the European practices in this area.

We will also mark the 30th death anniversary of Oktavijan Miletić, pioneer of Croatian author's film, by an exhibition and screenings of documentary films.

Finally, we will present The FIAF Moving Image Cataloguing Manual, the first translation of a manual for processing audiovisual material into Croatian language.


Bundesarchiv(affiliated to FIAF
Filmothek - German History and its Digital Memory in Moving Images
27 October 2017
Zentralbibliothek, Hühnerposten 1 (Eingang Arno-Schmidt-Platz), 20097 Hamburg

Search and Discover German History – Films from the German Federal Archives

The user will be provided with the option to view and research the detailed information of more than 2,300 film works from the period 1945-1998 with a runtime of more than 500 hours. 100 hours of these are already available in HD quality.
Additionally are offered World War I Era footage from the German Federal Archives Collection as e.g. Official footage, War newsreels and War bond propaganda films.

In addition there is offered access to Federal German newsreels and works that had been commissioned by the Federal Press Office between 1945-1998. Among them are:

Newsreels (Welt im Bild, Welt im Film, Neue Deutsche Wochenschau, Die Zeit unter der Lupe, UFA-Wochenschau, El Mundo)
Deutschlandspiegel and other Federal Press Office magazines and documentaries

Within the introduction of the Filmarchives and filmothek the copyright situation and their cosequences for streaming and download will be a main topic.

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Hong Kong Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF
Film Screening: "Center Stage"
27 October 2017
Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
Hong Kong

In celebration of UNESCO's "World Day for Audiovisual Heritage", the Hong Kong Film Archive is presenting Stanley Kwan's Center Stage (1992), a 2K digital copy scanned from the inter-negative and sound negative loaned from Fortune Star Media Limited. About half an hour longer than the originally released version, this 155-minute director's cut will allow audiences to savour this internationally renowned work that won Maggie Cheung the first Silver Bear award for a Hong Kong actress, in all its nostalgic splendor and historic charm.

Director Stanley Kwan subverts the biopic genre with this 1990s classic, which traces legendary 1930s Chinese screen diva Ruan Lingyu's ascent to fame and her fall from grace. Featuring an elegant performance by Maggie Cheung as Ruan, the film breaks down the glossy façade to reveal the complex woman behind the screen. It's also a fascinating trip into the golden era of Shanghai's once-illustrious film industry – often compared to Hong Kong cinema's own golden era – showing some of its most prominent figures through Ruan's eyes. In a surprising dialectic twist, Kwan cuts into the film's core narrative with black-and-white interview footage of his actors speaking about their characters, real footage of Ruan's works and behind-the-scenes footage from Kwan's set. An enlightening examination of the bond between life and art, this 155-minute director's cut is a testament to Hong Kong cinema's creative power.

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Kansallinen audiovisuaalinen instituutti(affiliated to FIAF
Prix de beauté
27 September 2017
Cinema Orion

The luminous and photogenic film star Louise Brooks (1906-1985) has been a symbol for the preservation of film heritage for generations. Thanks to the efforts of Henri Langlois at La Cinémathèque française her classic films Die Büchse der Pandora and Tagebuch einer Verlorenen were preserved in the critical period of the 1930s and 1940s when much of the Golden Age heritage of Weimar cinema was destroyed. At George Eastman House Louise Brooks became an incarnation of the magic of the cinema. She was even buried in Rochester, and George Eastman Museum has brilliantly restored Beggars of Life, one of her finest films. Cineteca di Bologna has restored Prix de beauté, the last European film of Louise Brooks, a celebration of beauty and a meditation on its transience. Not forgetting that Brooks herself was a brilliant film historian, essayist and memoirist.

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Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision(affiliated to AMIA, FIAF, IASA, IFLA
A Celebration of UNESCO’s World Audiovisual Heritage Day
27 September 2017
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision, 84 Taranaki Street
New Zealand

To mark UNESCO’s World Audiovisual Heritage Day, Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision have created a new compilation of recently preserved, and rarely seen films and audio recordings that tell some of Wellington’s many fascinating stories.

See the fairground rides at the Wellington Winter Show in the 1950s, take the cable car to Victoria University in the 1960s, notice the interest a visiting elephant seal generates at Oriental Bay, check out the changing fashions of Cuba Mall during the 1980s and see rare footage of inside the iconic Matterhorn café.

Content in the program ranges from amateur to professionally made film including from local film makers, Hilda Brodie-Smith, George Stucki and Cyril Townsend.

This event is part of Wellington City Heritage Week. There are over 20 community hosted events throughout the city between 23-29th October that showcase the city’s identity and culture. See more events at: wellingtoncityheritageweek.co.nz

National Film and Sound Archive of Australia(affiliated to FIAF, FIAT-IFTA, IASA
Digital Directions: The User Experience
19 October 2017

The third annual Digital Directions symposium brings together thought leaders, policy makers and key players in the GLAM (gallery, library, archive, museum) sector to work through the big picture issues surrounding the digitisation of cultural collections.

This year we turn our focus to the users of digital collections. We ask how collecting institutions can better facilitate access to the educators, researchers and creators served by the GLAM sector. We also showcase the institutional innovators in user-centric research and design.

Delegates will hear from experts from diverse institutions such as the National Archives of Australia, the National Library of Australia, Microsoft, GovHack, DigitalNZ, the University of New South Wales, the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, the Australian Network for Art and Technology and the Strehlow Research Centre.

Program and speaker details: https://www.nfsa.gov.au/about/our-mission/digital-directions-2017

Delivered in partnership with the National Archives of Australia and the National Library of Australia.

National Film and Sound Archive of Australia(affiliated to FIAF, FIAT-IFTA, IASA, IFLA
NFSA Restores: Shame
26 October 2017
Arc cinema

NFSA Restores is an exciting program to digitise, restore and preserve, at the highest archival standards, classic and cult Australian films so they can be seen on the big screen in today’s digital cinemas.

CIFF is proud to present, on World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, the digital restoraion of Steve Jodrell's Shame (1988) as part of NFSA Restores. Special Festival Guests, Simone Buchanan, Steve Jodrell and Michael Brindley will be present for Q&A after the screening.

Synopsis: A motorbike-riding barrister is stranded in an outback town where she finds women being violently abused and gang-raped by men who are getting away with it, unimpeded by the local police or the town’s citizenry. Provoked by the injustice, she takes matters into her own hands. Deborra-lee Furness gives her best in a strong, provocative role. The fine screenplay by Beverly Blankenship and Michael Brindley is backed by Steve Jodrell’s high-powered direction, to transcend the action genre and deliver an iconic work of feminist cinema that has won awards and followers around the world. Excellent support comes from Simone Buchanan as a young woman who gains the courage to fight back.


TIFF(affiliated to AMIA, FIAF
UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage: Rear Window
25 October 2017
TIFF Bell Lightbox

As a member of FIAF (the International Federation of Film Archives), TIFF actively acquires 35mm prints in order to both preserve and present films in their original format. To mark the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Heritage, an annual event which aims to raise awareness of the need for film preservation
and the conservation of our audiovisual heritage, we are proud to present a free screening of this exquisite IB Technicolor print of Alfred Hitchcock’s classic thriller "Rear Window".

George Eastman Museum Preservationist Anthony L'Abbate joins us to discuss the Technicolor dye-transfer process prior to the screening.

Free Screening at 6:30pm

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Croatian State Archives/Croatian Film Archive(affiliated to FIAF
The Croatian film heritage conference
26-27 October 2017
Croatian State Archives

 On the occasion of the 2017 World Day for Audiovisual Heritage Croatian State Archives/Croatian Film Archive and the Croatian Film Directors’ Guild organised the Croatian film heritage conference.

The conference include a wide range of topics on the protection and preservation of the Croatian film heritage, its potentials for development, and the European practices in this area.

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Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen(affiliated to FIAF
Film:ReStored 02
26-29 October 2017
Deutsche Kinemathek /Kino Arsenal

The film heritage festival “Film:ReStored” will take place for the second time at the Filmhaus on Potsdamer Platz from October 26‒29, 2017. It is organized by the Deutsche Kinemathek on behalf of the Deutscher Kinematheksverbund (association of German cinematheques). The festival dates have been scheduled to correlate with UNESCO’s “World Day for Audiovisual Heritage” on October 27, 2017, which is the same day that this year’s Kinopreis des Kinematheksverbundes will be awarded.

The four-day festival “Film:ReStored_02” premieres digitally restored films. Associated lectures and workshop talks will devote themselves to questions surrounding the digitalization of film heritage. This year, copyright holders and authors ‒ as partners and participants of the digitalization projects ‒ are the focus of the debates. Archives would only be able to advance the digitalization of film heritage in a very limited way without the cooperation of the license holders. Contact points between archives and active copyright holders are diverse. The source materials are stored in the archives and the technical expertise required for dealing with the historical film material can be found there as well. However, without the consent and support of the copyright holders, these resources pertaining to archival works can only be conditionally used and further developed.

Where do the objectives and means of archives and license holders overlap during the digitalization of film heritage? The integration of living copyright holders and authors (for example directors and camera crews) into the digitalization process, can be extremely valuable for treatment that is true to the original, but it can also produce areas of friction. The desire for a creative revision, for instance, may be opposed to scholarly or archivist standards. Then again, making different versions could also be a way to do justice to divergent requirements. Can common guidelines or a “happy medium” be found?

The Swedish Film Institute, Cinemateket(affiliated to FIAF
World Day for Audiovisual Heritage: Images of the Sami
27 October 2017

This year Cinemateket will focus on one of Sweden's national minorities, the Sami.
In Swedish film history the Sami have been absent or featured as background material, but there has been exceptions. Films that wanted to document and show the Sami way of life. We will screen three of these.

Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive(affiliated to AMIA, FIAF
Recent Acquisitions by Women Directors
27 October 2017
IU Libraries Screening Room
Bloomington, IN

To celebrate the international World Day of Audiovisual Heritage as well as the worldwide film viewing party Directed by Women, the IU Libraries Moving Image Archive presents a screening of recently acquired movies by women filmmakers. This eclectic mix of films will include travelogs showing the exotic destinations of the 1960s Jet Age, footage of scientific studies of infant development from the 1930s, domestic scenes from Bloomington and Indianapolis, and melodramatic training films for nurses from the 1970s.